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Does this sound like ALS

I wanted to post to see what people thought. I have read many conflicting posts.

I gave birth to our child and about five weeks later I started to feel some numbness on my left calf and mid back when bending forward. I noticed I had dropped my phone a few mornings before now looking back. Numbness on leg progressed. I can still feel but it feels off. I noticed I would drag my foot some when walking, going down stairs was difficult and I seemed weak when walking.

I went to the doctor who ordered an MRI of brain and lumbar spine and referred me to a neurologist.

I had an MRI of my cervical and thoracic spine as well about a month or so after symptoms appeared.

I had nerve shock in my feet when going down the stairs. I have nerve shock in my wrist sometimes when picking up kids. I had nerve shock on side of neck when turning it. Nerve shock in feet when getting out of bed in the morning and hands fall asleep a lot at night. Hands feel crampy and weak in morning.

The neurologist did an exam and said possible hyper reflexes on my left arm and when she said that I realized that arm was feeling different. During this time I could tell my fingers felt off and it was more difficult to change diapers and feed baby baby food. I noticed I was clumsier too and dropping light weight things easier. She said my legs were a little weaker too on exam but all other reflexes normal and able to heal and tip toe walk and toe to heal wall etc.

The neurologist did an EMG in her office and it came back clear besides a possible mildly pinched nerve on my left side.

Fast forward numbness continued but strength got somewhat better with exercise and tightness relieved with exercise like walking in the neighborhood. Could go down stairs easier after six months of onset of symptoms but numbness on legs, and mid back persist. Still do not feel as strong as I use to be.

Six months after symptoms twitching started all over body. It lasted for two weeks on an eye lid, still have a twitch on my right elbow, twitched on a calf one whole day, and other places. The twitches have slowed down but are present still. After the twitches were present for two months I was send for another EMG and MRI.

Neurologist sent me for another EMG and MRI (nine month post symptoms beginning). I had an MRI of brain, cervical, and thoracic spine all normal. Had an EMG done by someone who only does EMGs for muscular problems and came back normal and did have any twitches show up. Neurologist tested reflexes and said everything was normal didn’t act bothers by when she said one was hyper said they look normal now. Tested strength and said I was strong.

Lost 15 pounds during this time but am breastfeeding and I started eating extremely healthy and was put on a special diet from a functional medicine doctor. I’m not on the diet much now but still try to eat healthy.

Now I feel weaker but can still pick up my children. I feel like my fine motor skills are not as good but can still accomplish everything. My legs get tired going up the stairs or if I go up and down too much. I am very worried about the tired shaky feeling on legs.

I felt like my eye sight wasn’t as good and went to a neuro ophthalmologist who said I just had dry eyes. He did an OCT test and field test that were normal.

I have been tested for auto immune sieases, vasculitis, vitamin deficiencies (low b12 but still in range but have brought up and low vitamin d which was brought up) , tested for heavy metals, diabetes, thyroid problems (had half of my thyroid removed a few years ago but all was in range), CK test was in normal range, negative for Lyme

I feel like I sometimes slur my words but no one has noticed that more like my mouth is moving faster than the words can be formed.  I feel like my voice wasn’t as strong but that has improved and I do not have that anymore. My main symptoms now is the numbness on feet, legs, back, hands sometimes and arm (I can still feel with this “numbness” everything it’s more just an altered sensation). I feel like I have less strength in legs. I was so scared about MS but every MRI has come back clear and twitching isn’t a sign of MS.

I have another neurology appointment tomorrow but not sure if I should ask to see a neurologist who works more with muscles. She specializes more in MS and other things. She did have me have my second EMG done by someone else though bc I think she wanted a second opinion. I have read that some people have symptoms with clean EMG’s and then all of a sudden a few years later are diagnosed with ALS. Is that common? Can you think of anything else this could be?

Thank you.
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