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1211508 tn?1343079605

Months of no PVCs, then all of a sudden they are back!!

I went about 1 year with very limited PVCs (the occasional one here or there).  Now all of a sudden, they are back again.  And the worst part is I can tell when they are about to it.  Something just doesn't feel right and sure enough, they come.  I can't put my finger on it.  According to my EP and Cardio I'm fine and they are considered benign.  What irks me is when I asked my cardio about times when they are almost non existent and he says that I'm probably having as many just not feeling it.  He's dead wrong.  I can feel each and every one, and I was able to prove this while being hooked up to an EKG.  He (my cardio) also says "cut back on caffeine, blah blah."  I don't drink caffeine and I have done nothing different right now than 1 week ago yet they are back, and when they are back they come in numbers.  So wtf is going on???  The funny thing is in "good times" (PVC free period) I can drink coffee or do all the things that are supposed to trigger PVCs, and yet I get none.  Yet in bad times I avoid all known causes to PVCs and I will get them anyway.  For the record I take daily vitamins including Mg (250mg), Omega 3, try  to drink 20 ounce of V8 a day (high in potassium), am not on meds.  My routine is the same throughout the year and yet some months I'm fine, other times I'm plagued w/PVCs.  I just want to know what the F is going on/causing them and also to know one thing....is this REALLY "normal," or I should say benign??????

21 Responses
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Funny thing it happened to me the skips a lot. But for me it occurred as I went off my Magnesium so when I thought about it and went back to it I couldn't believe how it helped. the past two months since then I had 2 episode that
where very uncomfortable.  It is no way to say that its a cure but it helped me for now until
I get my Multaq, which I'm hesitant about. All in all check with your doctor. Feel better!
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V8 is not good too much sodium fish oil caused PVCS with me no harm to stop V8 and fish oil
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FYI, the Low Sodium V8 variety  is higher in Potassium and lower in Sodium, so that is a better choice.    
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Just want to give all a heads up   I posted about PVCS That they returned after five years without any if any one has been put on meds for PVCS my Doctor put me on a combo of KLOR-CON20MG, METOPROLOL SUCC ER25 MG, FLECAINIDE 50 MG TWICE A DAY I FOUND OUT ALL THE MEDS WERE CAUSING MORE PVCS I STOPED ALL MEDS WENT BACK ON LINSINAPROL 10MG AND HAD EKG YEATERDAY HADN NO PVCS ALOT OF MEDS FOR PVCS CAUSE PVCS CANT FIGURE IT
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Could be anaemia I suffer with skipped heart beats when my iron is low it drives me crazy
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Hi James! Hi! I know it’s been a long time since many people on this blog have written or checked in. I wanted to share my experience and say that we all seem to have a lot in common. I too have been dealing with off and on PVCs since I’m my 20’s and I am now 45. It’s very frustrating to be told it’s just stress or something like that because they come on when I’m not feeling stressed. In fact I’ve tried finding a pattern out trigger for 20+ years with no luck. I’d even go months to even a couple of years without them until COVID…
I was on the study for the vaccine. My symptoms came on with a vengeance after my first dose. The study folks said it wasn’t related (how could they be so sure!?) my cardiologist was interested in the thought. I am a nurse and am well aware that COVID causes system inflammation whether it is respiratory, GI or perhaps cardiac! I’m convinced inflammation is the cause whether it’s from exercise, stress, diet or… illnesses. Perhaps even allergies or autoimmune issues. Finding or triggers is the hard part.
I too see no changes with caffeine or no caffeine and I only have a of 2 cups a day. My cardiologist said it takes a lot to be the cause.
As for the leaking valve, I have one too. It seems many of us on here do. I think maybe a heat chamber could over-fill slightly and cause the triggering of a premature beat. It’s the full chamber that could cause pressure on the phrenic nerve which runs down the back of the heart to our diaphragm where a cough is stimulated. This could explain those of us who feel an urge to cough with our PVCs.
Anyway… beta blockers help me but my resting heart rate is Larry low to begin with and they drop me to the 40’s and 30’s when I sleep. I stopped them when I got dizzy and almost passed out. I’m going to take them just when needed. Magnesium didn’t seem to help me but I may try them again.
Anyway… we are definitely not alone. Thanks for sharing!!!
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OMG,  so I know this post is quite old, and hopefully you will see my answer, well not really an answer more just like I so get you. Everything you have said is me to the T. I know doctors are not God, but how many years have people with PVC sees been around, rhetorical question, anyway, we can send man to the moon and send them to the very depths of the ocean, fly people  across the world, but your own cardiologist tells you you're not feeling them
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I found this old thread too. Not sure how many still check it. I'm 45 and all the sudden started experiencing PVCs. I have been overweight for a long long time and recently lost 30 pounds and am continuing to do more. So ironically I'm probably the healthiest I've ever been and now I start experiencing these. I'm healthy otherwise, all my blood work was perfect, perfect blood pressure, very good cholesterol numbers. Because I;ve been working out more and probably lowering my resting heart rate, my doctor thinks this is why I am now noticing the PVCs. I will wear a holter monitor next week for 24 hours and I hope it picks them up because my EKG did not. They are so annoying!
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i am experiencing some of the same. Two and a half months with no skipped beats, Then two weeks ago noticed it happening about once a day.I also know when it happens, I get a funny feeling,that kind of sinking feeling and feel as if I have to catch my breath(momentarily). Today it has happened twice so far.  Back in January Dr. told me potassium was a little lowm, he didn't think low enough to cause the skipped beats but to try having banana and glass of orange juice everyday( which I have been doing,)since I take Enlapril hctz 10/25 once a day for mild hypertension. I was ecstatic the skipped beats stopped. Now they are coming back again. I have to go in for a recheck anyway, and will make an appt. Monday. So far he has only done the blood work,no other tests. Not sure what he will do now, since addition of extra potassium seemed to help for a while. I felt so good until these things came back, once again I wake up each day wondering just when it will happen.  
I too wish someone could tell me why I have these things.
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Sorry, this post is old also, but I just wanted to reply by saying my potassium was low a few weeks ago, only reason I knew this, is because I woke up and could not walk to the bathroom,  I had major vertigo and slid down onto the floor to avoid falling. During this episode I freaked out quite frankly, this was something that had never happened to me before, I couldn't even lift my head up off the floor, a panic attack and food and I still couldn't lift my head up off the floor, felt like I was joking  out, and called 911 for the first time in my life!   Interestingly enough, I had no palpitations during this time or in previous month, in fact many months, I would only get the periodic PVC after too much sugar, caffeine, which I rarely drink as I tend to suffer from anxiety as well.  It certainly is very frustrating not knowing what causes the PVC, especially when you have not had them for many months or years even, and then to be having them every day out of the blue. If you have seen my other post above,  it has been suggested that magnesium can help, if you haven't done so already tried doing some research on magnesium to help PVC, I have heard that it works magic and I plan on ordering them tonight !
1298588 tn?1330318981
Hey there! Let me say that I completely relate to what you are going through in every way. Like most people on here it seems, I have days where my skipped heartbeats (PACs rather than PVCs for me) are frequent and recurring, and then other days when there is no trace of irregularity to my heart rhythm, even if I am doing something that has triggered arrhythmia at other times. I know that the more I worry, the worse it gets, so the best thing to do, difficult as it is, is to try to calm down and have confidence that as long as you have been checked out by a doctor, your skipped beats are not going to kill you. On the other hand, reading your posts, I am thinking that it might help if you ate more. Even if you have no appetite, I mean. Appetite is a mental thing, affected by many factors, and does not always reflect the physical needs of your body. Believe me. I've struggled with eating issues for my whole life. My heart rhythm problems actually started after a period of time in which I ate very little and lost a lot of weight. I have since regained most of the weight, and the problems are a lot less frequent and much more manageable. I used to have skipped beats pretty much every day and bad tachycardia as well. Since I have gained weight, I have both conditions much less frequently. However, if I do not eat regularly throughout the day, my PACs are often triggered. It is different for everybody, I know, but for me at least, achieving a healthy weight for my body and feeding myself well has helped keep me on track more than anything else. Like you, I used to feel better when I didn't eat, but not anymore. I know you said your appetite is better now, so maybe try eating more, and see if that helps? I don't know if you're underweight or not: you say you are petite and that you have lost some weight since your appetite has been gone. Either way, food can be a road to healing! Take care and feel free to message me if you want to talk more!!
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I experience the same thing. Months of being PVC free, then bam they can come on strong putting me back in that vicious heart skipping cycle. What I don't understand is what puts us in and out of the cycles. Like you said earlier when I'm not having heart issues I can drink coffee, alcohol, exercise, etc and I'm fine. When the PVC's are on then anything can trigger them and they can be 24/7 for months at a time which is a living nightmare. I also know when I'm about to get them. I just don't feel right. Something is off. I get a lump in my throat and sure enough the skipping cycle begins. It really ***** living this way. I now take beta blockers when the PAC/PVCs are going nuts. What we need to figure out is what is causing us to go in and out of these cycles. Stress is my only guess. I guess some of us are more sensitive to it than others.
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its only those who hv rxpirienced pvcs will understand..i have been having pvcs for over 10yrs, am now 32. i hv run evry heart test u know..only mild tricudpid reguigtn..am dying with them. am on amiadarone n betaloc fot more than a yr now. nothn helps. if i run to dr.'s office..he thinkd am mad and stressed! so i v vowed not to go to er anumore. until when GOd says..u v had enaf
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1979414 tn?1337803349
Hi! Long time no talk, but I've found some answers (well for now). I saw a cardiologist two weeks ago on the 12th. My blood pressure was 104/60, which is lower than it was a week before. I got a heart monitor called a zio patch and it's been recording EVERYTHING for the past two weeks, I get to take it off tomorrow and send it in for evaluation. But I pressed the button every time I felt a PVC or PAC or flutter or pound and was able to record it in the diary provided. After reviewing my last cardio monitor results, my new cardiologist was able to tell me that I have an arrythmia. Which the previous doctor was so generous as to leave out!!! After the evaluation of my monitor she will determine the severity and decide what we're going to do. I have no idea what can be done, I hope that something can be done because I'm still experiencing anxiety along with this. I have not taken any medicine at all and have been progressing with controlling it by myself, which is a definite relief!

I've regained my appetite, more than what it was, and I've been able to keep food and water down. The only problem is, after I eat I feel sick and frequent heart burn even if it's normal food. I may talk to my cardiologist about seeing a gastroenterologist as well. I can't have any type of caffeine at all, it makes my pulse race! I just had sweet tea with lunch today and after the racing hadn't calmed down, I took my pulse which was 120. I have been drinking nothing but water and juice and sprite before that tea today.

Otherwise, everything is great. I explained to my boyfriend what's going on and we looked it up together. He seems to be more understanding now. When I first got the monitor put on me he seemed pretty frightened, I guess he needed hard evidence to believe there was actually something wrong. And when the doctor recommended I get the monitor and not just because I asked, he realized that something is not right. It's been wonderful with his help. I will see my GP next week about what I can do in the mean time without any medications and check my blood pressure again.

I hope all is well for you! And hope to hear from you soon! Have a great evening and thanks for listening!
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Oh that's great to hear Mandy, that you are aware of dependencies to meds and that you prefer to fight this the non-chemical ways.  Your Dr will definitely be able to help you when it comes to cognitive therapy, be it with a group or individual.  Find out what your health care provider offers and get on it if they have options in that area.  Patience is the key.  This is a long and often frustrating battle with setbacks.  But the good news is it CAN be overcome.  Just don't give up!  Significant others that don't have this problem can have a very difficult time dealing with people like us...Lord knows I have the same issues with my wife.  The key is to educate them.  My wife knows a lot about this, though me, and in turn is far more understanding now than she was when it first started.  Your bf needs to be compassionate.  Relationship stress only makes matters worse.   It's vital that you have a good support system, which usually comes from Dr's/therapists, significant others, close friends, family, etc.  Not everyone in your circle needs to know every detail, but you should be able to lean on at least a few close people in your life that will help you in your tough times.

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1979414 tn?1337803349
I keep thinking that, but it's just so hard right now! I haven't taken any of the Xanax. I stopped the Prozac and just feel tired and groggy. I finally received a call back from my doctor and she wants me to come in to discuss further options. I, as well, do not want to take anything that is going to become habit forming. I do know that Xanax is one of the worst and I will only take it in need of emergency. I've only taken about 2 since I've had them in October. I would like to start some type of therapy to deal with this also. I just don't know how to go about that. I can talk to my doctor about that also. I would MUCH rather figure this out and get through this the drug free way but I am not getting any support from my boyfriend. He thinks I am crazy and it's driving him crazy :( it pays a toll on my anxiety as well.
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Well I assure you that better days are ahead...this will pass.  You can take Xanax with prozac but let me caution you about Xanax (as your Dr. should have, but if he didn't you should have a talk with him/her).  Xanax works, BUT it's HIGHLY addictive and controversial even in the medical community.  You should only use it sparingly, i.e. if you are afraid of flying it's ok to take one on a flight, given that you probably do not fly everyday.   If you are a very disciplined person and don't lean on Xanax in stressful times, then take it, but with caution.  I know a TON of people who have become addicted to it and there lives are worse off because of it.  IMO the BEST way to deal with anxieties/panic disorder is through cognitive therapy, which is drug/meds free.  Mother nature is a funny thing and it seems every time you take a pill to relieve something there is going to be a consequence/price to pay.  So just be careful with Xanax or any other meds in the benzo family (valium, ativan, kloponpin, etc).  Again, talk to your Dr. about this and I'm sure he/she will say the same thing...or at least they should.  I know things are tough right now but if you start taking Xanax daily, while you will have relief in the short run, things will only be harder later...much harder in fact.  You can get over many if not all of your anxieties through non-med therapy.  Does your medical coverage/hospital have some sort of group therapy program for people with anxiety?
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1979414 tn?1337803349
I wish that I didn't feel so sick so I could eat. I am starving. I've been sipping on water as much as I can to keep myself hydrated. I hope this passes soon so I'm at a better state of mind for dealing with the PVCs. And I only pray that I will be able to sleep tonight! I've been up since 5am when my panic started and I'm still not even vaguely tired. My doctor asked that I stop taking the Prozac. I am planning on taking one of my 0.25mg of Xanax to help me rest and be panic free, do you happen to know if you are able to mix those 2 drugs? I last took the Prozac yesterday at 10pm. I think I will call my pharmacy if they are still open.
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Oh make sure to stay hydrated and don't starve yourself.  There's no question that dehydration will make the PVCs act up.  Unfortunately for me and many of us just being hydrated won't make them go away (I wish it worked that way) but definitely being dehydration will make them worse.  
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1979414 tn?1337803349
Wow, that is so confusing! I wish there was just an answer for all of this. It's so crazy just sitting around waiting for it to come or not to come. Funny you mention electrolytes and stuff like that because ever since I experienced my first attack I've lost my appetite. If I don't feel good I just won't eat. And I'm becoming full on smaller meals and losing weight when I'm already petite to begin with. Normally 100-112 and right now I'm 104. The attacks have been at their worst this week and I last ate yesterday afternoon. I've had a few sips of water today but I'm really nauseous. So, I am probably somewhere near dehydration which is triggering my irregular heart rhythm which triggers my anxiety which steals my appetite! It's a never-ending process and its exhausting :( my sister thinks I should go to the er. My doctor said stop taking the prozac. And I'm seeing a cardiologist on Thursday. About me feeling dehydrated, since I don't have food and only a small amount of water in me I feel weak and tired I don't even want to get up now. Not to mention the chest pain due to the weakness. Any contributions to this?? Thanks for all of your help! It really makes a difference :)
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Hi Mandy.  Yeah they (PVCs) suck and they make my anxiety WAY higher when I'm having "bad PVC" days.  I've read a lot about these things and it's really hard to figure out what's up.  Too much magnesium can cause PVCs, too little magnesium can cause PVCs....very confusing/hard to know what to do, BUT from what I gather as long as you eat a fairly normal diet and are not taking any meds that are diuretics then our electrolyte levels should be normal--electrolytes being magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, etc. And as for your anti anxiety meds...I'm pretty sure SSRI's like prozac are not diuretics, so it shouldn't be causing an electrolyte imbalance.  The only reason I bring up electrolytes is because they are key to heart rhythms.   It's very possible anxiety or added stress in your life is the cause of the PVCs.  I feel that in my case this is possible though I also suspect there is something else going on, but it's pretty hard for Dr's to tell exactly why healthy/people with normal hearts get these.  I've even read that endurance athletes (such as myself) may go through times of PVCs as the heart adjusts and actually gets "bigger" over time due to the benefits of exercise.  So I've tried all the supplements (calcium, magnesium, etc, etc) and in my experience it didn't do much--either I'm having a PVC free period, which could last for weeks or months, or I'm having a time where I can't get rid of them...and the supplements, whether I take them or not, do not seem to change that one bit.  Confusing I know. LOL  Did that help at all though?  Feel free to ask more questions..seriously.  That's what we're here for.  :)
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1979414 tn?1337803349
Hey James, I am 21 and right on my 21st birthday I started experiencing these and they are awfully annoying and scary. I've been to 2 doctors multiple times, a cardiologist, and the ER. They all say I am fine and that it's a normal side effect to having anxiety. I'd like to say that if it weren't for my heart rhythm scaring the *&%^ out of me, I would have such severe anxiety. But you know that's just how it works. I take a multivitamin (1 a day vitacraves) and I'd like to know what all do you take to help you? Someone told me magnesium and calcium. I am on prozac for anti anxiety but it makes me so dang tired all the time, which contributes to the pvc's. If you have any advice please let me know! Thanks, Mandy.
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1211508 tn?1343079605
Extremely comforting and helpful Rita!!!  Thank you so very much for sharing this with me.  It means a lot and I sincerely appreciate it.   Continued good luck to you w/your battle against these darn things.  :)
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221122 tn?1323011265
HI there.  You sound just like me...and probably a lot of us.  I will go many months feeling like I'm never getting them again, except for the occasional one or very short-lived runs that I can live with easily. Then, out of nowhere, they are back with a vengeance.  I've been doing this for over 25 years and haven't figured it out yet, and I am no dummy.  One thing I see that you do NOT take is Calcium in the AM.  That is responsible for muscular activity so once I added that, things got better again.  

I drink about 3-4 cups of coffee every day with no effect.  Stress is my main trigger and since it generally doesn't trigger them immediately, sometimes I have to think hard to figure out what stressed me...but I can usually come up with something.

I'm just saying that every time this happens to me, I think, "This time is different.  This time doesn't feel right,"  I also know that when I start that way of thinking, they get worse.  If they start up and I say, "They will go away shortly (even if it takes a few days), they let up sooner.  Sometimes, though, they just like to hang out.

Like I said, I'm 54 and this has been my life since I was 19 or so....
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