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Alcohol related chest pain - is this an allergy?

Recently i've discovered certain alcoholic beverages trigger severe heart pain. It feels like extreme fatigue in the heart and arm muscles.  Most alcohols don't bother me. The only drinks i know of that do are smirnoff fruit twists, or seagrams fruit coolers. However not all fruit drinks react in this way. The amount i drink doesnt seem to be a factor. This has happened to me three times and the least severe were the two times i had downed about two bottles. The worst of it began after i had taken only a sip. It was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack.

  I know the best solution would be to stop drinking. And seeing as I know that is my cure, i'm more curious than concerned. Is this even an allergy?
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I have the exact same thing happen to me. I'm a 21 year old female, and I have been drinking since I was about 15 or 16. I almost always drink mixed sugary drinks (I also don't always stick with the same drink throughout the night so I haven't been able to pin point exactly which drink causes it). However, I did drink a jack Daniels strawberry flavored drink tonight and it caused the chest pain. It starts in my chest and it moves to my shoulders. It's a very heavy feeling (like it's weighing me down). Almost like my chest will explode. The only thing I find that helps is time, however I haven't tried antiacids or milk. I see that sugar seems to be the common denominator here, but I don't understand how I can eat sugary foods all the time and have no chest pain. The only thing I could think of if it does have something to do with sugar, is that it has to been the combination with alcohol. I wish there were answers on here, but it is comforting knowing others have the same problems, and that I'm not suffering alone.
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I can honestly say I think it has something to do with acid reflux or something in that matter.  I have no issues with any alcohol until I drank a margarita from Texas road house. My chest became tight and the extreme pain in my chest came not even 5.mims after taking a big swig of the drink.  It lasted for 20 or 30 mins.  I thought I was having a heart attack.  I'm a healthy 26 year old black female with no major health issues besides minor asthma. I was told I had acid reflux about 2 years ago.  This has happened to me twice with the same drink.  I don't like the feeling and I wanna get checked out for it.  
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Wow, this happened to me yesterday. I drank just 1 root beer flavored beer. the pain was in the middle of my chest and spread to shoulders. Briefly had a strange sensation in my jaw. I told my son to keep an eye on me, it hurt so bad. The pain lasted a good 15 minutes. I was nearly convinced I was having a heart attack. I'm 46, and I had these same pains years earlier drinking very sweet wine coolers. It might have been seagrams brand because it didn't happen with all wine coolers. I've had GERD for many years. I saw a heart dr a year a ago and my heart is just fine. The strange thing is that I've drank the root beer flavored beers before without issue.
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I have the same exact pain, I just had a few ounces of a Mikes Harder Black Cherry Lemonade and started getting chest pains and my heart started racing. I took antacids, and there was absolutely no effect.

I can drink straight alcohol, mixed drinks with pop and alcohol, wine, beer, and nothing happens. It's just certain premixed sugary alcoholic beverages. It's similar to the pains I get from drinking Mountain Dew on an empty stomach. I can handle the HyVee and Walmart store brands, just not Mountain Dew itself. Maybe there's a preservative, coloring, something like that that's giving us these pains?
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I have the same problem - extreme pain in my chest and arms and severe shortness of breath when I drink vodka (I can drink rum), or anything sugary with alcohol or right before drinking alcohol. If I drink regular soda with alcohol instead of diet - it happens. I can't do anything with the pain but lie down. I thought it was a heart attack the first few times. It's definately not GERD at all. Those commenters do not understand the pain we are describing.
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Hi, I was just wondering if you ever found out what this reaction was caused by? I know it was years ago but I read your comment and instantly it reminded me of what I go through when I drink certain types of alcohol. I also get the tight chest feeling, like something is pressing down on my chest really hard. It doesn't really effect my breathing but I also notice that my heart beats really fast as the pain is there. Unlike you though, it goes away ONLY when I decide to try lying down. That seems to be the only thing that makes it go away. But the fact that the pain is the same and lasts for about the same time you mentioned, 20 minutes or so, I'm really curious as to what it could be as well. Since it's been a few years, I'm hoping you might have found a cause to this since you posted the comment. If you happen to get this, please reply :)
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Found my wife on the floor after drinking mikes hard lemonade feeling as though she was having a heart attack. One drink of milk instantly reversed it.
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I have the same problem. Except i get horrible chest n collar bone pains if i drink alcohol mixed with juice or sodas. I will get the chest pains even if i drink the juice or soda minutes before the alcohol. So now i only drink straight alcohol. My boyfriend tried to tell me it was all mental but i know its not. The pains last about 15-20 minutes here too. Anyone get a diagnosis from a dr yet? Email me: ***@****
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I have the same problem with the fruity drinks! It started when I drank mikes hard lemonade, but I had been drinking them for a couple of months before it started happening. Just now it happened again with fruit juice and vodka. It's strange and so uncomfortable right in the middle of my chest, like right under my breast bone, but then goes away after 20 minutes and I feel so much better that it almost feels good. This also happens to my brother but no one else in my family or friends that I know of.
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I have experienced similar situations, only with hard alcohol with a fruity flavored drink and only when and if I drink it too fast, I have severe chest pain, muscle pain in the back and chest area and it last approx 20 mins! Its extremely paiinful and unconfortable and does not happen at all with beer, just fruity mixed drinks, I originall thought it was a type of alcohol, but now I dont think that the alcohol has anything to do with it. I really believeit has to do with the fruity drink I mix with the alcohol.  I do get heartburn from fruit drinks but not nearly this bad!
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I have the exact same problem
Happen for the first time at 18 so bad I thought I was dieing literally.
I fell to my knees.
And had to go lay Down on the couch.
I couldn't do anything but hold my chest.
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Hi, Im 24 years old and only drink on weekends, when I drink its only 2 or 3 drinks anyway, so I know the amount is not the problem. Ever since I was 18 I got this horrible chest pain whenever I drank certain drinks. Ive done a little experiment and found that alcohol mixed with diet drinks is fine but as soon as I mix it with sugary drinks the pain gets really bad even if I had only 2 sips. Yesterday was a public holiday and I forgot to get something diet to mix with my vodka. I used fruit juice instead and was in so much pain after one drink I had to lie down. But on top of this pain it felt like something was pressing very hard on my chest and lying down made it even worse.
I immediately stopped drinking and the pain lasted for about 20min. This doesn’t seem like heart burn because while there was so much pressure on my chest with the horrible pain I ended up vomiting and it wasn`t acidic at all.
Can someone please tell me what this is, and if its something serious that I need to get checked straight away.
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I took two shots of a blended whiskey and I started sweating and feeling as if the alcohol was somehow just above my stomach but below my esophagus. I did my best KING Kong impersonation in the bathroom to no avail.

I do not drink often, once or twice a year in fact, but I did drink a few shots of Beam yesterday.I actually ate a salad with a pretty heavy amount of Italian dressing an hour before taking the shots.

My younger cousin had acid reflux and so I've actually tried taking his medicine before drinking.  I seemed to lessen the pain but it was definitely still there. Warmer climates and tempatures seem to make it more severe.

I regularly eat Tabasco on my corn and my potatoes without experiencing any heartburn.

Lying down and a glass of water helped me somewhat.

I think this may have something to do with our blood pressure. I'm 6'4" about 195 and workout often. My hands and feet feel like they are too warm. A little swollen but nothing crazy.

Good luck everyone. This thread is quite old now.
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Down a Mikes Harder Lemonade over ice and it is a "heart attack"; crushing chest pain.  Maybe esophageal reflux, maybe esophageal spasm.  Does not happen with red wine.  I think it is the fructose - alcohol - histamine? reaction.

No more Mikes for me.

You will swear you are having a heart attack.
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I’m getting a gassy burp kind of thing.....a little stabbing quickly subsiding pain as well.
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Same as whoops97 here. Uncle Google led me here. I just experienced this 30 minutes ago. The symptoms were chest and back pain. It's like there's a belt around my upper torso that cramps up, the cramps lasting for a few seconds, then eases, then comes back after about a minute or so. This goes on for about 20 minutes. I've noticed a little pain after drinking some red wines, but the worst up until now has been the white wines, although not all kinds. This time it was beer. But a very acidic beer. I forgot the name, but it was brewed using dairy bacterias, making it quite acidic. I drank half a pint (very slowly) and the pain started after I had finished it, gradually increasing. At its peak I started to feel dizzy. That part's new to me. And the lightheadedness just got worse and worse. I raced back to my hotel with my friends and had to sit down just outside the hotel entrance, fearing I would pass out if not. I was very close to fainting, but managed to find my way to my hotel room and hit the bed. There was an extreme tingling sensation in my hands, like I had been working non-stop with a jackhammer for the past hour. The tingling and dizziness receded after about 10 minutes, as did the chest "cramps" later on. I tried to drink something, and it feels like my throat and esophagus has swelled up as swallowing is now a slow process. Sorry if I elaborate too much on the symptoms here, but it kinda felt good to recognise some of these symptoms in these other posts. What I will say is that I have never had any problem with acidic non-alcoholic beverages. So the common denominators seem (in my case) to be alcohol and acid. I won't be looking for any medicine to help with this, because the solution is simple enough: Don't drink that combo again. What I would like to figure out, however, is what are the ingredients that trigger this. Because I've had acidic alcohol drinks before with no sign of this.
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Really glad to see some people who really can relate. I was looking up “chest pain after taking sip of alcohol” and it led me here. I literally was drinking Seagrams and someone mentioned that that’s what triggers it. An antacid seemed to help and I experienced all the symptoms y’all are describing—severe chest pain for about 5 min, radiating to arms (but mostly my right), hot flashes—it was also very uncomfortable to lay down (not like sitting up was much help) . However I do feel a lot better now and I will probably sip slower next time
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Hey, I know this is a super old thread, but I think I experience the same thing! I'm 18, and have been drinking for a few years (not a heavy drinker though, I can count on one hand the amount of hangovers I've had). My first experience with this pain was earlier this year, I was drinking Archers Peach Schnapps (I also had a couple shots of vodka) and I started feeling a terrible deep pain through my chest. I had to lie down and try to suck in air in an attempt to relieve the pain. It felt like I had poison running through my heart. It took maybe 20-30 mins to pass and then I was fine the rest of the night (though that night led to one of my few, very terrible hangovers). Now, over the past month or so, I've found that it comes on very quickly. I'm not one for strong drinks as I hate the taste (other than tequila) so I mostly drink cider like Rekorderlig and Kopparberg, but even after maybe two sips the pain returns (although not quite as painful as that first experience with the Archers) and lasts around fifteen or twenty minutes. It eventually passes but I find it quite frightening because, despite being just 18, the second I feel pain and heaviness around my chest and arms I instantly think heart attack! I'm rather paranoid haha, because I have a slew of health problems, though none relating to my chest, mostly just affecting my blood. I try not to drink in excess anyway as I have ITP (autoimmune condition causing low platelets). It does seem to be especially sugary drinks, but on nights when I'm drinking more, once that first initial pain passes I don't think it returns for the rest of the night, though that could be because the drunker I get, the less I care about drinking tasty, sugary drinks haha! Just thought I'd pop in my experience!
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When I was around 14 or so, I had my gallbladder removed. This was around the same time I began experimenting with alcohol. I thought at the time the pain I was experiencing when I would drink was a result of my having gallstones, but nearly twenty years later, I still can't drink alcohol. When I do, it feels as though I'm having a gallstone attack all over again and believe me, I've gone to doctors and the ER to make sure there aren't any stones hiding in the clamped off ducts as well as having my heart checked countless times.  I've been told it's GERD and esophageal spasms caused by the acidity in alcohol; nothing else I consume leads to such distress. Another crappy factor in not having a gallbladder is the susceptibility to pancreatic attacks when I consume large portions of fried or fatty foods which sometimes lands me in the hospital for pancreatitis which is just as painful as those phantom heart attack pains incurred by GERD and the esophageal spasms. I've found, oddly enough, that morphine sulphate actually not only helps the daily pain but gives me an appetite I wouldn't normally have. Though most see this as a controversial treatment method because of the dependence issue that comes along with opioids, in my opinion the reward outweighs any risk associated because in the end I am able to get out of bed, eat like a human being without vomiting bile or having diarrhea after every meal and exist peacefully with limited amounts of pain. I realized the correlation between the morphine sulphate and my stomach issues dwindling by chance, really; I was prescribed the medication because my knees are quite literally deteriorating from years of bmx racing and noticed how much my life improved all around from that medication. These days, you couldn't pay me to drink liquor because after about two sips, I'm rolling on the floor in extreme pain. I'm also not advocating morphine to everyone with this illness, just sharing what has been working for me and my own journey to living a life somewhat free of the agony associated with extreme gastrointestinal issues.
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Wow didn't know what this was...had it for years... Smirnoff vodka Bacardi  or fruity drink...I just had a drink called jolly ranchers... And it made my chest hurt in the middle of my chest .. Like I'm about to die...had to put the fan on....I became hot fatigue.... I started rubbing my chest then after about an half hour I'm good...like wtf!!!!
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Omg... for the last week I've been having serious chest pain. I literally thought something was wrong with my heart. I went in and got tests and everything but I ended up being okay. I really had no idea what was wrong. Over the last week I was on vacation drinking mixed drinks. It's a little after my vacation and my chest has been feeling fine. I thought I would drink a lime a Rita because I had them on my trip and they are better then beer. Instant heart pain. It caused me to look it up and this! The sugary preservative drinks is what causes this chest pain. I'm currently experiencing it now. It feels like I'm having a heart attack, it's seriously bad. I'm so glad I came across this post
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I have had these symptoms with one particular brand of alcoholic root beer. Heart racing, chest and arm pain, weakness in limbs, shaky, sweaty, light headed. I had my finger on the call button for 911, and luckily it passed in about 20 mins. I am having food allergy testing done today. I have asked the manufacturer for a list of their 'natural ingredients', hopefully this will help me find out if this is caused by a reaction to the ingredients, the sugar or by heartburn like others have suggested. I will let you all know what I find out!
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The brewing company sent a list of the 'natural ingredients' to me. Unfortunately, I was not able to be tested for all of them, but did find a significant allergy to nutmeg. I am also allergic to ginger, which could explain the reaction i had to the hard ginger ale made by the same brewery. The doctor said that if I am allergic to the ingredients in an alcoholic drink, my reaction would be more intense and rapid because the alcohol would dilate the blood vessels in my digestive system. So...nothing definitive, but there is definitely the chance that I am allergic to one/some of the ingredients which caused the serious reaction. Maybe try to keep note of the drinks that cause a reaction and see if there are common ingredients. My doctor mentioned corn syrup as a common allergen, although not in my case
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I honestly thought I was the only person on earth with this issue!  

Let me give you some background and my thoughts:

I am 34 y/o Male.  I have body mass index that places me in the high over weight column.  I am 6' tall with a weight of 210. I am proportionally carried and I exercise occasionally.  No major health issues, diabetes runs on my fathers side of the family and my grandfather on my mothers side has heart disease.
I drink fairly heavily and know my body well regarding alcohol tolerance.  My regular alcohol consumption on the weekend can be as high as a 1/2 gallon of rum.
I do not care for beer, however, I have always enjoyed drinking (especially as a kid) smirnoff Ice, mikes hard lemonade, and other high sugar malt type drinks.

Like you, when i drink these high sugar malt beverages it often (not every time) cause a ferocious pain that begins in my chest directly IVO my heart.  The pain begins to radiate very rapidly and predictably up to my shoulder and down my right arm.  The pain will then spread down to my back and knees within about 5 minutes.  The onset from 0 or no pain to excruciating pain 100 is approx 10 minutes.  
During the peak of my pain, i begin to experience flashes of heat and sweating (resembling a heart attack).  If I attempt to move to a cooler place or in front of a fan/air conditioner I become extremely cold.  
My pain causes me to want to constantly change positions, typically when I feel the onset of this reaction, I MUST segregate myself from friends and allow the experience to pass.  I have had friends over the years who have DEMANDED they call an ambulance.  During these events I have to argue with them (which is the worst.) that this reaction is normal when I consume those types of beverages.
The experience is very predictable.  5-7 minutes to full pain, Full pain for apron 18-20 minutes, and around 5 minutes to come down.  Ordeal is typically 30 minutes.  

This has plagued me for YEARS.  I brought it yup to various doctors over the year who look at me like i am crazy and say, "your solution is to not drink those drinks."  This has been frustrating none the less.. I agree I know how to contain the problem but I have always wanted to know if this is an underlying symptom of a larger problem.

I have tried to capture exactly what the issue is for me triggering this. I have purposely attempted to trigger on 100s of occasions to see if i can see what the magic formula is to avoid this reaction.. This is what I have found:


This reaction is NOT always triggered by alcohol!  In fact, I have managed to trigger the reaction with multiple foods and times.
All of the foods in my findings are extremely high in sugar.  Pixy sticks and candy (lots of it), Macdonlds (and other fast foods), energy drinks,
What i found triggered my reaction to these items was when I had a very very busy day (strenuous work or exercise), and very low food intake.
During these times, if I consumed a high sugar meal (IE a large MacDonalds quarter pounder with cheese, large fries and soda).  The reaction would present itself.

Like wise, If I had a single mikes hard lemonade after the same amount of work and did not accompany it with food.  The reaction would also be triggered.

Now in other situations, where I would have the EXACT same type of day (work wise) and take a mikes hard lemonade and pour it over heaping ice. Sipping very slowly over 15 minutes.  The reaction did not present.

I am not a doctor, I can only deduce based on what my experiences tell me (and in have had 1000's of these experiences).
I believe this reaction has something to do with the rapid absorption of concentrated sugar into your system.  The reactions begin relatively quickly on an empty stomach leading me to this conclusion.  The reaction is deeply magnified by alcohol (even just a little).  

If you must have one of these malt drinks, do yourself a favor.  Eat something light about 30 minutes prior to drinking, also, pour your beverage into a glass to cut the concentration of sugar/alcohol to approx a 50% level (many of those are great on ice!).
Avoid downing your first drink.  Sip slow until your body has a chance to process the beverage.  These tips have managed to keep me from having this experience in years.  
However, yesterday I wanted to see if the problem still existed.  I grabbed a 6 pack of Jack Dan fruit punch and crushed it in about 10 seconds.
as fully expected I was dropped to the floor within 15 minutes rolling around like a puppy that got sprayed in the face with a skunk.

Would love to discuss this more with anyone that would care to chat.  This is actually the first med based conversation that I have ever read that accurately depicts what I go through.

Feel free to drop a line at ***@**** to discuss!

Good luck fellow fake heart attackers!  

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Look up hyperglycemia ... alcohol hits the body like megasugar, and when mixed with sugar ... well yeah.
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