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Facial rash from food allergy?

Is it possible to get a rash just on my face from a food allergy? I have had a horrible rash on my face for almost a year now. I use Elidel and a cortisone cream to keep it at bay. I have been tested for all products I use and other ingredients that are common in cleansers and lotions. I wasn't allergic to any of them. They tried treating me as if it was rosacea, a yeast infection etc. It is small hivey bumps that itch so badly. The come out and last about a day, then disappear while new ones keep popping up. They are all over my face, cheeks, forhead, chin, a bit on the neck, temple etc. But not anywhere else on my body. Anyone have any ideas? Thank you!

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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, yes, food allergy can present as rash on face. Allergic mannifestations including types, location and severity varies from person to person. your symptoms are suggestive of allergic dermatitis. Other possibilities are Drug eruption or photosensitivty, Rheumatic fever, Porphyria cutanea tarda etc.

If there is a malar rash (butterfly rash) which is seen in an autoimmune disorder, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause that can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, serous membranes, and/or other organs of the body.

A skin biopsy that includes immunofluorescence testing on both involved and uninvolved non-sun-exposed skin (the "lupus band test") may help to differentiate SLE-associated cutaneous involvement from other disorders.

As for allergic dermatitis is concerned, oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be taken against prescription. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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I have almost exactly same symptoms... Right down to how rash started (around temples, then spreading). Did you ever find the cause?
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i have facial rash that come and go for about 3 months now. surprisingly they aren't really itchy but i feel stings and hot flashes beneath those rash which occurs on the inside of my cheeks.. i always thot i was having a recurring acne problem until my face exploded with the rash two days ago and i went to see a doctor. was prescribed hydrocortisone cream which  removes those bumps, but still red nevertheless. hope it heals soon.

the doctor said its an allergy.. but allergic to what i don't know...

i don't know why or how the skin problem started, i remember eating sichuan spicy food and after that felt burning in my skin a few months ago.
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i have facial rash that come and go for about 3 months now. surprisingly they aren't really itchy but i feel stings and hot flashes beneath those rash which occurs on the inside of my cheeks.. i always thot i was having a recurring acne problem until my face exploded with the rash two days ago and i went to see a doctor. was prescribed hydrocortisone cream which  removes those bumps, but still red nevertheless. hope it heals soon.

the doctor said its an allergy.. but allergic to what i don't know...

i don't know why or how the skin problem started, i remember eating sichuan spicy food and after that felt burning in my skin a few months ago.
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I get it too, could you please advise what to do about it, its been three days i have been getting it and its getting worst. would it lead to skin cancer as i live in australia where the sun concentration is very high..i am very very scared.
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my friend's mom started getting rashes on her face. found out she's allergic to flouride in your toothpaste. i suggest looking into it.
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I think I have something similar, and am trying to discover if it is an allergy, so I can avoid what is causing it.  A rash, only on my face.  Several years ago, it would just appear on my temples, but now it covers a wider area including my cheeks and under my jawline.  It comes and goes, sometimes it is very minor, but sometimes, it gets very red, itchy, with lots of little tiny white pimples (not pimples the way I'm used to, which are clogged pores, but pinprick sized whiteheads in clusters).  I'm very careful about what I put on my skin, and have avoided everything for periods of time long enough to rule out a topical allergy.  But I'm daunted with the idea of eliminating everything from my diet and testing things one by one.  I think strawberries may be problematic, but avoiding strawberries alone has not cleared it up.  I am aware that excess heat can bring it out, but I think there is another factor.  I don't have a doctor to just ask, or insurance to cover an allergist.  Would prefer a natural way of dealing with it anyway, and not "medication".  Any ideas anyone?
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I have the same thing, a rash with white heads, looks like it should acne but it's not. I think it's a dairy allergy. It takes 36-48 hours to surface after I've ingested dairy.
I have the exact same rash! I have eliminated dairy and gluten and it seems to keep the rash at bay.  I also have a sensitivity to tomatoes, and have noticed that I will get a rash when I eat them.  I feel your pain it is extremely frustrating! I have found thtat claratin and or benedryl help to stop some itching and calm the rash.  I have also noticed that putting an icepack on the areas with the rash reduces some redness and helps minimize the white-head looking bumps.  Please reply if you have found anything that works for you!  
did you guys every narrow it down to dairy versus gluten? dealing with something similar and thinkings it may be corn/wheat/dairy/gluten... not quite sure but I've been dealing with  the same sort of whitehead/red rash on around lips, cheeks and chin on and off for 2 years now and seems to come and go with indulgences.
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I have little tiny hive looking bumbs all over my face and my lips they act like they want to go a way but they keep on coming back everytime I start to go to the doctor they go a way .now this week there back dose any one have any advice on what it might be? there on my lips to.
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my son has the same symptoms and he has a food allergy he also has diarahha he also has eczema on his cheeks the docs gave him dermaol lotion to help keep it under control
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