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Severe Allergic Rhinitis not responding to treatment. Help!

Hi there,

short background:  
i am an adult severe allergic rhinitis.  I have had it since feb 2008. Weird because  never experienced allergies any other time in my life.  I have been tested by an allergy doc and am allergic to pollens and dust mites.

I am currently taking Clarinex and prescription nose spray wit a steroid in it.  Nothing helps my allergies.  it is so bad i cannot even irrigate my nostrils with a neti pot- the water doesn't drip through.  

I a supposed to start allergy shots on tuesday of next week.  Does anybody have any insight to this?  Will this work for me?  I was considering getting a surgery to clear my nasal airway.  i know it won't cure my allergies but will help my quality of life.

My quality of life has been affected drastically and I am looking for help.

I am reluctant to start the shots but I feel like it is a last resort.

Any thoughts?
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I cant wait to get my results for my allergy testing.  I'm 38 years old and have been dealing with allergy/sinus issues since I was 15.  I never wanted to try the shots but it has gotton so bad that I cant stand it anymore and need something to help.  I must say my husband is the one who told me about this "support" website and it is comforting to know that i'm not alone!!   I just said tonight to my husband, I cant breathe through my nose at all, it is totally shut!  All this snow that  we got doesnt help either! ha.ha....
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I cant wait to get my results for my allergy testing.  I'm 38 years old and have been dealing with allergy/sinus issues since I was 15.  I never wanted to try the shots but it has gotton so bad that I cant stand it anymore and need something to help.  I must say my husband is the one who told me about this "support" website and it is comforting to know that i'm not alone!!   I just said tonight to my husband, I cant breathe through my nose at all, it is totally shut!  All this snow that  we got doesnt help either! ha.ha....
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oh!  i went to an ear nose throat.  apparently i have allergies.  we shall see. i have never been allergic to anything in my life.  i am 42.  i have not been able to breathe for over a year.  i did take the allergy test and did test positive for allergies to trees, grass, dust mites etc...
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Ear Nose and Throat doc.  Did you ever hear about anyone who went to John Hopkins for a second opinion?  I go there Feb 22nd and I cant wait...I"m miserable and trying my best to stay optimistic... Good luck!  
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thanks.  what is ENT?  i just started shots.  hopefully in about 6 months i will start to feel better.  fingers crossed.
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I have the same condition.  Polyps in my sinuses.  Had surgery 2 years ago and it helped for the first year but they grew back, going for blood allergy testing in 2 weeks and going to doctor for second opinion at John Hopkins.  I cant smell, taste or breath through my nose, i'm miserable!!  I would start shots and maybe look into a good ENT and get Cat scan done to see if you have issues with mucos membranes.  Good luck!
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