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how to cure esnophilia

i m32 year old man i heave  suffering tropical esnophilia manly effective cold seagen symptoms-----1productive cough2---stachit sputam dysnea frothysputam what i can do ?
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what is the correct esnophil count in childern
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, tropical eosinophilia is usually seen secondary to parasitic manifestations like filariasis and is often misdiagnosed. Usually the clinical improvement is seen with diethyl carbamazine against prescription.

Usually an elevation in serum IgE levels, above 1,000 units/mL is seen. Filarial antibody levels are detected in high titers but microfilariae cannot be found circulating in peripheral blood. Bronchoalveolar lavage reveals an intense eosinophilic alveolitis. Productive cough can be due to secondary bacterial infection.

Get the above investigations done and if the filariasis detected need to take appropriate antibiotics against prescription. Mucolytics will help to clear the sputum and bronchodilators will relieve the dyspnea. Meantime other causes of the dyspnea should be ruled out. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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