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Itchy legs, no sign of rash or irritation

For the last four years I have had a problem with my legs itching.  When it started it was only an occasional problem, but it has developed into an everyday occurance.  When my legs itch it is usually my lower legs, but my upper legs will itch too.  There is never any sign of a rash or any kind of irritation on my skin - it just itches like crazy.  Sometimes it feels more like a "pins and needles" feeling, like when your hand or foot falls asleep.  It almost feels like every little hair on my legs are poking me.  I've tried switching detergents, soaps, not using fabric softener or bleach, I've used anti-itch lotions from my dermatologist, but nothing helps.  It gets so severe at times that it brings me to tears.  Sometimes it will get so bad it will wake me up in the middle of the night.  It can last only a few minutes or it can last days.  Usually it seems to be aggravated by something, the most common causes being nylons, water (taking a shower or swimming), humidity, and shaving.  But sometimes it doesn't seem to be caused by anything at all.  I have been to several doctors trying to solve this - and all I've been able to determine so far is that I am not having an allergic reaction to anything.  I will do anything to make this stop, it has been going on for so long now.  Not to mention that I'm getting married in a few months, and I would hate for my itchy legs to ruin my wedding day and my honeymoon!  I have already had two doctors tell me "I don't know what else you can do", so any suggestions on what this is or how I can treat it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
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I also have the same "itchy" problem.  It occurs under the following circumstances:  After showering, after swimming and on very humid days (if my legs sweat a little).  The itching is primarily the front part of my upper legs (thighs) with some itching on the back side of my upper arms.  I use Lubriderm on a daily basis to control the after shower itching...helps a little but still ithes wildly for about 30 minutes after the shower.  After swimming on hot humid days there is nothing I can do....makes me just crawl in my skin.  The itching is so bad and I get the "pins and needles" effect for about 30 minutes.  Sometimes it is so bad I have to rub my legs with a hair brush or something !!  There is not even a sigle hint of redness or skin discoloration which amazes me.  The funny thing is I can go in a hottub in the winter and it hardly even bothers me???

I have tried drinking water and have been to the doctor.  He had me try a topical steroid to be used in small amounts but that did not help much.  I am going back this week because I just can't take it anymore.  Other things I may try that I have been reading about are Sarna cream and lowering sugar input which I am going to try.  The worst part about this "syndrome" is when you try and explain the severity of it they look at you like you are crazy which really ticks me off.  

Are there any other suggestions Doctor? This is not a stress induced issue for me.  I also want to let people in this forum know that you are not alone.  I will be eternally greatful to anyone that can solve this issue since I have been living with it for 4 years now and just have to do something about it...anything!
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I have had the same exact problem for almost two years.  I know the doctor answered you back telling you that is most likely stress.  My doctor said the same thing to me also, but I really do not have a stressful life.  I have read that itching WITHOUT a rash maybe a sign of a serious internal disease.  I'm going to have my itching further checked out for any internal problems, you might want to consider doing this too.  There are many different things they can do to figure out what this is beside just looking at your skin.  Good luck.
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242489 tn?1210497213
Allergic reactions will not cause itching symmetrically on both legs.  Likewise, there are no skin ir internal diseases of which I am aware which cause symptoms of the type you describe.  Therefore, I don't think any tests are called for.

When people itch without a rash, in my experience stress is often a factor.  At times it's the itch itself which induces the stress--in other words, the more you itch, the more you scratch, and so on.  And the more you worry about whether you're going to itch, the more you will.

What I usually advise itchy people to use is a topical anesthetic, as often as needed (even every few minutes.)  This can help break the itch-scratch cycle.

Over-the-counter anesthetics include: Benadryl, Lanacane, Sarna, and pramoxine.

Prescription anti-itch products include Lidocaine and Zonalon.

I advise you to use one or more of these and use them regularly, until you stop itching.

And congratulations on your upcoming marriage.  (Talk about stress!)


Dr. Rockoff
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I, too, am an itchy leg and arm sufferer.  I am 36 and can remember it happening since I was a little girl.  I have found that if I take a really hot bath it stops the itch.  I go through the "itches" about once a year for a 1 month period of time, generally in mid to late summer.  I thought it was related to going to the ocean on vacation, but I skipped the ocean this year, and it is still happening.  Nothing else works for me except the really hot bath.  Try it, it might work.  It almost feels as if it numbs my legs.
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p.s. I think the link to temperature is that when you get warm, there is more blood flow to your legs therefore more histamine is circulated there.  Keeping your legs cool, helps decrease this aggravating blood flow to your legs.  However, a warm shower does help soften the hair follicles for shaving, and shave at the end of your shower with a good moisturizing shaving cream, new razor, and go slow.  Then apply cream as soon as you pat dry.  It may take awhile to ease the itch for those of you who have suffered for so long.  Just have faith that you can and hopefully in time you will reep the rewards of your diligence!!!  Good luck!!
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Hey fellow leg-itchers,

I am also male and have the same problem as all of you... but I don't think it's a gender thing.  I'm pretty sure it's actually related to blood circulation.  I work out pretty regularly, but sometimes I miss a couple of days.  The first workout I do after a break is always TERRIBLY itchy in my legs just because I can feel the blood pumping through it.  

I did some research and apparently this is common for many who walk or jog... also, for those of you who get it in the shower it also makes sense because when you shower it's hot (like exercise) and the blood is rushing to your feet because you're standing.

Also, that's why people don't see any visual irritation like rashes: because it's not an external thing -- it's an internal thing.  I think it relates to the fact that our blood vessels aren't used to getting so much blood (perhaps we all just have generally poor circulation -- does anyone else often get cold feet?) so when they DO get a big surge of warm blood from exercise or taking hot showers, they react by getting itchy!

What do y'all think?!?! I'm curious what people think about this...


I'm not a doctor, but this seems to be
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Just to let everyone know.  I am a male, and I suffer from the same itching problem.  It used to happen evey once in a while, but now it happens more often.  Mostly on my legs, but sometimes on my chest.  It only occurs after I take a shower.  I found one possible solution to the problem.  Hot showers.  I mean, really hot showers, not to where it will burn you, but really hot.  Hope this helps.

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I just wanted to write and tell you that I have the exact same problem also.  I have had this problem for two years.  It tends to occur violently only after I take showers, although my itching is present in a lesser amount on and off throughout the day.  I have done some searching on the internet and have found that I am not alone.  Other women have had this same problem.  No one has found a successful treatment for it yet, it seems like.  I know it's not stress, and, personally, I get very tired of doctors trying to pawn it off on that.  If anyone has any suggestions of how to dull the itch please let us know.  This is an extremely frustrating affliction.
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I'm a guy and this started to me from 3 days. I don't shave or something my legs won't stop itching when I go to sleep. Like always I take shower every day. I'm very clean person, but have no idea what is it. I thought it is ants the first night when it started, then bed bugs or something. I washed everything again and tried to sleep in another clean bed the next night but still the same. When I wash my legs it doesn't itches or does but not that much to bother me.
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I think you all should try Sarna cream if you have not already.  It is sold over the counter at most drug stores.  I stumbled on this site as this is a new problem for me.  However, I do think it may be stress-related (sorry, this is not meant to minimalize it at all)- at least for me.  It started the morning after I had the most stressful day of my life and continued for weeks after as I grappled with a stressful time in my life.  I saw a doctor who prescribed hydrocortisone cream, which worked.  However, the itching came back once I stopped.  I am 32 with two young children, who lives a hectic lifestyle- I am a nurse and was attending graduate school.  I have always been a worrier and type A personality. My nursing background of 10 years has helped.  I think certain personality types are prone to this kind of problem.  I think excess histamine is released in stressful times as a defense mechanism of the body.  The itching then causes more stress in itself. The goal is to break that cycle.  The sarna cream had been a life-saver so far for me!! Cross my fingers......along with relaxation techniques such as yoga and deep breathing. Think of people with eczema - it is often potentiated my stress and involves severe itching of the skin.  This is just my hypothesis- and if it helps just one of you overcome this intense itching I am happy.  
I also feel that alot of the recommendations listed above also apply, such as using good shaving techniques and cool compresses.  There is also a condition, for those of you who experience this more with exercise, called cholinergic uticaria.  Researching this condition may help.  Before you begin relying on stronger antihistamines and lotions with steroids (which can thin your skin over time) try the sarna cream and apply right after your shower and anytime you feel the urge to itch for a week or so and see if it helps.  In additon, focus on relaxation activities to get the focus of the itch.
Lack of sleep can take its tool- so you may need benadryl at night until you are feeling more rested and able to cope.  Good luck to you all!!!!
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Hey fellow leg-itchers,

I am also male and have the same problem as all of you... but I don't think it's a gender thing.  I'm pretty sure it's actually related to blood circulation.  I work out pretty regularly, but sometimes I miss a couple of days.  The first workout I do after a break is always TERRIBLY itchy in my legs just because I can feel the blood pumping through it.  

I did some research and apparently this is common for many who walk or jog... also, for those of you who get it in the shower it also makes sense because when you shower it's hot (like exercise) and the blood is rushing to your feet because you're standing.

Also, that's why people don't see any visual irritation like rashes: because it's not an external thing -- it's an internal thing.  I think it relates to the fact that our blood vessels aren't used to getting so much blood (perhaps we all just have generally poor circulation -- does anyone else often get cold feet?) so when they DO get a big surge of warm blood from exercise or taking hot showers, they react by getting itchy!

What do y'all think?!?! I'm curious what people think about this...


I'm not a doctor, but this seems to be
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I am having the same symptoms.  I feel like I'm going crazy, and I can't stand this.  
I went to the emergency room a month ago because of the itching, and was told that it is an allergic reaction to a new detergent or soap., and the Dr. prescribed me Atarax, but it didn't help the itching.  I've stopped using any new products, and changed my detergent, soap, lotion, etc. back to what I have always used.  
Different from what you've said though, when I take a hot shower or bath it actually eases some of the itching.  I feel like I'm being bitten...by something that I can't see.  I have no rash, no sores, cuts, bumps or anything.  
It first started on my upper legs and bottom, around the inside of my thighs and the top of my thighs.  Now it is happening all over.  It has gone to all over my thighs, the underside of my forearms, the upperside of arms, lower legs, back, I feel it on the back of my neck now close to my hair line...it is all over.  
Like I said, this is making me crazy.  It started about 3-4 weeks before I went to the Dr. (about 2 + months ago), and still there is nothing on my skin to show that anything is wrong.  The only thing I think I can see are very small black dots (about the size of the tip of a straight pin), where ever I get the itch/bite.  I don't know if these dots are anything, or if I'm just hoping to see something so I will be able to find out what is happening.  

I read on another board where a lady has this same thing that I'm talking about, but she is the only other person I've heard talk about this before, until I found this board.  

From what I'm reading it seems like it's affecting women.  I'm  also wondering what part of the country you all who are experiencing this live in, thinking that maybe it is a geographical occurance.  That it may be something that people are coming in contact with in a certain area.  I live in Virginia, but like I said I don't know of Anyone else who is having this problem, until I read it on these BBoards.  

Please post if you know of anything, or find anything out about this itching/biting problem.
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Hi everyone thank God im not the only one. im 17yr. old and ive told my mom about my icthing and she told me it was all in my head so i said i was going to find out my self cause i hardly sleep when i do itch and i hate takin showers but i found takin a bath with rubbing alchohol in the tub helps a little.  Plus rubbing your self w/ warm petrleum jelly (vaseline) also helps.
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