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Pressure in head

About two and a half months ago all of a sudden I started experiencing high pressure in the front lobe part of the head, the feeling is best described as if the insides are trying to expand, but are contained by the scull (does not feel like a headache, quite different, more emphasis on innards wanting to expand, rather than pain/ache). The area affected by this high pressure feeling is front lobe part of the head, on the same level as eyebrows, from sideburn to sideburn, but mostly it is localized in the two spots, on the left and right side of the head, a funny comparison some place where cow has horns.
This is not necessarily painful, but has a distinct feeling of the insides wanting to expand out. The first month this was VERY apparent, I was distracted from everything happening around me, only being able to concentrate on the feeling of pressure/expansion. During the most severe episodes, the feeling from the two localized parts expanded towards each other, and joined right above the nose. If I was driving in a car, and looked in the rear view mirror, momentarily I would loose my orientation.
As implied above, the pressure sensation was not constant, it was start slow when I woke up, and increase throughout the day, taking a form waves, comes on strong, then lets go a bit, then returns again, sometimes disappearing completely from a few minutes, sometimes disappearing for a few hours even.
Throughout the first month for about 6 days (day here, day there, but not 6 in a row), I experienced loss of visual focus for the entire day. It was as if I was surrounded by light fog. Also throughout the first month, whenever I clutched my jaws together, it felt as if I had some liquid in my ears, but upon doctors check-up, no liquid was found in the ears.
After the initial 6 weeks there were some changes, the pressure decreased on average, the pressure attacks were not as severe, and at times the pressure disappeared for hours. I have noticed that it is often triggered by loud environments, or a busy/stressful workday, but not exclusively, sometimes it could happen right when I woke up in the morning.
After the initial week of this I have contacted my family doctor, thinking that this may be sinus related, since the week before my wife and son have just recovered from a sinus with help of antibiotics. Family doctor suggested to wait 10 days with no treatment to see if the body will recover by itself. After 10 days with no improvements, doctor suggested to take 1 tablet of Apo-Iboprofen 600 twice a day for 2 weeks, this did not help at all. I had CT scan.As I understand nothing abnormal was found. There does appear to be some atherosclerotic calcification within the intracranial portion of the left carotid artery but there is no evidence of previous CVA. The internal audiory canals are unremarkable. OPINION: Negative Study. Please help.

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Hi folks, This is "Helium Head" back & glad to read thread is
still posting. I've come across a few things by research & by
fluke. I may lose you along the way w/ tech stuff. I had a hi-
BP attack @ Dr's along w/ massive head prssr. Pulse racing & all
instantly. Not white-coat syndrom. 195/100 BP, moving along, Dr.
insisted on BP + HCT (a diurectic) which helps you remove excess
fluid. 2mo. later I had less pressr? Dr. said prssr & peeing
more weren't connected & laughed. Well, I researched diuretics
& they also can wk. on the CSF (cerebral spinal fluid). the CSF
goes up your spine, thru neck & up & around the brain. CSF is
produced 3-6 times a day. If it gets blocked somehow, the fluid
backs up & pressr around brain feels like your head is cramped,
full, tight, in a vice, till it breaks lose. The Hydrochloro-
thiazide adjusts bp+fluid. I found a note on IIH (idiopathic
intrcranial hypertension). Hi bp is hypertension too. I got a
rash & Dr. stopped the HCT. 2 wks later the helium-head was back
something awful. Plus my few spine bulges were burning/throb.
Dah, lets try HCT again. 2 wks later whatever inflamm. whether
inside spinal fluid compression or outside of it like edema in
skull tissue, my head prssr lessened. Dr. disageed but I know
what I feel. Then I found that mtn-climbers take a diuretic for
altitude sickness prevention so their CSF stabelizes. I ran this
past a Neuro & he didn't like me playing intellect-doc! They
hate us using the net & tossed out. Cardio helps hypertension
& causes CSF to flow faster. Sleeping slows things. There is
very little research & this doesn't show up on basic CT/MRI.
George Clooney went to many Dr's till they found problem. It was
CSF caused by trauma. Trauma can be injury, infection, or
chronic inflamm. My Bp is now 135/90 & I have less prssr when
upright but ear-pops wake me. The ears are trying to equalize
my head to the outside world. Maybe ck. w/ Dr. about BP+HCT?
Also, someone mentioned teeth. If your upper back molar is
really hurting, it is the maxilla-nerve in spasm from infection
or poss. TMJ. If the parotid gland in front of your ear gets
a spasm, it will flood sinus, shoot to temple & over/under eye
w/ all kinds of prssr. including full-ear. Idiopathic means it's
off/on or symptomatic & can't be found unless the Dr. tests
you 'while' you have the attack. Like you can do a walk in! Let
me know if anyone relates to this idea. Thanks, Helium Head.
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Hi everyone. Wanted to give you an update on the pressure in my head. Mine was also like Alexandre, exact same thing. I had pressure in the right side of my head so bad, i felt like i could have stuck it with a pin and deflated it!! The whole right side top, around the temple, eyebrow, cheek,both frontall lobes, felt like fluid in my ears, felt dizzy,light headed and in the fog as well. I was so worried about this I started having anxiety attacks. I thought for sure i had a brain tumor or something else cause this just wasn't normal and nobody knew what was wrong!!  I suspected sinuses from the beginning and all doctors kept telling me no cause there was no drainage, fever etc. Once i had enough anxiety attacks they decided to do a ct scan to put my mind at ease, and check for sinus trouble. The ct scan showed no sinus trouble or anything else. As all this was going on I was clearing my throat all the time of really thick flem and then one day my throat felt swollen, not even really sore ( LIKE MY HEAD ) but swollen. Sure enough it was sinus drainage and the glands in my throat were swollen. I wasn't getting over a cold, and my sinuses were never stuffy, they were always clear. A dr. put me on a nasal steroid spray and slowly the pressure in my head that i had for months started to ease up. I've been on it about 3 weeks now and i'm feeling a lot better. I have to continue to use the nasal steroid, maybe always, we'll see. I still feel a little pressure build at times, but nothing like before, and hopefully it will all go away with use of the steroid nasal spray. I'm finally me again!!! I hope this may help some of you. If you think it may be sinus related, keep going back until you get some satisfaction. Best of luck to all of you. I know what you're going through.
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I'm sorry I forgot to mention above the reason my doctor prescribed the Nortriptyline, for tension headaches. I looked that up on www.womenshealthchannel.com and the description they gave was very close to my symptoms.

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A related discussion, Frontal lobe malfunctioning? was started.
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A related discussion, What is this head pressure ? was started.
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A related discussion, Ringing in the head was started.
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A related discussion, to everyone was started.
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I aslo have had problems with head pressure. This all started recently with me--around the time I bought my Ipod and started using it(which was this past Monday-- the 4th).

This is how it unfolded with me. On the 4th I was going to go visit my Pap before he left to Florida. On the way I decided to stop by Walmart to Purchase my Ipod. Well, later that night I was anxious to test my Ipod out and went onto Itunes. Well, after picking out a select number to download(333), I went downstairs to wait for the load to finish.

Now listen to this. When I get upstairs I find that there are only a few more songs left to download. Upon completion of the last song, guess what time is on the clock? 3:33. Take it as you wish, but I believe it's a sign from God. Later that night I woke up a few times shaking my head trying to rid some funny feeling--like I was gonna pass out or have a seizure. The same deal happens the next Night. By Wednesday afternoon of this week, it became a constant pressure, with mental clouding, and some confusion,and breif spats of more pain that made me shake my head to shake it off. I went to the Doctor on Friday and called off work(grandmother also had a heart attack). I got the same feedback as most of you--being that probable cause was sinuses.

Let me start by laying out the pattern of each day for you(Wednesday the 4th-today). The mornings I seem to always feel best. As the day progresses and stress becomes more influential on me, I notice my pressure and other problems got worse.  Each of the Nights I only got 2-3 hours of frequently interrupted sleep. Friday was the day I got 8 hours of uninterupted sleep and surprise, surprise, I did not work at all on this day and quit listening to my ipod as well. Saturday I go into work( I work in a restaurant, so it's noisy there) and feel almost completly normal. As the day progresses, I feel a little worse and by the end of the work day I feel worse than when I first started, but better than the other days. That Saturday Night, I decide to exercise(jump rope). I noticed this stressed my body out even more, and brought all those negative feelings back. Today I went into work, and felt crappy all day-- but worst at dinner when the restaurant became noisey, and crowded, and I was at my most active point. I decide to quit at 6 p.m-- talked to the manaer and he let me o home. I felt like **** at home, but to get straight to the point, I prayed God, and remembered my mental note to try noise cancellation head phones. Well so far tonight these have worked wonders! I still have setbacks here and there, but I feel much improved compared to when i was not wearing these.

I hope this helps some of you, I apologize for it being unoranized, but Iw as in a rush to get this messae out, hopin that it may help someone.

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my email is bboyorthe(at)hot mail .  com
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i as well have been experiencing these symptoms for more than 3 years now, these are the symptoms to be exact:
- head pressure
- lack of vision focus and concentration (lasting every single minute throughout the day)
- eye sensitiveness to light
- head pressure increases under bright lights or a sunny day
- extreme tiredness and numbness when i wake up early
- i sleep about 13 hours if i dont have to wake up early and always wake up feeling horrible
- sometimes the pressure can cause light pain in the head, sometimes it encreses during aerobic exersice
- the inside of my nose swells up
- i feel extrememly dumb, as if my brain is swollen and its lost most of its capasity

  ive done so many test and all turned out to be fine, i do have a back injure (herniated **** between l4 and l5) ive had this also for a few years and  it hasnt healed, ive also taken tetracycline for a few years.... just like everyone else here, im lokking for an answer because this is fully destroying every single part of my life. im also glad to know that im not  alone,  im starting group to see if we can work together, my name is Franco Semidey, anyone whos interested can add me on facebook and heres my email as well, ***@****
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apparantly I cant give my email address on here, but if you need help, email sommersmatt at yahoo dot com
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Its been awhile since the last post on this thread, but when I was sick, I was reading all of these symptoms and realized that they were very similar to the problems I was having.  I am not a doctor, but "helium head" as well as many of the other symptoms mentioned, are classic symptoms of Candida overgrowth.  If you were taking antibiotics and/or steroids like asthma inhalers or Flonase, during or before you got sick, it is likely that you have Candida.  I suffered without knowing it for over 10 years and I would be more than happy to help anyone who is suffering as well.  I am not selling anything, just trying to help.  You can email me at ***@****
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Bama: You are right in thinking that perhaps we all have some-
thing in common. I believe what we have is like an anomaly. I've
researched anatomy & spoke w/ a physiologist & he truly thinks
the 'response' is due to inflammatory pressure brought on by
different things 'triggers' w/ different people or illness or
lack of. I've suffered yrs. w/ varied degrees & learned some
management. I'm the orig. 'Helium Head'. That was the only way I could explain to MD's. It started slight & progressed to
massive over yrs. triggering new symptoms. Some severe due to
the brain getting/receiving mixed msgs. Long ago after much
upset of dismissal, a Dr. gave me 1mg Xanax to calm dwn. In 20
min. I was prssr-free? Something wk'd! I went to some very top-
docs too. My Internal MD gave me a rx to take only when I felt
it coming on. Same relief! I discovered it's not what med but
'sedate the spot', head deflates, or sinus/ears open. Body wks. by msgs between spine to brain. Think this way. #1-outside
world, 2-the body/skin, 3-organs/nerves/vessels, 4-brain/spine
is control room. Weather/Touch triggers skin like poison ivy
causes hives. Hives swell outside & inside. Swelling pushes on
spine/brain & says react & go for it! The sympathetic nerves
kick in. Same thing can happen w/ a cut, trauma, infection. If
you sit long, you can slow spine fluid or kink it to not allow
it to circulate up to brain. Read a book w/ neck bent too long
& it kinks till you walk around. The neck is the merging of the
fluid & msgs from the spine 'the bundle'. No one seems to have
read much of my posts or it's too technical. I'm so much better now that I know the physiology. I'm in control. No, docs can't
know everything, don't believe me now, but I believe my PhD dr. that knows the 'why stuff could happen'. The prssr is 'inside'
the hard skull w/ swelling vessels. This eventually makes the
scalp skin sensitive like an injury/bruising. The small vessels
are through-out body. In head, they cut off nerves & block
sinuses, cause headaches/full ears. A cold-med can slightly
sedate & 'msg' may be sent to relax vessels. Read past posts of 8/31, 10/19?, 1/10, 1/13. See if anything applies. Hyper-
tension is a big part of this & no one has given any feedback
on it. Acetazolamide can lower CSF for mountain climbers. It's a diuretic that opens vessels & pulls out edema to keep their
head from prssr. I'm getting long but cardio, etc. are all
working because of the spinal fluid in us. I'll check back to
see if anyone has addressed their BP or has thoughts. I woke at 3:00am when it was windy outside also. Stand up & gravity helps csf flow. Ck BP & post. Maybe that will help this puzzle.  
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Panic City, mine too started out as a cold - back in Sept. - and has NEVER felt the way it did those first two weeks - it just slowly got better and better BUT when the weather is weird(I am guess the barometer drops) it get's worse again - like today, I woke up at 2:00 kind of with that scared feeling because my baby was crying and it startled me out of my sleep and when I was going back to sleep it was there - and I was up for a couple of hours.  They have told me to take Loritab for it, but because it is a persistent condition that comes usually at night and  then goes away in the morning, I don't want to take something so strong.  I have found that advil cold and sinus does help and yes, my lymph's are swollen too - but usually only the very very back ones at the top of my neck and they aren't huge - just a little swollen and tender to the touch - especially if I turn my head and can really feel them.  The thing with the mess is: it is such a STRANGE feeling.  Everyone here has head headaches and a cold and every virus probably out there - but this all strikes us as different.  
Ever since my first episode, I usually do have some sort of sinus thing going on when I get them again, and it's way worse if the weather is bad.  But, I get panicky easily - seriously, especially where my kids are concerned - and if I feel a weird flutter or anything, then I freak out.  So, sometimes, if I let myself think about it, I could work myself up into a good old fashion panic attack and then my pulse if racing and my breathing gets faster - BUT, if I take a minute and just calm down and say, ok, what made it come on this time - were there any triggers?  Weather, maybe some slight sinus mess, or like waking up from a nightmare or getting startled out of sleep.  Maybe it's a pillow - I have had to change my sleeping position often and it relieves you know, back pain, or neck pain, so, maybe that could cause the pressure. I have no clue.  It's just that we have all had the same tests and the same results.  That'
s what I try to think about at 2:00 a.m. when it will come out of nowhere.  Some people have to live with migraines and I guess this is my "thing".  No one here has had it for YEARS though, and that is comforting - maybe it will go away.  I know, you have only had it a few weeks - and I know you are thinking, YEARS??? - But, it does seem to get farther apart and weaker.  SLIGHTLY weaker but a little less it seems - I could be wrong.  Again, the advil cold and sinus does seem to help some too.  Although, I have found myself taking that ALOT just to make sure I don't get one.  
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This is in response to ksquezl - I have the exact same thing (including the response to cardio, the strange, fairly infrequent palps)! have you found anything out about your symptoms? Have they increased, decreased? any info would be appreciated!
This thread is great and I've been freaking out over this "helium head" (I describe mine as a tiny person in my head with their arms straight out trying to push out my temples - not painful at all but completely and totally mind consuming, no pun intended, as it is the most bizarre, distracting feeling!).
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I too have pressure in my head.  Here is my story.  December 23rd 2005 I developed a cold and it lasted till about January 3rd.  On the 27th of December I had a migraine headache which lasted 3 days.  Ever since that migraine I have been having daily headaches that feel like pressure.  This pressure is on top of head, sides of head, forehead, temples sometimes around and behind eyes and I feel a fullness on side of nose.  It doesn't happen in every spot as it varies each time I get a headache.  This pressure does shift around throughout the day as well. One day my whole left side was feeling pressure in my head and then when I went to bed that pain was completely gone but the right side had all the pain. It tends to begin in early afternoon and then I have it for the rest of day and I go to bed with it.  If I push on my skull in certain places it makes the pressure feeling more intense.  It isn't throbbing or like a typical headache like I get occasionally. Last week I developed reddened eyes and had a thin discharge from eye eyes and I woke up with crusts around my eyes.  I went to doctor and he said that I had conjunctivitis but he didn't seem to think that would cause the headaches too.  He figured my headaches were from tension as my vision is bad and I was waiting for my glasses. He prescribed me eye drops to clear up infection in my eyes and a muscle relaxant to help relieve pain around my eyes. I have my glasses now and my eyes do feel a little better.  The drops seemed to help my eyes somewhat but the pressure headaches are still there.  So today I went back to doctor and he said that he would treat me for sinus infection.  I have NO congestion or drainage but like I said I had this cold just over 2 weeks ago. However he did say that my lymph nodes in my neck are swollen and my throat looked a little "angry" My throat hasn't been bothering me symptom wise. So it seems to me like I do have something brewing somewhere since my lymph nodes are swollen and my eyes became infected and I have pressure in my head.  So now I am on 2 nasal sprays and an antibiotic.  Feels weird to take a nasal decongestant when I am not feeling congested. Where I live there are months and months of waiting time to get CT scans so we are trying this treatment for sinuses. So I guess I'll have to wait it out and see if this sinus treatment and antibiotics help.

Anyone else get other infection signs like swollen lymph nodes or infection in eyes along with their pressure headaches?
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Hi everyone.  I have just come across this board while looking for help in diagnosing my head pressure and hearing problems.  Maybe someone here can help me. I have been to my general practioner who is very good and my ENT and both said they have never heard of anyone with my symptoms. This is what is happening:  After sitting for some time - like at my computer or driving in a car or even when I turn over in bed.... when I stand up... even slowly or turn over in bed, I feel pressure build quickly and my hearing decreases with the pressure and soon I cannot hear at all.  My hearing gradually comes back in waves.....I hear for a second then I don't hear, then I do but a little louder each time....until my hearing comes back fully.  I do not have headaches with the pressure nor do I feel faint or lightheaded.  I do not have any respiratory symptoms such as a stuffed up or runny nose and my ears are not clogged with wax.  I take Triam/Hctz (diuretic) and wondering if that could be the problem, as I see another poster has researched this medication.  My doctor has put me on Flonase thinking that it may be due to sinus problems, and I have been on it for a year now and it only seems to make the pressure worse.  Has anyone else had sudden temporary hearing loss with the pressure?  Thanks for all this good information.
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Carmie: You certainly have a puzzling condition. Sounds like
you should consult w/ a Neur-Otologist. If you're not dizzy, it
doesn't seem like a vestibular disorder. If no fluid or noises
in ears then you need to focus on the pressure. My prssr went
away considerably on HCTZ except after 6mo I developed a bad
rash & now had 'acquired allergy' to sulfa in it. The triam rx
has 3 brand names. Dyrenium is the one that is a 'non-sulfa'.
Others contain sulfonamide. The HCTZ also contains it so maybe
that is it. HCTZ can cause interruption w/ ears if you are
getting inflamm/prssr. Are you getting any skin rashes or red
like dots anywhere? You may be getting a dbl-dose of sulfa rx
& that maybe messing w/ CSF channel that surrounds your brain.
I'd ask GP abt your BP meds & see if a switch trial could be
done. The nerves to your ear may be inflammed off/on by allergy
triggering the correct firing? Like a glich in the electric-
system? Get back to us so your problem may help others. You
should also ask abt a C-spine mri. Bulges in there can swell
if neck is bent too long. I think it's the C2 that can affect
the ears. Worth a shot! Get copies of all lab reports. Meds can
cause ringing & my brother had hearing problems on an
antibiotic once.  

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It is amazing how you can find people with similar problems to yourself.
I had a realy unusual headache a few years ago now, but it still sticks in my memory becuase it felt so odd. It all passed eventually, I still felt groggy for weeks.
A year later I reallized that I was not feeling quite right, but it came to a head when I was sitting out to lunch on my wifes birthday. I was not fainting, but I was suddenly trapped in a feeling in my head that on the right hand side it felt like the top quarter of my head was swapping places with the bottom quarter. I remember trying to hold it it place, it sounds a bit odd, but it felt like a good few minutes though it probably was seconds. Again I can remeber this very vividly.
I got myself off to the doctors, being a bit overweight, 37 at the time and in a stressful job.
Anyway, doc sent me off for some blood tests, checked my bp etc, said I was overweight, but had healthy blood etc. He said to get some rest.
Whilst on holiday I always felt worse driving and moving around. So when I got back I went back to the docs, it was clearer that the right cheek in my face felt wrong to me.
Initially I had 5 weeks of prochloroprazing in case it was an inner ear thing, as I was getting more and more dizzy.
Eventually I ended up at a consultant on my med insurance.
He did a mri which I had to wiat for the results over christmas 2004. Went back in january and they found that the right side of my face was full of fluid and an abnormally large polyp in the right side of my upper sinus.
I had CT scan and then in Feb 2005 an op to remove it. After a few weeks I felt perfectly fine again.
I figured it was all done, but then around august/september 2005 I felt a bit of pressure in the same area. I went back to GP then consultant. They did a CT scan again figuring it had all come back, but it was clear.
During this time the symptoms got worse, a light facial pressure but combined with a feeling my head was being pushed down and around (not quite dizzy but not right). These were the same sysptoms as I had befor ethe operation. It seems that the nerves are responding as if the offending lumps and fluid were still there. The consultant has not had me on amitriptyline 25mg a night. It seems to have removed some of the twisting, but I still do not feel right. I have had 6 weeks of it, and have another 6 weeks until the next visit. The amitrip must be doing something as I managed to get back to work, driving, reading, computers all triggered it before. Now I feel moderately nauseus, and have an afternoon hangover before actually feelin gnot too bad in the evening.
My wife has suggested acupuncture or reflexology. I must say that accupuncture sounds a good bet as it feels like I need to be reset in some way. The consultant said the amitrip in this lowish dose acts to reset the nerves.
I am not sure if this is going to be how I feel from now on and it is very disturbing, and occasionlly very depressing to think I have this, but I see I am not the only one.
The trouble is that other people cant see it or feel it, so dont quite believe it. Sometimes i can get going and enthuse about things and feel on a roll, but other times the syptoms flood in. It does not seem to be stress triggered, buth sometimes if I have to scan alot of things the eye movement does it. I had originally started thinking it was my glasses but I am convinced it is not that.
Phew what a rambling append, but atleast I got it typed in.
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hiya everyone.I have just found this site and was totaly overwhelmed.I read about some of you and started to cry!Ihave had pressure in my head for 10yrs now and thought it was just me.What a relief!Ihad a car crash 12 yrs ago and had severe whip lash to my neck.Two years later i woke up and got out of bed and i had this horrible feeling in my head of pressure and a also was very light headed.When i went to the dr i was told thet it was stress and that it would go away.yeah right!Ihave always had a blocked nose and also had problems with my throat so 2 yrs ago i got my tonsils taken out as they were badly infected thinking this would cure me.You can imagine how upset i was when i found the pressure was still there.Because of the pressure i have been having anxiety attacks and do get depressed.Ihave had blood tests thinking it was allergy related and i have also had a ct scan but nothing has shown up but a slight abnormality in my sinuses which i am now supposed to take steroid spray but it stung like mad so i stopped taking it.Nothing seems to take the pressure away.I am now trained in reike1 and 2 and do reike on myself most nights.It calms me alot but at the moment no relief to the pressure,weh!!!!!!!!!!!!I often get the feeling im not grounded properly like im in a dream and nothing seems real and it can be scary at times.We just have to all stick together and support each other and hope one day that someone has an answer!
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Hello...I just spent the past 15 minutes reading all the posts. Can someone clarify this fullness in the head feeling/helium head?  The reason I ask is that I havent described my symptoms that way...I describe my pressure (which comes and goes)-like a vice grip or like I am wearing a bathing cap---so I guess I am saying that it is a "tighness" that i am feeling.  Mine changes spots too where as your posts say it is in the same general area.    I also experience a vibration-like an electric current-and I feel like I am short circuiting.  Also...your posts say dizziness--where as I just feel in general like my equilibrium is off--sometimes more than others.
For me, this started 9/19/05 when it came over me in an instant and I had what the ER called--near syncope.  I did experience nausea at that time...I felt like a light switch being turned off...Since that time I havent often felt 100% since I almost always feel like my equilibrium is off...I have had all the tests you all have described and am currently being treated for sinus and acid reflux.  It is scary not knowing when this is going to "hit" and when it does "hit" if it is going to progress to where it ended me up in the ER.  To date I have exhausted every specialist I can think of..so if anyone can recommend anything else, i would appreciate it.  
I want to mention one more thing...one women posted all of her symptoms here and i wanted to ask her if she had her thyroid checked--my son started with a migraine headache which lasted for 60 days--was then treated for LYME disease and got so much worse he seemed critical to me...cahnged doctors and ended up with Hyperthyroid/Graves disease--has been treated for 2 months and is 90% better....so i did find a doctor who was Lyme literate--but too much so and he DIDNT have Lyme...
that's about it...thanks!
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Here's the "thing" on my MRI that is clearly visible, less so on the CT.  I literally had to twist my doctors arm to get them to acknowledge this "thing" is there, finally they break down and suggest it is fibrous dysplasia and it has no bearing on my symptoms (even though my pain is often localized to this specific area when laying down)

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We all know the phrase misery loves company...and it's true, if for  no other reason than to know we are not alone.  But reading your stories helps me cope because most of you seem to take more than I can bear and still have hope.  I feel a bit of a weenie when I hear of your extra added symptoms that I at least don't have.  But I do have some advice, especially for vertigo (not just dizziness, but actual horrid spinning.)  Once the neurology of the brain gets to the point where it has trouble keeping balance in the body, that part of the brain doing that job is basically "damaged."  I don't mean permanently, but it isn't doing its job.  You can do something about this.  The brain is so enormous and so complex you can retrain it.  You can make it use another section of itself to control your body's positioning in the world...and you can do this by excercise.  You sit still, back straight, head held up.  Then without moving your head, look to your right 30 times, to your left 30 times, up 30 times, down 30 times.  Then do this again but this time move your head towards where you're looking.  To finish off, roll your head first to the left, then to the right.  Your brain will be coping with this, sending signals to keep your balance, and it will find an area of itself that will do the job.  I promise you, fifteen mins a day will bring wonders for those of you with vertigo.  As for pressure in the head...I'm still working on that.  Taking my cat's claw, taking a strong anti-oxident called Resveratrol, and when I can afford it, a session with a good accupuncturist for the symptoms.  Western medicine, as proved by so many letters here, isn't approaching these things correctly.  But there's other things out there.  I urge you to try them.  As will as telling your own body (after all, it's your body) what you want from it.  I want HEALTH.
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Oh yeah, one important factor I forgot to add is that before this all began I used to get frequent syncop episodes (nearly passing out when standing up) but those stopped when this began back in april.     Now what happens is, when I stand up, or walk up stairs, I frequently get intense heart pulsations that also cause intense pulsations deep within my head, along with the rhythm of my heart, and the same pressure that we feel all the time becomes much more intense during this, almost like something is about to rupture in my head (but it also feels strangly good at the same time-crazy i know, but true).
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