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Severe Joint Pain After Gallbladder Removal

I found out in June of this year I had a very large gallstone. I found this out after a year of stomach troubles and severe attacks. I was referred to a surgeon for a consult on having it removed. The surgeon said that everything would go back to normal after the surgery and I would be able to eat whatever I wanted, etc. I really wish that I would have looked into it further before having the surgery. I have had nothing but problems since. Almost immediately following the surgery, my joints started to stiffen up. Especially the small joints, hands, feet, etc. I kind of brushed it off thinking that it had something to do with the carbon dioxide they used to expand your abdomen in the surgery. I began to worry, when six months later the pain was so bad in my feet and ankles I could barely walk, and the pain in my hands was so bad I couldn't grab a blanket. I have been seeing a rheumatologist now, but still no answers. He says it is definitely inflammatory and put me on anti-inflammatories and treatment for inflammatory arthritis. I do see improvement with the anti-inflammatories, but there's more to the story. Since the gallbladder surgery, I cannot eat anything really without having to run to the bathroom shortly after. My stool is very yellow, and never solid. I keep telling all the doctors that I see, that I feel my joint pain is related to whatever is happening with my digestive system since the joint pain started immediately following my gallbladder surgery. No one seems to be able to tie the two together. I have read a little about IBS, and wonder if that could possibly cause joint pain, and also if it could arise post gallbladder removal? I also wonder if it could be a gluten intolerance? I have had test for RA, lupus, etc and they all came back negative. I was hoping that someone out there might have some suggestions since I seem to be getting nowhere. Luckily the medication seems to help, but I am very frustrated that I still do not have an answer or a solution. Any input is appreciated.
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Don't know if any of you still check this feed, but though Lyme or other issues could be present, THERE IS A VERY CLEAR CONNECTION BETWEEN YOUR GALLBLADDER REMOVAL AND YOUR PAIN.  Our gallbladder stores bile, to be released into our intestine when we eat something with fat -- it helps digest the fat... and the fat-soluble vitamins A, K, E, and D that are critical in our bodies for so many functions, including the composition of every cell membrane, hormone production, healthy nervous system, and a healthy immune response.  Our bodies cannot function appropriately without our gall bladders (despite what your doctor might have told you).  You need to take BILE SALTS (ox-bile) with each meal, to replace the bile salts that would have been entering the digestive process naturally with a healthy functioning gb.  There may certainly be co-occuring issues, but have you noticed how many of you talked about the immediacy of your inflammatory symptoms post gb surgery?  There is a very clear link.  Dig around a bit to learn more about the functions of the gall bladder.  There's a lot more info out there now than there was a few years ago.  Try Dr. Mercola, Dr. Axe, and the Weston A. Price Foundation for more info.  Good luck!
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Don't know that you will see this since it's 2023. But they removed mine and that wasn't even the issue. I have CHS and all they had to do were a few blood tests and listen to my symptoms and they would have realized it wasn't my gallbladder. I had no pain in my stomach which is why most people get theirs out. After having it removed I continued to have the same sickness that the removal was supposed to stop so I did more research and found out it was medical marijuana that was causing my sickness. I quit that medicine and have none of the sickness now so obviously I have CHS. Now my entire body hurts from last of vitamins being absorbed no matter how much I change my diet. So now I'm going to do a liver cleanse and start taking bile salts and vitamins and pray that helps because the organ the doctor said I didn't need is actually a very important one and I feel worse not then before the surgery. Wish me luck. Will update!
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Yes, everything that is happening to me right now. It is directly related to the removal of your gallbladder. We need to clean our liver, do what our gallbladder did in other words. Vitamins is huge and cleansing our liver but I'm just at the beginning of finding this out. Literally 3 days ago.  
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Maybe try killing gluten for 5 or 6 weeks and see if that helps.
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Wait for it.... you all have fibromyalgia now.. I can assure you that's what it is.. I had my gallbladder removed a year and 3 months ago.. and have had pain all over my body ever since.. at first I thought they screwed up the surgery but after going back and forth from doctors to hospitals and back again 2 days ago it was confirmed... every single symptom you all is fibro.. migraines aches pain anywhere excessive urinating can't eat this or that. Allergic reaction to some medicines..sleep problems..sensitivity to light and sound.. what ever you have it's fibro.. they put me on the lowest dose antidepressant and I woke up the next morning with absolutely no pain anywhere.. I don't know why it works but it does.. every single one of my symptoms that I had for 1 year and 3 months that I wanted to just die.. GONE..!!!
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What is it that they have you. I am suffering horribly from all of the symptoms mentioned above. It's been about 2 years since I had my fall bladder removed.
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I also removed my gallbladder almost two years before along with removal of GB my bile duct was damaged so during surgery doctor remove most of my bile duct and make cut in duodinum and connected it to the bile duct.about one year later this surgery l started sever pain in joints specially in small joints I have negative ra factor and anti CCP test please some one help
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I had my gallbladder removed day before Thanksgiving and had pancreatitis also. Now I have severe muscle pain all over especially my legs.I can't sleep or eat. I'm not any better and I am not getting any answers. I feel like a burden to everyone because I can't do daily functions on my own. Someone please help
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I know this is a long shot since this was years ago, but I am having the same issues.  I see so many threads with people having these issues but no follow up.  Did you find anything to help?  Did it resolve over time?
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Oh I could cry!! - I have been in so much pain since my gall bladder removal but no one seems to know what is wrong with me. I will mention Bartonella and Lyme to my GP in the morning.  I am 54 and am normally such a positive person but since my gallbladder was removed 18 months ago I have had one problem after another - reading what you written has really cheared me up no end and I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel - thank you so so much
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1353650 tn?1429463374
I don't know if you realize that testing for lyme through a general practitioner is inaccurate. I was tested at least 3 times and was always told I did not have lyme disease. I went to a lyme doctor, he put me on antibiotics based on my symptoms alone. I was on the antibiotics for many months with not much improvement. I switched lyme doctors to one that follows ILADS guidelines and was retested through IGENEX labs. My test came back positive. This lyme doctor found multiple infections in my body, not just lyme. I was put on the correct antibiotics for the infections and I am on the road to a long recovery.
I hope your treatment helps you. I wish you the best.
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  Donjoe 341 was tested for lyme disease initially by GP. Finally been dignosed by Rheumatologist with Rheumatoid Arthritis (runs in my family). He thinks that possible the infection of the surgery may have triggered my immune system and that is why I may have woke up with it from surgery. Blood test positive RF factor....just started Plaquenil.....hopefully it helps! Thank you all for your help and taking the time to answer....hoping to feel better soon!! ;)
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1353650 tn?1429463374
The reason there are so many autoimmune conditions is because of lyme disease and its co-infections. I am glad I didn't listen to my rheumatologist when he diagnosed me with rheumatoid arthritis. His immune suppressant drugs would have killed me. My immune system is already suppressed due to the multiple infections raging in my body. You could have had lyme all your life. Stress can bring the symptoms out.The older we get the harder it is to fight off these stealthy infections.
My lyme symptoms make me feel bad in the morning and bad at night. I usually get a break after lunch. This is very common in lyme patients.
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My appt got moved to the 13th of Jan...I will keep you posted...but for the past 5 days really sick...wake up and can't move with severe joint pain throughout my body...rib cage pain, goes away mid day and then returns after dinner...similar to what I experienced when I had Parvo B19 a few years back....every joint seized up and feeling like I am 100..I am trying to hang on until Friday if I don't end up in emergency before then...I will look into Bartonella....I am thinking Lupus though as in retrospect I had a similar really bad flare of similar symptoms when I was about 21 before I moved away from home  :/
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1353650 tn?1429463374
Bartonella also causes terrible feet pain, fibro pain ( pain surrouds all or most major joints ), abdominal pain, headaches, light sensitivity, restless leg syndrome, insomnia, digestion issues, and anxiety to name a few. This is likely what you are suffering from. In my opinion bartonella symptoms are worse then lyme symptoms. You may not have lyme but you still need to see a lyme specialist because they understand how to treat bartonella.
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1353650 tn?1429463374
I didn't mention this in my post to jessygirl but I was diagnosed with lyme disease in Aug of 2011. I had many symptoms prior to gall bladder removal and new ones appeared after having it removed. Having surgery put additional stress on my body and further weakened me causing the lyme infection to spread and take over. Six months after my surgery I developed pain everywhere. I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist as having fibromyalgia and told I would likely develop rheumatoid arthritis because I had an elevated rheumatoid factor. My lyme tests through him came back equivical. This is not a negative and even if it was, a negative result does not mean I don't have lyme. Lyme shuts down immune function and can cause a negative test result. My test was not negative but my doctor assured me I didn't have it. I decided to check into it further by seeing a lyme specialist. This is when I found out the cause of my symptoms. I tested positive for lyme and also was told that I had bartonella which caused the fibro and abdominal pains. I have been in treatmen for these conditions for 6 months and I am feeling much better but not cured yet. Lyme and bartonella is what you need to look into. Please feel free to contact me and I will try to help you to the best of my ability. I used to feel the way you do now and I understand what you are going through. You can reed my list of symptoms in my journal pages.
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Your story is almost identical to mine...I had my gallbladder out...surgeon said it was the worst he has seen....I had a major infection and was in the hospital for 4 days....upon waking from the surgery I had pain in the joints in my feet, along with incredible sensitivity in my feet...(nothing could even brush up against them...couldn't wear shoes or socks, not even the sheet could touch them)....this was 5 years ago and the joint and muscle pain is daily and worsening...had many tests at the Neurologist to rule out nerve damage and now referred to the Rheumatoligist to see what he can find...I have had constant diarhea since the day of the surgery...so frustrated...I know getting my gallbladder removed was a medical necessity but my health has gone steadily downhill since the surgery....never had any kind of issue like this but literally woke up with it after surgery...I thought it was the compression stockings when I was in the hospital...but it never went away...now my feet, hands, leg muscles (feels like I've worked out ALL the time...that is the norm) and hips are all involved....feel like I am losing my mind :(
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1353650 tn?1429463374
You should look into leaky gut syndrome. You probably have inflammation in your colon causing minute particles circulating back into your system. This is like poison to your body. I am also suffering after my gall bladder removal two and a half years ago. I have terrible body pain and inflammation all over. My joints aren't effected yet but it seems to be heading that way. The first thing you have to do is get the diarrhea under control. You may have to take some kind of cholesterol drug to help bind things together. Were you having diarrhea before your surgery? I suffer with chronic constipation that I believe is caused by my chronic inflammation in my body. You need to change your diet (get off sugar and simple carbohydrates), take certain supplements (especially fiber supplements because they help absorb the moisture in the colon) and look into getting medication (questran I think it is called). Some people have to take this even though they don't have problems with cholesterol. Taking digestive enzymes, especially protease will help with inflammation in the colon. Look into leaky gut. Hope this helps.
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I have eczema, but no psoriasis. I too have been put on Sulfasalazine, but have not been on it long. The rheumatologist knows it's inflammatory arthritis of some type, but I am really looking for some resolution as to what is causing it. I just can't help but think it's tied into my digestive/gallbladder issues I have had this year. It is very discouraging to have this sort of joint pain at only 23 yrs old.
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i have the same problem since i had my colon removed even before to tell you the truth. My rheumatologist put me on Sulfasalizine and it took a while for it to kick in but when it did i felt so much better. I could barely walk, all my joints were red and so swollen all the time i even had to get both knees drained it was so bad. They told my my arthritis was caused because i got psorasis from being on steriods for my colitis and if you google it there is a specific arthritis that will affect you if you had my problems. Prayin for you cause joint pain is not fun.
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I forgot to mention that the joint pain is also accompanied by swelling. I also get stomach pains very frequently.
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