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Can't Eat FRUITS? Get Bloating and Diarrhea? Please Contribute.

Hi to all. I'm doing an online investigation about DIETARY FRUCTOSE INTOLERANCE (DFI). In this condition most fruits (apples, pears, prunes...), honey, some vegetables (tomatoes, artichoke...), products with added High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), sorbitol (in "low calorie" foods or "sugar free" chewing gum) and often wheat and onions cause BLOATING and DIARRHEA (also headache or depression). For more info click on my username and check "journals".

If someone thinks, he/she might have this condition (often misdiagnosed as IBS), I want to discuss with you in this thread about which exact fruits, vegetables, cereals and sugars you can/can't tolerate.

110 Responses
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Copy paste below list in your post and add "Y" if you can tolerate and "N", if you can't tolerate that food.

- mango n
- oranges no but I can eat clementines
- raspberries y
- strawberries no
- watermelon no
- kiwi no
- onions no
- leek no
- carrots no
- garlic no
- parsley no
I also can not eat broccoli at all terrible pain and can't go any where near tomatoes
- wheat yes
- barley yes
- beans semi tolerated
- green peas no
- soy no
- lentils no
- pistachios no
- peanuts (peanut butter) yes if all natural
- hazelnuts no
- almonds no
- cashews definitely no
- chestnuts no
- walnuts no
- coconut no
- sucrose no
- Splenda def no
- maple syrup no
- molasses no
- brown sugar sometimes
- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara) no
- sorghum syrup no
- caramel no
- stevia no
Def no honey either
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Do you have any official diagnosis?
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All fruits, nuts, avacados, chili, tomatoes give me diarrhea.  I'm ok with milk products, meat, bread, cheese
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I am already diagnosed gluten intolerant, dairy, soy, intolerant. Fructose malabsorption diagnosed last month. Allergy tests negative, but some of my symptoms were allergy like. Most difficult thing is the conflicting information available. One website says a food should be fine, another says same food isn't. I seem to feel perfect on meat, potatoes, white rice and little or no fruits and veggies. Adding powdered glucose does make a big difference for me with some foods.  But I can't even chew gum without feeling nauseated.

- mango yuck. ;)
- oranges Y
- raspberries Y
- strawberries Y
- watermelon N
- kiwi N
- banana Y small amounts

- onions NNN
- leek NNN
- carrots Small quantities
- garlic N
- parsley Y
- wheat N
- barley N
- beans N
- green peas don't like :)
- soy N.  soy makes me incredibly sick. Horrible nausea, stomach pain.
- lentils N
NUTS: not sure about nuts- except coconut I know is not good.
- pistachios ?
- peanuts (peanut butter)
- hazelnuts ?
- almonds ?
- cashews ?
- chestnuts ?
- walnuts ?
- coconut N. Very bad.
- sucrose small amounts of table sugar okay.
- splenda N all artificial sweeteners cause horrible gas.
- maple syrup N
- molasses N
- brown sugar N
- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara) N
- sorghum syrup N
- caramel N
- stevia haven't tried because its on avoid list my Dr. gave me.
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2029272 tn?1329144836
hi im kazim from pakistan, age 32 years wt. 55 kg
i have also food allergy/food intolerance.
i have sever intolerance with milk, dairy products, fats, beans, all kinds of sweets and sugar, all fruits, i have done all kinds of tests nothing diagnosed, always have gastro problem, irregular sticky past like bowl, if have used medicine for many years to cure ibs but no improvement, now a friend said to test for food allergy,
is there anyone who did food intolerance test, is there any treatment of food allergy ....any solution ....
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Urine may smell sweet due to acetone or other "ketone bodies." The condition is called "ketonuria"; common reasons are fasting, low-carbohydrate diet and diabetes. I recommend you to ask a doctor for appropriate tests.

Smelly urine is not characteristic for fructose malabsorption (FM), but bloating and other GI symptoms are. Apples, pears and onions are often problematic in FM, but I can't say do you have FM or not.
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My name is Rhonda I am a 41 year old Vegetarian with constant tummy problems, bloating and pain being the most troublesome.
I am unable to eat apple and pear in any form, fruit cocktail,  anything diet pop or candy, fruit juice, beer, gum and possibly banana onion and garlic.
Also I have noticed that often my urine smells very sweet like sugar crisp cereal??????? Not sure if that has anything to do with my bodies inability to break it down.

?- mango
Y- oranges
Y- raspberries
Y- strawberries
Y- watermelon
Y- kiwi
?- onions
?- leek
Y- carrots
Y- garlic
Y- parsley
Y- wheat
Y- barley
Y- beans
Y- green peas
Y- soy
Y- lentils
Y- pistachios
Y- peanuts (peanut butter)
Y- hazelnuts
Y- almonds
Y- cashews
Y- chestnuts
Y- walnuts
Y- coconut
N- sucrose
N- splenda
N- maple syrup
Y- molasses
Y- brown sugar
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2005287 tn?1327688424
you need to be tested for first, small intestine bacterial overgrowth and then fructose malabsorption!...both done with a hydrogen breath test! See a good gastroenterologist. You sound classic for it!
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- mango- ?
- oranges- Y
- raspberries- Y
- strawberries- Y
- watermelon- N (diarrhoea, bad gas)
- kiwi- N (feel sick)
- onions- N (diarrhoea, bad gas)
- leek- ?
- carrots- N
- garlic- N
- parsley- N (diarrhoea)
- wheat- N (constipation)
- barley- ?
- beans- ?
- green peas- N
- soy- N
- lentils- N
- pistachios- ?
- peanuts (peanut butter)- Y (I think)
- hazelnuts- N
- almonds- N
- cashews- ?
- chestnuts- ?
- walnuts- ?
- coconut- N
- sucrose- Y
- splenda- ?
- maple syrup- ?
- molasses- ?
- brown sugar- N
- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara)- ?
- sorghum syrup- ?
- caramel- ?
- stevia- ?

I am currently confused about my symptoms. I thought that perhaps I might have fructose malabsorption. I had a hydrogen breath test for fructose malabsorption which came back negative. Despite this I have recently stopped eating the foods that I have problems with which also include biscuits with HFCS, tomatoes, swede, red peppers, brown rice. I have had no diarrhoea since stopping.

Can the hydrogen breath test be incorrect?

Although I no longer suffer from diarrhoea I still suffer bloating and constant flatulence problems. I am wondering if I have a candida problem as well.

Can fructose malabsorption lead to problems with yeast over growth?

I am considering going on a candida diet as well and wondered whether people sensitive to high amounts of fructose can eat stevia?
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Having diarrhea after honey and sugar-free gum (usually sweetened with polyols, such as sorbitol, xylitol...) may speak for fructose malabsorption, but I'm not sure. Honey fructose content may vary greatly. Most apples are high in fructose. Sacharose (table sugar) or glucose in lollies are usually not problematic in FM. Berries, bananas and citrus fruits are low in fructose. It also depends show much fruits do you eat at once.
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I'm 47 and live in Auckland, New Zealand. Certain foods give me quite violent diarrhea and some abdominal bloating. This has become an issue over the last couple of years and I'm thinking perhaps the hormonal change towards being pre menopause could be related?
I get nausea if I have honey, not bad enough to vomit. A friend has given me some Manuka honey to try and I've found that better and certainly tolerable.
I get violent diarrhea if I have either large amounts of sugar free gum or just one green apple (the colour green such as Granny Smiths). It seems to last about 2-3 hours.
What I can eat is large amounts of lollies without any ill affects except the dreaded sugar low. Most days I eat 2-3 pieces of fruit without any issue.
I have identified the foods that trigger the diarrhea and avoid them generally, although I can have small quantities without too much trouble.
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Have you been officially diagnosed for allergy to milk or celiac disease? Do you get any skin rash after eating?
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I have an intolerance to fruit, dairy, and gutten.
I don't have problems with melons or mango. Pears seem ok is small amounts but the basics like apples, oranges, bananas and berries are very bad, but I don't have troubles with any sugars any candy is fine. I struggles with any fibers except veggies no troubles there. Bean are also an issue. I find it funny that I can have fried food with not issues but thing like fuirt can mess me up. I can't eat any thing is restaurants unless it is fired or I get super sick it can last for days, I think it is butter contamination but if it is fried it must counter act the butter some how.
I don't get it at all I was fine 3 years ago with not issues with food now am down to eating meat veggies and sugar.
My symptoms range from constipation  to diarrhea to it messing with my metal state.
I wish I could eat fuirt again I don't care about the rest I would even give up sugar for fuirt.
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To know if you have celiac disease and fructose malabsorption you may have appropriate tests. Some people who have all these food intolerance tests negative may be still irritated by several foods - it is said they have IBS. IBS is often transitional and becomes less severe with age, while fructose malabsorption tends to become worse.
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Here's my story.  I'm lactose intolerant and have lots of other foods that give me major problems about 24 post ingestion.  All dried fruits, any kind of citrus zest, peaches of any kind, other stone fruits, lettuce, whole grain anything, brown rice, any kind of bean, high gluten breads, i.e., bagels, sour dough all cause problems.  The fruits and vegetables that I can eat, such as pineapple and tomato and the ones listed below, I can only do in moderation.  My options seem to get fewer and fewer and I love to cook.  At least then I can control  the menu.  Eating out is a lot less fun.  Help!

- mango Y
- oranges N
- raspberries Y
- strawberries N
- watermelon N
- kiwi Y
- onions Y
- leek Y
- carrots Y
- garlic Y
- parsley Y
- wheat N
- barley ?
- beans N
- green peas Y
- soy ?
- lentils N
- pistachios ?
- peanuts (peanut butter) N
- hazelnutsN
- almonds N
- cashews N
- chestnuts ?
- walnuts N
- coconut ?
- sucrose
- splenda
- maple syrup Maybe
- molasses
- brown sugar N
- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara)
- sorghum syrup
- caramel
- stevia
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Having problems with apples, but not other foods does not speak for fructose malabsorption, but more for allergy to apples.
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So far just apple. My two-year-old can't eat apples in any form(dried, juice, raw, ...) without getting really bad diarrhea. I try to use artificial sweeteners as little as possible and he hasn't reacted to anything else.
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Hi, I recommend you to get tested for hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI). I've heard for such hard syptoms in HFI, but not in fructose malabsorption (FM).

There's one useful forum for HFI here:
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1921722 tn?1322670313
My nine year old daughter and I were diagnosed with Fructose malabsorption by my gastroenterologist based on symptoms (without doing the breath test). I went 100% fructose & sugar free for 6 weeks and felt better than I ever have. And my daughter seemed to drastically be doing better as well. THEN.... reintroduced low fructose foods and very small amounts of sugar and started experiencing a lot of symptoms again that had gone away. Headaches, tightness in my throat, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, lower back pain, kidney pain, urinary distress, blood in my urine, trouble concentrating, etc. My concern is that we might actually have fructose intolerance not fructose malabsorption.  Any advice would be helpful.
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no- mango
no- oranges
no- strawberries
no- watermelon
no- kiwi
n- onions
-? leek
y- carrots
n- garlic
?- parsley
bad- wheat
real bad- barley
y- beans
?- green peas
bad- soy
-y lentils
-n pistachios
n- peanuts (peanut butter)
-? hazelnuts
-? almonds
?- cashews
?- chestnuts
-? walnuts
?- coconut
-n sucrose
-n splenda
-? maple syrup
- ?molasses
-? brown sugar
- ?raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara)
- ?sorghum syrup
- ncaramel
- ?stevia .
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N- mango
N- oranges
N- raspberries
N- strawberries
?- watermelon
N- kiwi
50/50- onions
?- leek
50/50- carrots
50/50- garlic
?- parsley
Y- wheat
Y- barley
50/50- beans
50/50- green peas
Y- soy
?- lentils
?- pistachios
Y- peanuts (peanut butter)
?- hazelnuts
Y- almonds
?- cashews
?- chestnuts
Y- walnuts
Y- coconut
Y- sucrose
Y- splenda
Y- maple syrup
Y- molasses
Y- brown sugar
?- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara)
?- sorghum syrup
Y- caramel
?- stevia

I eat a largely vegetarian diet. Fruits were a huge part of my diet for many years. I'm not fond of drinking fluids, so fruits provided much of my water intake as well. In my 30's I developed what I thought were ulcerative symptoms which included stabbing pains anywhere from my stomach area and downward. I also experience daily gastric reflux. I took Nexium for a few years and found great relief. I have always experienced sores in my mouth if I drink the more pure "not from concentrate" lemonade. I can more easily tolerate the cheap mostly sugar type lemonade (but yuck). I googled the lemonade/mouth ulcers & found something about "fruit allergy". I experimented by eliminating fruits & fruit juice & sherberts from my diet and my daily stomach pain issues magically disappeared. I LOVE fruits & am often tempted. Every single time I ingest a serving of fruit or juice I get very smushy bowel movements or diarrhea nearly every couple hours for about 24 hours. Then my bowels go back to being completely normal (firm stool, 2-3 times a day).

MY CURRENT DIET: pasta (mostly whole wheat), whole wheat breads, green veggies, ice cream, coffee, chocolate, cheese pizza, and water......

I try to choose organic options if affordable and prefer whole wheat and choose high-fructose-free options if possible.

MY TRIGGERS: any sort of fruit or fruit juice including bananas, all flavors of sherbert cause stomach pain (w/o diarrhea), mouth ulcers, and irritate my gums. Kiwi really irritates my gums and feels like it scratches them.  

DON'T NOTICE SYMPTOMS: sugars, candy, chocolate, dairy, green veggies in moderation
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- mango (Don't like)
- oranges N
- raspberries Y
- strawberries Y
- watermelon Y
- kiwi N
- onions NNN
- leek NNN
- carrots Y
- garlic N
- parsley N/A
- wheat N
- barley N
- beans N
- green peas N
- soy N
- lentils N
- pistachios N
- peanuts (peanut butter) N
- hazelnuts N
- almonds N
- cashews N
- chestnuts N
- walnuts N
- coconut  N
- sucrose N
- splenda N
- maple syrup  N
- molasses  N
- brown sugar N
- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara) N
- sorghum syrup N
- caramel N
- stevia N

I am new to all of this eliminating stuff! I was diagnosed with IBS years and years ago and I am so bad as I still carry on eating allt he rubbish which is causing me so much pain and discomfort. I have piled on weight over the years and am always bloated, gassy and sick. I am currently on prescribed gastro resistant capsules every morning as I can't tolerate food in general without being sick or having severe acid reflux. I don't think my GP has a clue as he just keeps putting me back on the tablets evertime I go back for a consultation. I can't tolerate dairy and I think I may be fructose intolerant as I can't seem to eat any fruit at all and I have been drinking sug free pop which I believe has been causing me problems. I ahve switched back to regular white sugar and this seems to have helped in that area. I wasnt to lose weight, but because of all of the intolerances, I can't seem to eat a healthy diet. Cannot stomach yogurts, ice cream, cheese (although I used to eat this without problems) I just reintorduce wholemeal bread afetr weeks of not eating it and noticed that I have started to become bloated and gassy again. I am so miserable - I could really do with some help - thank you
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45 and seems like I have always been running for a bathroom after eating. Just drank some organic black cherry juice mixed with orange/lime sparkling water and it is tearing me up. Been trying to eat cherries because I have gotten gout 4 times since Xmas. Real cherries are tearing me up too. Had to stop oatmeal. Fiberone and Fiberplus bars leave bloated and sounding like a motorboat for hours. Fried eggs are usually a no/no. Cut down on any nuts because of the gout. Cancelled a scope twice but will do it later this year.
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- mango N
- oranges N
- raspberries N
- strawberries N
- watermelon N
- kiwi N
- onions N
- leek ?
- carrots N
- garlic Y
- parsley Y
- wheat N
- barley N
- beans N
- green peas N
- soy Y (in moderation)
- lentils Y
- pistachios Y (in moderation)
- peanuts (peanut butter) Y
- hazelnuts Y
- almonds Y
- cashews Y
- chestnuts never really eaten these
- walnuts never really eaten these either
- coconut Y
- sucrose N
- splenda N
- maple syrup N
- molasses Y
- brown sugar Y
- raw sugar (Turbinado, Demerara) Y
- sorghum syrup Y
- caramel had some on coconut ice cream last night for the first time in years and had a little stomach upset
- stevia never really eaten this either

I've been diagnosed with IBS and have gluten intolerance, dairy allergy, and never really been able to eat any fruit except for avocados, lemons, and limes.  I also can't eat corn, corn flour, or corn meal if it is the first ingredient is something like cereal.  It comes back up in just about exactly a half hour.  I have always been curious if the fruit intolerance is a real thing.
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