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Audiology report help

Hello everyone,
My name is Ashley, I am 22 years old and I have had total single sided deafness on my right side my whole life. I recently requested to get some of my medical records and I got an Audiology report that I am trying to figure out what everything means on it.

Speech Thresholds
Right Ear: SRT (circled other option SAT)  75 NR(NR circled) with masking
Left Ear: 10

Right: Normal peak at 5 mmH20
Left: Normal peak at 0 mmH20

"Here for second opinion - previously dx total unilateral SNHL. Inconsistent responses RE unmasked AC and speech, but other responses consistent. Unusually high crossover levels RE AC but  normal unmasked BC, masked thresholds consistent = VT response only. Concurred with preferential plating discussed EMs for future. Ref. back to ENT with questions re: etiology for the last test"
Best Answer
1740498 tn?1328962585
I hit post comment accidentally!

In the comments, your audiologist said that you did respond at some point with your right ear when he tested bone conduction, but the audiologist thought it was a vibrotactile response. Meaning that you felt it rather than heard it. That is pretty normal... If you have sensorineural hearing loss. If you had conductive hearing loss, you would have responded to the bone conduction testing at a normal level.

Bone conduction testing is when they put a vibrating device against your head (perhaps behind your ear) and present sound through that. It bypasses the middle ear. People with middle ear problems such as otosclerosis or ear infections would respond better to that than to the air conduction testing through headphones.

Oh, I think his comment about unmasked responses was unexpected. People with unilateral deafness should not have unmasked testing, unless the audiologist is only interested in your good ear.

Normal tymps means your eardrum moved normally. That's another indicator that the middle ear was not the problem.

Crossover is talking about bone conduction crossover during air conduction testing. I wouldn't worry about that.

I'm not sure what he means about etiology for the first test. First test meaning the previous audiologist?

Did you find out why you have unilateral hearing loss? Has anything helped? Maybe CROS aid or BAHA?

Let me know if anything didn't make sense. :)

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It makes perfect since thank you!
This test was conducted when I was 8 so it has been a bit since I had it done. The doctors have never been able to tell me why I am deaf only that I am. As far as we know I have always had it. I got a pretty bad fever at about 1 and 1/2 and that was the first time they tested my hearing but they are not sure if that was related or not. I was approved for a BAHA at age 18 but due to insurance problems have never been able to get it. I was told that I am the perfect candidate for it though.
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1740498 tn?1328962585
Hi Ashley,

Welcome to the Hearing Loss community. I can absolutely help you understand the report.

It says that you have profound sensorineural hearing loss in your right ear. Which you know. :)

It looks like this audiologist first tested air conduction (using headphones, does not say which kind). You responded to speech at 75 dB. But with your normal hearing in your left ear, it was probably due to bone conduction.

Our skulls are good at conducting sound. When sound gets loud enough, it travels around to the other ear. That was what happened--the sound came in your right ear, but at 75 dB it was loud enough that it traveled through your skull to your left ear. You said that you heard it (raised your hand or whatever). But your audiologist did the right thing...

Masking! Masking means putting white noise into your good ear, so that when you indicate that you hear the beeps, it's definitely with your bad ear.

But it turned out that your bad ear couldn't hear at all. The audiologist marked NR for no response at the limits of the machine.

In the comments, the audi
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