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Adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccine?


A number of years ago in 2009 I had a major adverse reaction to the H1N1 vaccine - you can read about it in previous chapters on this forum.

My question is: Anyone out there from the old group who went ahead and got the COVID-19 vaccine? Anyone out there who is going through these types of symptoms after the COVID-19 vaccine?

I have not gotten it yet due to what I went through - hopefully this could be a place for me to learn what people are going through.

Wishing you peace and health,

4 Responses
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Hi cathy54321! Do you remember me? Francy66 from Italy! I' m glad to read your question, you know, because back in 2009 I was so shocked by what happened to us that I swore never to have a flu vaccine again in my life! Now we have the Covid problem and here in my country vaccination will be soon compulsory for me if I don't want to lose my job...so, I really don't know what to do. I am scared. I know that Coriecl, another member of our 2009 forum, took both Covid vaccine shots in the past months and luckily nothing happened to her, no tingling side effects. Did you take any decision in the meantime?  Let me know, I am really worried.

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Francy omg Hi!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear from you! I am sorry I had not checked this post for awhile! Omg I am so happy you found Me and answered! Yes of course I remember you very well!
I just replied to Corie, so we have the group back together! She does now have the tingling she has reported on another one of my posts. I have not had the vaccine. My doctor told me no due to my previous illness and suspected GBS. I am so scared of the Delta so have to be very careful. I keep trying to find a way to get this vaccine safely.
Have you spoken to your doctor about this? What we went though was terrible. I was sick for 18 months after getting out of the hospital.
I wonder if we should restart the group again so we ca have each other for support. I definitely don't want to lose contact again and am so happy to reconnect.
So far I have heard from LindaAC and Myriad of Symptoms, Corie And you lovley Francie! Maybe we reconvene on out previous h1n1 group and I can change the name or something, at least we can be there for eachother.
Hi Cathy, glad to know that some of the old wild bunch is back in Medhelp! I have been friends with Corie in Facebook for many years now, so we have never lost touch. Since I rememebered that she worked in a hospital, I thought she could be compelled to take the Covid vaccine, so I immediately aked her about her experience. After the 2nd dose she felt good at first and only yesterday, after I wrote to her about your post, did she update me about the tingling... what a drag! A never eneding nightmare!
In the past 12 years every time my doctors hinted at the flu vaccine in autumn I reminded them of my misadventure in 2009 and so they always replied "ok, never mind the vaccine, better you don't take it, too risky". And now guess what...?...they have all miraculously changed their mind and they say I certianly have to take the Covid vaccine! How can they think to be trusted upon if they give such confusing feedebacks to their patients??
Your case perhaps is a bit different, because you felt bad for a long period of time. If you remember, I was one of the quickest to recover.
I think that it would be fantastic to be again in a forum to exchange opinions and experiences! Le me know what you decide to do (new group, old one with new name or whatever), I'll be more than happy to follow and give my contribution.

Bye! :-)

Hi Francy - it's so great to reconnect. I am so happy that you and Corie stayed in touch - you were both life savers to me. Yes I remember you did recover and were such a support to those in the group - I agree it would be fantastic to reboot the group and we can help support each other with info, medical appts, what are doctors say etc.  I agree it is so confusing and scary -we need a solid medical support system - I think you need the option to be exempt if you need more time to make an informed decision. It's a no go for me from my doctor but I am looking into DNA testing to see if there is something that could be revealed that could provide insight into why I had the vaccine injury I did. Also looking for a vaccinologist or immunologist who could help me. I am scared of covid but can never go through what I went through again. It makes me sad. But I am feel better being able to talk and discuss.

I will see what Corrie says about rebooting or starting a new group - I think the old group still has lots of members so maybe we can go back there.

There are other responses to the questions I asked to different feeds - one was the immunization and the other was the Coronavirus feed - there were many interesting responses and I found Myriad, Linda and Corie there!!! Can you believe it? It is such a blessing to talk again.

Will be in touch XOXO

Hi again! I am posting over at our old tingly community group - come on by!
Hi everyone , how are you doing ? Do any one of you still have the tingling occasionally , not as bad as it used to but still the occasional tingle ? I have been to an immunologist last week he said we had an immunologic reaction not an allergic one . I would love to be In touch with all of you xox
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Hello, I had a year of misery with symptoms very similar to all of yours due to a rabies vaccine almost 10 years go.  I have never been so miserable, and I vowed never to get a vaccine of any sort again.  I had a rusty garden tool puncture (and after much research and learning that lockjaw has never happened in a case of anyone who has had even one tetanus shot) decided not to get a tetanus shot, I stopped getting flu shots, etc.  I was VERY hesitant to get the covid vaccine but after learning I wouldn't be able to attend my daughter's college family weekend unless I got it, I decided to go for it.  I'm now one month past the second shot and I have had some reactions, but they have been very mild.  I had the typical few days of sickness following the shot (loss of appetite, fever) and have had VERY MILD tingling on my face since then.  I feel nothing like I did after my rabies shot (extreme malaise, tingling throughout my entire left side, legs that felt like lead, etc).  I was TERRIFIED of the Covid shot, but ultimately I'm glad I got it.  I hope that helps a little bit.
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Hi Cathy,

I was part of forum from 2009, I hope all is well with you. I don’t feel comfortable taking the Covid vaccine after what I’ve been through with the H1N1.

Let me know if you create a new forum.
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Oh by the way I caught Covid 19 the alpha variant (UK) and had a IGG blood test last week. I have the anti bodies.
Working with Doc to  avoid getting the vaccine. The federal government is making it very difficult but I think with my history I should be able to get the QR code without taking the vaccine.
I think I also caught the wuhan Covid 19 November 2019 but never got tested.
I’ll keep you posted.
Hi Domenico, I remember you! I am Francesca, from Italy, we exchanged several posts back in 2009. Glad to hear you are fine. I have never caught Covid (as far as I know) and I haven't t taken the vaccine shot yet, for the same reasons you said. Moreover, in 2014  I discovered I have a genetic variation that makes me prone to thrombosis, so that gives me more worries and fears. Unfortunately I have to take a decision in a very short time, because from the 15th of October the so-called Green Pass becomes mandatory her in Italy to go to work: either you are vaccinated or you have tampons every 48 hours (and you pay for them!). A sort of blackmail in a few words... My daughter caught the Covid (alpha variant I suppose) a year ago, but nonetheless she had to take at least one jab, here nobody takes into consideration whether you have natural antibodies or not.  I really hope you  will be able to get an exemption for your case.
I will write again if I decide to take the vaccine.
Ciao, a presto
Dom and Francy,
Hi, I have tried to get the name changed of our group but it has not happened yet. Sorry I have not replied sooner.
Dom at least you have antibodies that is great news. Hopefully, all will work out for the vaccine passport. Keep us posted.
Francy, any news? Did you decide on vaccination?
My exemption was refused by my company. So I face being put on leave without pay or terminated after Nov. 15. I cannot get an exception from my gov as they are only accepting severe allergies to the vacc or the heart issue. Fair enough I say.  I totally understand. The population needs to be protected.
I have never asked for an exemption. I went for medical advice and based on the data at that time my doctor said wait till we have more data. In the months that have followed, I have become increasingly afraid of Covid 19 and also cannot live this way anymore. Lock down is not a long term solution for me. I want my life back. With my fear of the delta and now the delta plus, I am moving forward with vaccination. I am seeing an immunologist on Nov 18 and will follow their guidance. I need protection from this disease. And I need to be able to live my life again. I am leaning to Moderna since it is what most have had who had GBS and been fine. This is by far the scariest thing I have ever faced. But I know I cannot keep living like this. I hope I can do 2 doses. I hope they can vaxx me in a medically observed setting. My best friend will go with me and I will have a plan this time. A plan that I can count on. I am excited, terrified and wish I could move my appt up. Coming to this decision and news of the delta plus was enough to move the needle for me. Hahaha no pun intended but that is hilariously true.
That's my update for now. Praying for good outcomes and in counselling as well.
If anyone has any advice for mindset I would love it.
Thank you,
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I’m too frightened too. I still have problems from the Pandemrix vaccine.
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