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Please assess I am in serious pain

On aug 21 I had protected vaginal sex and unprotected oral sex (received and gave) with a guy. After sex i noticed a small ulcer on lip that went away the next day. The guy fingered me extremely hard and bit my clitoris but there was no blood from what I could see. On aug 25, I experienced severe pain in my left shoulder and after palpating I could feel multiple nodes on each side of neck, in armpit and groin (had dull pain in groin). My throat was painless but looked irritated and tonsils had white lines on them with white tongue. I went to the ER because I was worried. Doctor told me it was due my body fighting a infection which could be a virus (told me I have general lymphadenopathy). He tested me for mono which came back negative. On aug 29th I went back to er due to severe groin pain which the pap should excessive discharge and fluid near left ovary (which supposedly isn't normal near time of cycle, however I wasn't due until another week and a half) which I was told could be an infection. Was given doxy for 14days. My clamydia and gohnnorea test came back negative.

Overall Ive experienced symptoms such as:
borderline diarrhea (green) (which could've been due to antibiotics)
constantly feeling feverish (even as I type my body is warm) with no high fever (mild fever of 99.2)
excessive sweating (still occurring)
pins and needle feeling
severe joint/muscle pain
numbing pain in scalp
sharp pain behind ears that come and goes (was told that I have a retracted ear drum)
White tongue (still occurring) though I had a throat culture that showed "normal flora"
Throat burning
Random blood spots in mouth that come and go (without trauma)
Dark urine that lighted but told I had microscopic bleeding)
Pain behind left knee, armfuls and tingling in shins
Tiny random red pin dot sized spots that appear on skin not in clusters
Peeling fingertips
Most lymph nodes in neck are gone but some really tiny ones remain, left armpit has at least 4 and right has 1 and may 1 or 2 shots in groin (can barely feel them)
Tiny Flesh colored bumps under tongue
Before my last cycle in Sept I shed uterine tissue with no blood (just skin) which has never happened to me before!
Lost appetite and weight
post nasal drip
burning pain in muscles
itching and burning sensation around lips but no sores

I got an ultrasound on left axilla which showed no malignancy but were tender at the time. Radiologist told me they were normal size and largest one was .7cm and that they may be palpable due to inflammation or an upper respiratory infection and doesn't think a biopsy is necessary unless I wanted to do it. I decided not to but now I regret my decision. Because I had dark urine which went away but gave three samples with high numbers of microscopic blood in them I have to go to a urologist.

I was tested for HIV and syphilis with blood drawn elisa ag/ab combo test three times. On 5, 26 and 39 days after this exposure and each were negative. Was told that I can consider the test conclusive however the paranoia in me only lets me get so far with this. I already feel like **** and don't want to pass anything to my husband He was also tested (I am going to have faith that this isn't a false printout) was negative. I am really worried because I had an an affair and regret it so much. Ive never experienced anything like this before.

Could my test be false? What do you think is going on? I am clueless and worried about my nodes because Ive never had this many in one armpit before.I am currently in pain and don't know what else to do.
23 Responses
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I wouldn't worry about a slight change in your white count or your MCH. It can go down or up slightly. Your urine did have some mucous in it. So that may be what you are observing. It is just a waste product from the kidneys. It can also make your urine look cloudy.

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I read that it could be something called chyle but doesn't that produce a milky color? This is not like an oil slick on top of my urine.
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Thanks for responding. A urune culture was done, however no bacteria was found. I'm concerned about the leukocytes on my CBC. It's currently at 5.0 (it has declined over the past month or so) and is 2 points from being borderline immunodeficiency (specifically at 4.8 or lower). I worried my health is failing even though I feel fine :(.

Also, what cause the MCH to become higher than normal?

I've been having an clear oily substance in my urine off and on as of late, and for the life of me I cannot figure out what it is. There are no ketones or glucose found in my urine.
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Hi, don't worry about your lymph nodes they are too small to be positive. They have to be a certain size to be abnormal not small. Also, the HIV test is final that you don't have it.

You urine test does indicate you have  a urinary tract infection and/or kidney infection. So you need to either drink a lot of cranberry juice and water. If you are not diabetic. Or get an antibiotic. I think generally the antibiotic works better if you can take one. So I would call your doctor. This is probably why you are feeling the lymph nodes slightly activated even though they are not that big.

The leukocyte esterase being positive and also high white blood cells in the urine indicate a urinary tract infection. They should have done a urine culture automatically when that is positive. So you should find out if they did. If not you should get one done. A lot of times the doctor will just give you an antibiotic that will work on any type of urinary tract bacteria though. So if they just want to do that it is okay.

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I'm still a little concerned about my painless lymph nodes in my arm and neck. Its been almost two months and they haven't gone down yet. There are maybe 4 or 5 in my left armpit and 1 in my right. There are also two in my neck that i can feel but barely. Are you sure my hiv test are conclusive? I don't understand whats causing my nodes to be palpable like this without pain and it scaring me because I had protected sex (i don't believe the condom tore but i didn't check). I've never had this many palpable nodes before and for this length of time.

I seen a radiologist who said the left axilla nodes aren't malignant and could be enlarged due to an infection or garden virus. However, I'm concerned that they are painless as this is one prime factor in the lymph nodes concerning hiv. As I've mentioned before, I have had there negative 4th generation combi test (AG/AB Elisa) at 6, 26 and 39 days.

I have not other symptoms other than constantly feeling warmer than usual. This thought is driving me crazy as I've been rekindling my marriage and would hate to endanger my spouse. I have a follow doctors appointment in two weeks (which will be 9wks 5 days for event), should I retake the test?

I've been trying to move on from this event and have been doing well, however my nodes are still palpable and they've never been like this before.I've also loss over 12 lbs since the whole ordeal. My normal weight is 132 and the last time I was weighed I was 119. My doctor became concerned.

Also I've had another bcc run and it seems that my leukocytes have dropped yet again though barely in normal range.


Test Name Result       Units        Reference                     Range
Leukocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 5.0 x10(3)/mcL (4.8-10.8)
Erythrocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 4.20  x10(6)/mcL (4.20-5.40)
Hemoglobin, Blood Quantitative 13.1 g/dL (12.0-16.0)
Hematocrit, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 38.5 % (37.0-47.0)
Mean Corpuscular Volume, RBC Quantitative Automated Count 91.6 fL (81-99)
Erythrocyte Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin, RBC Quantitative Automated Count 31.1 Higher Than Normal pg (27-31)
Erythrocyte Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, RBC Quantitative Automated Count 34.0 g/dL (33-36)
Erythrocyte Distribution Width CV, RBC Quantitative Automated Count 13.3 % (11.5-15.0)
Platelets, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 261 x10(3)/mcL (140-400)
Platelet Mean Volume, Blood Quantitative Automated 8.8 fL (7.4-10.4)
Lymphocytes/100 Leukocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 35.5 % (15.0-40.0)
Neutrophils/100 Leukocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 55.7 % (39.0-78.0)
Monocytes/100 Leukocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 7.1 % (0-10)
Basophils/100 Leukocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 0.9 % (0.0-2.0)
Eosinophils/100 Leukocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 0.8 % (0.0-7.0)
Lymphocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 1.8 x10(3)/mcL (0.7-4.3)
Neutrophils, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 2.8 x10(3)/mcL (1.9-8.4)
Monocytes, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 0.4 x10(3)/mcL (0-1.1)
Eosinophils, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 0.0 x10(3)/mcL (0-0.8)
Basophils, Blood Quantitative Automated Count 0.0 x10(3)/mcL (0-0.2)
Cell Fractions, Blood Qualitative Manual Count NO

Also I had a Urinalysis and Urine culture done.


However, the Urinalysis showed:

Test Name Result Units Reference Range
Color, Urine Qualitative Yellow
Clarity, Urine Qualitative Slightly Cloudy
Specific Gravity, Urine Quantitative 1.020 (1.005-1.030)
Protein, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip 30 mg/dL Higher Than Normal (NEG-NEG)
Glucose, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip NEGATIVE (NORMAL-NORMAL)
Ketones, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip Negative (NEG-NEG)
Bilirubin, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip NEGATIVE (NEG-NEG)
Blood, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip Negative (NEG-NEG)
Nitrite, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip NEGATIVE (NEG-NEG)
Urobilinogen, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip NORMAL (NORM-NORM)
Leukocyte Esterase, Urine Semi-Quantitative Test Strip 25 LEU/uL Higher Than Normal (NEG-NEG)
Epithelial Cells Squamous, Urine Quantitative IRIS 6 Higher Than Normal (0-5)
Mucus, Urine Sediment Semi-Quantitative Light Microscopy MANY
pH, Urine Quantitative Test Strip 5.0 (5.0-8.0)
Leukocytes, Urine Quantitative Computer Assisted 8 Higher Than Normal (0-5)
Erythrocytes, Urine Quantitative Computer Assisted

What is wrong with me? Im worried..
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Generally if your INR is increased you have less of a chance of clotting and the same if your Protime is longer. I would have to look up the exact names you gave me to see if they are the same but I believe they are. So if you have a clotting problem it isn't due to your protime. It would be some other clotting factor.
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The results of my Protime/INR/PTT test:

Coagulation Tissue Factor Induced, Platelet Poor Plasma Quantitative Coag 12.1 Sec (9.8-12.2)
Coagulation Surface Induced, Platelet Poor Plasma Quantitative Coag 32.5 Sec (24.0-33.2)
Coagulation Tissue Factor Induced.INR, Platelet Poor Plasma Quantitative Coag 1.1 (0.9-1.1)
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I'm not sure what this is. It could be anything from an allergy to something to a neurological problem. So you could see  a dermatologist and if they don't know what it is see a neurologist. The only other thing is diabetes. But that is usually on the hands and feet.  Then there is a slim possibility of a autoimmune issue. But I would try the other two first.
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No I don't have asthma. I have a question, I get weird burning sensations on my skin through my body. At times when I touch the burning sensation on my skin it feels cold and sometimes it's warm to touch. Also, my skin is easily indented by clothes and my skin turns red. The burning skin worries me as it happens throughout my entire body including my scalp.
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Those are all normal. So I guess not. Do you have asthma? If not you could get checked to see if you have palpitations. Get a EKG , if normal get a 24 hour monitor that checks for palpitations and an echocardiogram looks for structural abnormalities. I would still look into the coagulation tests. It sounds like they are going to do that.

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My homoglibin is 12.5 (12-16) and Rdw is 13.7 (11.5-15). I don't feel palpating or flutters in chest but I do however get tightness sometimes.
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It sounds like your thyroid is slightly high which means you are hypothyroid. They usually go by the TSH. I'm not sure if the test you took is the same.
I wonder if you have  a coagulation problem. Maybe you should get tested for that. Also, is your blood pressure normal? If too high or too low it can make you pass out. Also, an arrhythmia or a structural heart problem can make you pass out. Maybe you should also get a 24 hour monitor and echocardiogram. Do you ever feel palpitations or fluttering in the heart area?

You can eat yams they have higher level of potassium and drink enough water.

Have you ever had your iron tested? It sounds like you are possibly anemic. Was your hemoglobin low too? What about your RDW was it high? That would indicate possible iron deficiency anemia or some other things .  

The sweating could be due to a hormone imbalance. The thryoid is somewhat off but there may be another hormone that is off.

That is all I can think of right now.


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Should I be worried about the excessive scalp and neck sweating I have?
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Also, probably tmi but thought it was necessary. When I was first started having menstral cycles I bled heavily and as I gotten older my menstral blood doesn't flow, it clots. I pretty much considered this normal as its been that way for so long and one doctor told me it was normal for some women. I however thought it was weird that the texture had suddenly changed.
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Stupid autocorrect lol I meant CLOT*****
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I never thought about the possibility of me have some issue with blood. When I was younger I was a nose bleeder. Any and everything made my nose bleed. For instance, standing out in the heat too long, running around playing etc. At one point, I had a nose bleed so bad family call the ambulance because clits were so big coming out of my nose and the bleeds wouldn't stop. I haven't had a nose bleed in years now I just bruise.
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Yes, I've had my thyroid, liver and kidneys check through CBC and Thyrotropin. My Thryroid result was .63 on scale of (.34-5.60). My last cbc showed that my palete count was 254 (140-400). Today the doctor told me that my pulse was pretty high while at rest. I had not done any excercise or anything but it was 100. My doctor is currently running a new cbc, Protime/INR/PTT, and a new metabolic panel. From looking at past cbc and metabolic panels my erythrocytes are always borderline low (just below the cutoff), I'm always low on patassium (though I eat bananas a lot), I'm always low on Alanine Aminotransferase and urea nitrogen. I have no clue what the last two have to deal with but the are constantly low but the doctor never seems bothered by it.

No, I'm not vegan although I trey to eat clean. I read that b12 helps to regulate metabolism so I picked it it as I am desperate to gain weight because I've lost so much. I've always went through phases where I lost weight unintentionally (could possibly be due to stress) and in college passed out a lot.

My one advisor was concerned they set me up with a doctor to figure out what the issue was ( they thought I was diabetic) but nothing was ever found.

Yes, I was diagnosed with Gerd but never experienced the burning throat sensation. I did however have issues with gnawing pangs that would subsist at night. I never thought about how Gerd could be causing the throat issue.
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It sounds like you covered yourself very well. The weight loss could be due to your thyroid. Have you had that checked? Any change in diet. Also, you usually gain weight with anti-depressants so changing them or the dose may change the weight.

Yes you are clear with the HIV then. So no worries there. Glad you already got all those STD tests done. I don't think you have yeast. It doesn't sound like it. You may want to take a probiotic when you are finished with the antibiotics for about a month. If you have a urinary tract infection you should drink about 8 glasses of water a day plus the cranberry pills.

Regarding the petechial spots you may want to also check your liver and also get a coagulation panel done to make sure you are normal for those. That is separate from the Hep tests and the platelet count is a different mechanism of clotting. So in the coagulation panel they make check your protime and PTT. If you want to see if you have a genetic problem they will do a larger study but it takes about 20 vials. So be prepared. I had it done and it is a lot. But it is good to know if you have any clotting issues.

I wonder if you have reflux and that is why your throat is hurting. Did it hurt before this episode? Sometimes reflux can do this. But maybe the ENT can help figure it out.

I wonder if the medication your on is causing the tingling or numbing you are talking about. I take a migraine medication that causes a pins and needles sensation or parasthesia.  

Are you vegan? Or why do you need B12? I am vegan so I take B12 sublingally once a week. It is 5000 mcg methycobalmin. this form absorbs the best. you put it under your tongue for about 30 seconds until it dissolves then swallow the rest with water. But if you get a different brand it may have different instructions.

I would try to learn from this and put this experience in the past.

take care,

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I think what concerns me is the tingling/numbing I feel throughout my body.
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Also, I was referred to an ent just to make sure that everything is fine because my throat burns when I breath.
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Thanks so much for responding. Yes, all three HIV test were done with a 4th duo test (Elisa ag/ab combo). I just came back from the doctors today who swabbed my throat for both chlamydia and gonorhea, so I am awaiting the results. As for my tongue, some of it does come of easy but some still stays. In my opinion it looks fuzzy, however the doctor that examined my throat today says that my mouth looks normal. Also, I gave a blood sample so that they can check for Hep (though I told the doctor I was vaccinated as a kid). I was told that I need to drink more water so I'm getting better at that. The doctor also wants to check my blood count and platelet count as I've been having petechial marks and bruises lately. I've always been an easy bruiser (half involved no trauma) but never thought anything of it until my friend (a ma) to me told get it checked out. I think the only concern the doctor had was my excessive weight loss (12lbs) in less then a month. She told me I am 1 lb away from being underweight for my bmi. I would say most of my weight loss has been due to depression and so I was put back on prozac.

As for the urine, it hasn't been checked lately but I've been taking cranRX pills to ease the discomfort and frequent urination. My therapist also mentioned that I may have scarring that's contributing to the dark urine. She says its happen to her and as you've stated will go away. When I go to the urologist the are going to stick some type of camera in my urethra and bladder to make sure they aren't missing anything.

Oh, I went out and bought probiotic and b12 vitamins too.

A lot of my worry is stemming from not wanting to give my spouse anything and healthy enough to conceive. I won't dwell on what's happened but I must say that this experience has really matured me, however I'm sad that it could come at the expense of my husband's happiness. I am doing everything that I can to make this right because I truly want my marriage.
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Hi, we are not doctors on here but I am a microbiologist and can try to give you some advice.

Firstly, I am sorry the way that guy treated you. Quit blaming yourself. It is over and I'm sure you had your reasons for doing it. So, it sounds to me like you had an infection which was probably viral and is subsiding. The pain in the muscles and the post nasal drip sounds viral not bacterial. The lymph nodes are not big enough to worry about. So I wouldn't biopsy them. You made the right decision. Usually your first decision is the correct one. The HIV test was take at the correct times so you are clear of that. Was that a HIV 4th generation duo assay? That is the best one out there. You had very little risk to start with with the type of exposure you had. Did you have a swab of the throat for gonorrhea? Usually, you get pus in the throat with that but not always. It isn't that likely but not impossible. The white tongue usually is normal bacteria. You can tell if it is yeast by using a tongue scraper and gently trying to remove it. If it removes easily it is not yeast.

I also have a white tongue after using antibiotics. It is not yeast either so I took a probiotic for about a month and it is starting to change colors and it will go away for the most part. We all have some bacteria in our mouth and tongue normally. I do think the diarrhea that was green is due to the antibiotic.

The sore shoulder is probably due to the rough experience you had and it got strained or something.

Blood in the urine is probably from the guy traumatizing the area. It will heal. If you have dark urine still you need to drink more water.

I think you could get a throat culture for GC and you could get a Hepatitis B and C done just because you don't know if he had any bloody gums or mouth problems. Otherwise really I don't think you have any STD it is probably viral. The other things are due to trauma. That is my opinion. You should be okay.  I doubt you have any of these things. It is just a precaution.

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I would also like to mention that I've had noticeably visible veins closer to the surface in my thighs and calves, dry skin and when I spit the other day I had a streak of blood.
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