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Chronic daily headache, Alot of neck/shoulder pain!

I have had chronic headaches for 2 years. The headaches themselves remained daily (usual on sides of head, occasionally on back of head) with a decrease in the sever flare ups but still no clear pain free periods. Most days I have a constant mild to moderate ache in my head which varies in intensity throughout the day with flare ups of really bad pain once or twice a week. The Bad headaches tend to be on one side, sometimes spread to whole head and hurts more if I move my head. The pain is sharp and my head almost feels like it
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To caroljd39 My doctor also sugested I take Lyrica. I have not tried it yet. One because of the money and two I am worried that I will have to take it daily and it seems you have to taper off to get off of it, which tells me it is a blood thinner or Steriod which my Doctor tells me it is niether. So how is Lyrica working or not working for you? What level would you say it is working for you? What side effects have you had from it? I was also given another prescription for the migrains but it cost over 200 for just 10 pills so I never got past the sample. Have you found anything that works for the Migrains and lets you still function. I like the Ultram ER it is not a nerve spinal blocker like Lyrica but it does take the edge off of the spasms. It does not help with the migrains though. I have noticed it seems sto help with what I think are siezers. No one seem to want to address that with me, WHY? I often think I need a brain scan and think I may have had a stroke but I too have a DR that does not treat me for the symptoms I have told her about. Thank God I have a Rheumatologist that I feel is helping me, but even he is not going into the direction of a brain scan. How is your Cholesterol level? I dont understand the relation with Cholesterol and Lupus if any. Mine is 305 and all I eat is mostly natural foods. I have eaten more cherry's this summer then I have my whole life. Cherry's are suppose to help lower Cholesterol. There are many foods that do help but it seems that the harder I try and worse it gets.

Have a Great Labor Day Weekend!
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Hi I have lupus and chronic migraines. the more headaches I get the worse the lupus gets very tired not able to think clearly.The pain is in back of my head like a gripping cap it hurts my neck and sholders alot ..I walk around like freak laying my head to each side and stretching my neckand rolling my back while people are talking to me ..I take so many meds for migraines I had a brain scan they said brain shows the activity of a migraine suffer,over active on bottom rightI think the worse the lupus gets the worst the heacahe and pain gets almost as these migraines are slowly damaging my brain stem/They are trying me on lyrica nowhoping it slows down the brain in firing the pain center ..I do physical therapy to help with neck as its getting weak but my pain is in my brain i think almost like one day it will be the headache that doesnt came back to normal. Ive all but given hope so many doctors so little minds that understand  that lupus and migraines go together on many people as does rhuemtiod and headaches and sleeping pain
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After my last entry I found that I tested boarder line for Lupus. I want to know whta it means to have all these symtoms that I state above and be testing boarder line? Does this mean I am well on my way to Lupus? I will be more happy to know rather then not know. IF I know then I can have a direction. My level was 80 for Lupus. with the scale having 80 as the highest without being positive.
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I was diagnosed as having a C5-C6 bulg of 5.5 MM I also had a min. bulg of C6-C7. I had the disc going staight into my spinal cord which was causing the right side of my shoulder and arm to be in unbarable pain. I had fusion of both areas.
Before having the surgery I complained of migraines an all that come with those wonderful gifts. Nausea, blurd vision, sound and light sinsitive. I was told by my surgeon that the headaches where not caused by the neck problem as it was above the nerve damage.
After surgery, I thought the migraines where getting better. I now think it was the heavy drugs for recovery of the surgery that helped.
I am now worse then ever with the migraines, not to mention all the other issues of joint and muscle pain all over my body that I have been complaining about.
I was put on Ultram ER for he joint and muscle pain. I am impressed with what it does help with. I am sadden that it does not take care of the migraines.
I now am on Axert for the migraines as well as the Ultam ER. I also take Flexseed and Omega 3. I still have migraines that make me want to die.
I have had every blood test known to man kind and nothing. My SED level is 36. My cholesterol is high at 305 and all I eat is natural foods. My oxigine level is 95 and my blood pressure is 128 over 69. there is nothing adnormal but the Cholesterol. My neck and shoulders and upper back look like a football player. Did I mention, I am a woman. My test for Cushions, Lupus, Lyme all normal. I am pain all the time and migraines every week now. I can hardly watch TV or drive do to the light sinsitivity. I was told that my muscles in my legs are tight too. I have sciatic pain as well. The pulsing in my head make me feel like my vain is going to explode and sometimes I wish it would.        Colleen
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Have you been tested for Lymes or West Nile virus as you have extreme stiff neck, headaches, odd twitches, tremors, these virus enter your nervous system through your spinal fluid. Mennigitis also has the symptoms you mentioned.
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A note about occiptal nerve blocks. They are only temporary cures, as is the botox and may come with some odd side effects. Tissue atrophy is one of the problems that I encountered after only about 6 rounds of nerve blocks. They ended up making my headache worse as the tissue surrounding my blood vessels atrophied itself away. It was definitley an odd and almost unheard of situation, but it happens. Again, the bad part of either one of these solutions is they are only temporary and neither one focus on the preventative side of your pain.

A suggestion would be to see a really good neurologist. It sounds like you may have some form of nerve damage. Especially considering your history of the accident, something seems not quite right.

I have had the same headache for over a year and a half and it is almost under control now, so I can really understand your frustration. Best of luck.

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