1128665 tn?1269273471


Update: I wanted to let all the wonderful women (and men) who have reached out to me over the past 16 months with  their questions about pelvic organ prolapse know that I will be shifting over to the new PELVIC ORGAN PROLAPSE COMMUNITY. I’m hopeful you’ll join us in our new community that is specific to POP; I’ll continue to do my best to guide you through the diverse paths of POP recognition and treatment. Here’s a link to get you to the right page-


Pelvic organ prolapse is an extremely common female health concern that many women are unaware of until after they’ve been diagnosed. The UROGYNECOLOGY*PELVIC ORGAN PROLAPSE COMMUNITY is for women of all ages, whether they’ve had children or not.  Although pelvic organ prolapse is more common in women age 50 and up, many women in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s are diagnosed every day.  Since there are 5 types of POP (cystocele, rectocele, enterocele, uterine prolapse, and vaginal vault prolapse) and different combinations of POP can exist simultaneously, POP symptoms vary from woman to woman.

The UROGYNECOLOGY*PELVIC ORGAN PROLAPSE COMMUNITY is here to provide support and information for women who suspect they have POP, for women who are newly diagnosed with POP, for women trying to decipher surgical vs. non-surgical treatment options, for women who have already had surgery and wish to stay on top of the maintenance curve, and for women who would like to share their POP experience and expertise with others newly diagnosed. We welcome you one and all!

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We are so glad you have found the UROGYNECOLOGY*PELVIC ORGAN PROLAPSE COMMUNITY and look forward to you joining us! If you ever have any concerns, ideas, or comments about the forum in general, please feel free to send a private message to me (sherrieP); as your community leader, I’m here to help!


Urogynecology/Pelvic Organ Prolapse Community Leader
22 Responses
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1128665 tn?1269273471
So glad you found us, if you have any POP questions you can't find answers to, don't hesitate to ask-I'll do my best to fill in the blanks!
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1949068 tn?1449628519
Thank God for this post & community! I'm so glad you have detailed info in this area! Now, I can breath! Lol!
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1128665 tn?1269273471
I have to assume your gyn is the one who did your procedure; I always recommend women see a urogynecologist or urologist with pelvic floor specialty for POP concerns. Please seek advice of a urpgyn, these are complictions that need to be addressed. If mesh is not placed properly and the area is not prepped the correct way, there can be complications. I am hopeful a urogyn will be able to get you balanced, some of your symptoms sound like side effects of estrogen out of balance, some sound like complications of mesh; all need to be addressed. The bleeding can be from either the mesh or the hormones not being proper balance for you. Since you are seeing your ob/gyn on Wednesday, ask her about consult with urogynecologist.

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6 years post hysterectomy with Pro Lift procedures for rectocyle, cystocyle, & vaginal walls.  Even after many months of aggressive use of vaginal Premarin, while the vaginal walls texture has thickened & mesh protrusion has almost receded I must wear pads 24/7 for a variety of discharges:  pale pink, mucousy blood, bright clotting blood, and a smelly slime of a yellow brown color.  The hormones have uncomfortable side effects for me:  rapid heart rate, severe headaches at the back of my neck & head, muscle cramping of calves, hands & feet.  Now I am experiencing additional symptoms of chills, slight fever ( under 100), pelvic discomfort, continued muscle cramping, bad headaches as well as continued bleeding, all happening after sundown each day.  Seeing surgeon, my ob gyn, Wednesday. What am I dealing with?  Has the Pro Lift mesh caused an infection?  Where does the bleeding come from?
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1128665 tn?1269273471
You are the poster child for doing the right stuff, puts a HUGE smile on my face!
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I had a reaction to the silver nitrate my urogynecologist swabbed my vagina with on my 2 week post op visit.  Broke out in a rash a couple days after that treatment.  Every time I urinated the outer area of my vagina would itch.  I took benadryl and used vagisil cream which soothed the area and stopped the itching.  I used the vagisil cream every time I urinated after I cleaned the area with a moist wipe. I had a followup with my urogynecologist a couple of days later and she agreed that silver nitrate and I should never meet again!  She said I was healing exceptionally well and she would see me for my 8 week post op.  I'm driving, doing laundry, cooking and VERY LIGHT housekeeping (no vacuuming or mopping floors yet).  I use my handy walker/chair to move things that I'm not suppose to lift, i.e. laundry basket.  My husband and I went grocery shopping TOGETHER so he could carry/lift the grocery bags.  I grocery shop once a month and pickup staples like milk, bread and juice in between if we run out.  So I'm trying to be a good girl and not do stuff that might send me back to the hospital because I do feel that I am capable of doing all the stuff I use to do.  But, I've read too many horror stories of women doing stuff to early and having bad results.  I'm very independent and have difficulty seeing something that needs to be done and not do it.  So, I'm catching up on my reading to keep me occupied and out of trouble.  
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1128665 tn?1269273471
That is so wonderful that you have such a great support system in place! The fact that you reviewed the b/4/after surgery info 3 times speaks volumes about what you did to prepare, I have no doubt you are going to heal up great and moniter yourself in the way all women should. Nicely done!
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I'll keep you posted. I'm being very mindful during my recovery phase.  I keep my post op instructions posted on my refrigerator as a daily reminder.  I'm a fairly independent person and have to really keep a vigil mind to do what I'm suppose to during this recovery phase.  My husband has been very supportive and helpful.  He, my daughter and son spent the night in the hospital with me the day of my surgery.  It was very comforting having them all there.
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1128665 tn?1269273471
I'm so happy to hear things are shifting forward for you! Equally glad that some of the insights from my book enabled you to be better prepared for what to expect after your procedure. Keep up the great work with self-monitering, that's so important and keep in mind the self-monitering and maintenance for life are the best path forward. Please toss me details on the vaginal dilator massage stuff, if you do ever have problems with scar tissue/adhesions and this does not take care of it, MFR massgage may help too.

I hugely appreciate the feedback I get from my ladies; they help keep me in touch with  the best info to pass on. Thanks for all the times you've reached out! And please continue to be a good girl and not lift heavy stuff until you are well into the heal curve.

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I had my 2 week checkup on Feb 7th.  My urogynecologist said everything seems to be healing very well. I had posted this earlier, but I guess I did not submit it correctly because I did not see my comment when I returned to this site today.  I had a stage III cystocele, rectocele and mid-urethral sling POP repair.  The day of surgery was painful, but durable because they had me on a morphine drip.  I went home with a catheter the day after surgery, but it was removed a couple of days later, thankfully.  I was a "lounge lizard" except for bathroom breaks and walks up and down my hallway every couple of hours for the first week.  I was amazed at how well I felt.  My pain was very manageable with the meds I had. Thanks to your book (which I've read at least 3 times), I was well prepared for the "before" and "after" surgery.  I had everything I needed in place when I returned home.  I used a walker/chair with wheels that locked in placed that had a basket under the seat. I used it to carry all of my "necessities" including my cell phone and reading materials wherever I roamed in my house.  It, also came in handy to move stuff I could not/should not lift.  This week (my third week) I'm up and about without my walker/chair but I still use it to move stuff that I could/should not lift yet.  I have my 8  week follow-up mid-march and will let you know how that goes.  I'm, also, participating in a clinical trial with the Washington Hospital Center using vaginal dilator massage which may help prevent scar tissue bands from forming in the vagina.  Hopefully, it will be beneficial to help decrease the risk of pain with sexual intercourse after surgery.   God bless and keep up the good work keeping us ladies informed and bringing POP to the forefront.  I hope Dr. Oz does a follow-up on his earlier show addressing the surgical aspects of POP.
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1128665 tn?1269273471
I'm so glad I was able to fill in the blanks a bit for you prior to your surgery and thanks so much for passing POP info around to women you know; it is grassroots paths that helps make change. I truly feel ALL women should know about POP at a young age so they can recognize signs and symptoms early. Appreciate the feedback you sent in to Oz show as well! I am hopeful other talk shows will now consider approaching the topic.

Keep me in the loop with how your surgery turns out, I'll be pulling for your smooth, speady recovery!

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I told my husband I thought that was you, but I did not have a good picture of you to be sure.  I sent the Dr. Oz show the e-mail detailing my concerns about POP being such a common surgery in the medical field, but not so common for the average female. I referenced your book and the fact that I was going in for surgery on Jan 21st (tomorrow) and thought it was a good idea to get the word out there.  I don't know if that was the key in getting it on the show in such a timely manner, but I was sure glad to see it. I would have like to see more info regarding the type of surgery, but found what I need (including graphic pics) on the web pages.    I'm passing your book around and others are ordering it for their Kindle or electronic reader.  Will let you know how my surgery turns out.  Hoping for the best!  You have prepared me well for what to expect and what to have on hand when I return home.  Again, God Bless you Sherri Palm.
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1128665 tn?1269273471
Yes, I participated in it (opening segment with women speaking). I am hopeful other media will step forward now and open a dialogue about POP. There is so much more info women need to have about POP and it is important to get accurate information out to all women so they start recognizing the signs and symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse.

It is always beneficial when women step forward and contact media about this topic; the more frequently it is done, the more likely the media will start to sit up and take notice. Thanks for your efforts!

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I sent a e-mail to the Dr Oz show Nov 29, 2010 about my shock at POP being a common surgery and the fact that I did not know about it and low and behold last week he did a segment on POP.  Did you see it?  It's definitely out of  the closet now.  
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1128665 tn?1269273471
Hi Deb,

Please send another new post over to the forum with type of POP you have (there are 5 types, if you dr hasn't told you what type  ask him). In grade 2 there are many treatments that are beneficial. Once I know type/recommendations from dr, I can make additional recommendations. Please let me know what symptoms you are displaying as well. It may be helpful to read other posts on the forum, there is a lot of good info on different POP issues; you can also PM me but know that I am out of town with little wifi access through Jan 3 so it may take me a bit for me to get back to you. Hang in there, will get info to you asap!

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I am 56 and very active I have a stage 2 prolapse which is uncomfortable but with few symptoms. I am wondering what the best treatment would be. My MD has given me options but no clear recommendations
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1128665 tn?1269273471
I'm glad you found us too! Please feel comfortable sending in your questions, we are all here to help in any way we can!
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thank you for your advice regarding pop. i now feel reassured and am glad i found this site
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1128665 tn?1269273471
Yes please keep me in the loop!
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Thank you too.  I'll keep you posted.  In the meantime, I'll keeping checking in daily to read the posts that come in.
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1128665 tn?1269273471
Thank you for your kind sentiments; it truly is my intention to open up the closet door on this topic. I feel ALL women should know about POP so they can recognize it and seek earlier, less aggressive treatment and will continue to do whatever I can to get the word out.

I am so happy to hear you are seeing a urogyn, that is truly the best path. As you continue down your journey to regain optimal health, feel free to send in your questions as they arise!  I am hopeful you will find someone in your area to help guide your path but I want you to know that I'll do whatever I can to answer your questions.

Good luck to you, you know where to find me! Sorry for the delay answering this, I am out of town and my laptop is not working, I have to access library wifi where I can but will be back at my desk early next week.

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God bless you Sherri Palm!!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to bring POP to the women of the world.  I have printed a great deal of the comments from this web page to read today for my own benefit. I happened upon this site and your web page by sheer accident while researching cystocele and rectocele proplase teatments. I'm ordering your book when I'm done positing this message.

I see stumbling upon this site as Divine Intervention. I had done research back in June when I was first diagnosed with Stage III cystocele and rectocele prolapse, but for some reason I never came upon your site or this one.  None of what I found earlier gave me the comfort I have now.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  

I'm a ten year breast cancer survivor and I'm schedule for a Laparoscopic sacral colopexy, rectocele repair and urethural sling surgery to correct my prolapse problems in mid-Jan 2011.  My urogynecologist is on staff at the Washington Hospital Center's National Center for Advanced Pelvic Surgery which is a division of their Women's and Infants' Services.  I will be 60 years old on Dec 7, 2010 and was somewhat comfortable with what had to be done (knowing the risks involved with any surgery) and  very apprehensive about the post op.  I'm fairly active and love to golf.  I was never clear as to what I could or could not do in definitive terms for my own comfort.  Or how long a recovery process it would ACTUALLY be.  Thank you and all the women/men who are daring and passionate enough to post some of the most intimate issues regarding this problem.  

If anyone has had this surgery performed in the Washington DC/Baltimore area, please let me know.  Please post your response here as well as to my direct e-mail (***@****).  God bless you all and may you have the merriest of holidays.  
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