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1442701 tn?1286383987

Foot sensation of sliding on ice

Has anyone ever had the sensation of sliding on ice or feel like there is a buzzing under their foot? My toes on my left foot are numb almost all the time too. The sliding on ice scares me & I have been depressed over it! I'm so afraid that I am going to fall & cannot go into a store without holding onto a shopping cart!
23 Responses
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I have had the sensation as though I were sliding on ice many times. It seems to occur on hard surfaces such as concrete and tile. I find myself cautiously walking as if the floor was wet and soapy like a newly washed floor. I have a short concrete driveway that slopes downward and I have to walk gingerly on to maintain balance. I am several years post concussion and know it is another one of  multiple bizarre symptoms I endure. I have done some research and believe it is caused by sensory ataxia. The Romberg Test performed by many neurologists, etc. is always positive (meaning abnormal). A pathway from the brainstem has been impaired and proprioception or ability to sense where my body is in space is affected and unable to detect position and motion accurately.
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Hello ! I'm a couple of months into the slipping issue when I walk. I can't walk on tile surfaces (except for at home in my bare feet. even then, my feet have to be a bit damp from like sweat, it seems to make them feel a bit sticky) or concrete unless it's very bumpy. I notice that I am getting fatigued much easier and get a lot of brain fog. I've had to leave jobs because I cant get around easily. However, walking on grass or carpet barely bothers me. I don't have the money or insurance to see a doctor. I've got to lose some weight but I don't know how much that will help. It feels like I'm going to slip and fall all the time. I even bought  self adhesive grip pads for the bottom of my shoes. I can't say that I've felt a lot of difference.
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I started experiencing the sensation of slipping on ice about a month ago. Around the same time, staring having difficulties walking downhill. I have been to primary doctor and she is referring me to a neurologist. From what I have read on the internet today, medical professionals don't seem to know the reason for this. I have always enjoyed walking and now this is making a simple walk an ordeal. It HAS to be some sort of nerve issue, and most likely not caused by MS or PD, (thank goodness). The only thing my doc found through blood test is that I have a low vitamin D level.
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My doctor said the same to me, that I am severely needed vitamin D and vitamin B-12
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I have the sliding on ice sensation in both feet, but it's worse in my left foot, which the front half is numb.  Mine is also worse on hard floors or getting on or off escalators or elevators. I've been to the Neurologist & tested for MS. It came back negative and he said he doesn't think it's neurological.  I would like a diagnosis so I know what's wrong.  I appreciate all the posts.
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As an update,  Physical Therapy helped a little in that I am feeling stronger however the slipping sensation persists in both feet. In April I went to see an orthopedic Dr who ordered an MRI.  The MRI confirmed several bulging disks in my lower back.  (although I have no pain!)  Dr. suggested a series of lumbar injections, which I completed in June. Those seemed to eliminate a lot of the cramping and tingling I was having in my feet and legs.   A this point, I am fine walking around my house with no slipping sensation.  If I walk more than 50 or 100 feet at a time the sensation returns.   In the grocery store I still have to hold onto a cart.  Still use the cane for walking at work.  Concrete floors still bring the sensation back without fail.  Dr told me to just keep at exercising and to come back and see him if things get worse or do not get better over time.   Bottom line is I am a bit better but it is not gone.  Dr. said that the bulging disks damaged some nerves and that it will take a long time for them to heal.  I am not sure what to think, but thought I would update and see what is up with everyone else.  
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I am so relieved to know other people are having the "feet sliding on ice" sensation and I'm not nuts like I think my doctor thinks.  My symptoms started about 10 months ago. It started when I woke up one morning and felt like I had been hit by a truck. I hadn't done anything strenuous in the days or weeks before. Then the balance problems started about a month later. I felt like my feet are sliding on ice. I have fallen twice while walking along just fine and one step felt like my left foot slid out from under me. It's a lot worse on hard floors like tile or hardwoods.  It got so bad for a few months I bought a cane. I also grab a shopping cart to have something to hold on to. I was recently tested for MS & it came back negative.  I also get muscle spasms all the time. I think my doctor's at a loss. Blood tests come back that my CRP and Sedimentation Rate are high, which are inflammatory markers.  I'm glad you mentioned orthodics. I might try that.
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I am so glad I found this thread. I am from Sri Lanka and it is incredible that I found this  site.  Everyone looked at me as though I am crazy. How can you  slip?  There is nothing wrong with you, and on and on.
So thank you to all of you. Now I know I am not crazy.  I will try Vitamin B12 and hopefully the condition will improve
I have tried vitamin b-12 it didn't help me. I just can't take it anymore you can't talk about it to anyone, even doctors look at you stupid. Mine has gotten so bad I completely walk different. I force my right foot to bend inwards when I walk just in case I slip, but not slip, but feels like you do. So my right foot  bends inward so I feel like it saves me from a full slip. Sounds weird I know, this has consumed my life.
Have you found any answers?
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The tests from the neurologist (EMG and Nerve Conductive Study) cost me under $400.00; I have high-deductible insurance.  The orthotics from the podiatrist were about $300.00 and I am glad to have them as I feel they are stabilizing me as I progress through physical therapy.  Please keep posting as to what you are doing and how it is progressing.  I'll update again also.
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Thank you for all these posts. I have been suffering for 3. Months but it is Getting worse. Happens when I walk on sidewalks and streets and hardwood floors and tile.  I can't decide whether to start with neurologist or podiatrist. Any recommendations?  The testing is going to be expensive. If people are getting help from a foot doctor,  I will start there.  Keep posting!
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An Update - the orthotics helped a little but not totally.  I visited a neurologist in December who diagnosed me with impinged nerve in spine.  I am now doing physical therapy 3 times per week for 3 months to address this.  I am walking better and feeling the slipping less.  I will update in a few months & let you know if this took care of the issue totally.
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I have the slipping on ice feeling issue with both feet.  Also is mostly on hard surfaces, not so much on grass or carpet.  I visited my podiatrist and after examination turns out my arches which are very high are starting to fall and I have symptoms of plantar fasciitis all of which he feels may be causing the odd sensations in my feet.  He is making orthotics for me to support my feet and I am doing exercises and stretches for the plantar fasciitis, also I have extensor tendonitis on the top of my left foot so I am stretching that area.  I am noticing some improvement by doing the stretches and exercises even though I do not have the orthotics yet.  We are hoping that all this will alleviate the issue; that it is mechanical in nature.  I hope this is helpful to someone.
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Lisachip, have you had any further diagnosis, or help with PT? I have began to have this sensation particularly in my right foot. I notice it most when I step from carpet to tile, and it is the very sensation of hitting a slick spot, and not a balance thing. I do have peripheral nerve damage in left leg and foot, following an injury. This is new in my right foot. I am going to get it checked at neurologist and orthopedic dr, because sometimes it feels like the bone going down into my heel is rolling.
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Hi Nancy
I have recently had the same sensation.
I feel it most when walking on tile floors.
I have not talked to any doctor about this yet.
Have you had any diagnosis yet or PT, and if PT, did it help?
Thank you.
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I have not figured this out yet...need to get back to doctor.  PT seemed to help a bit last fall but it has returned even worse right now.  Have you had any success with a diagnosis?
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Anyone ever feel like feet slip on ice and it is worst on tile floors.  When I am not wearing shoes it does no happen.  Tried different shoes happens with all of them.  Also pain on right side back of head around the middle right side.  I am worried.  
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I have also noticed that going barefoot at home is helpful. I still feel it but I can keep walking anyway because I can feel the ground under my feet. I am able to leave the house in "barefoot shoes" from Amazon.
I'm the same way Joyce. I walk better in barefeet but it's only good if my feet are damp. Once they dry, it gets slippery again
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I am also feeling like my feet slip on ice and it is worst on tile floors.  When I am not wearing shoes it does not happen.  Try different shoes happens with all of them.  Did you ever find out what caused that feeling.  I am really worried about this.
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Hi there, I too have just started experiencing the same sensation, as if slipping on ice.  It seems specific to the type of surface also, those that I perceive to be slippery as walking on grass or carpet is fine.  Been to a neurologist, had a nerve test (fine) and MRI of spine (some pinched nerves) so he prescribed pt for a month to see if that helps.  Am just 3 visits to the PT so no difference yet but hoping it does the trick.  I have confined my travel to stores where there are shopping carts I can hold onto so basically food shopping and home.  So depressing and frightening.  Have you made any progress since your post to this site?
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did you ever find out what the "sliding on ice" feeling was? i just started experiencing that. thank you.
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Yeah me too. And its progressing a lot more recently
1396846 tn?1332459510
I also have never had the sliding on ice feeling. I do have buzzing feeling and I know the feeling of not being able to go into a store without leaning on a cart, but mine is for steadiness and not for feeling like I am sliding on ice.

I would contact your neuro and see what he/she has to say about what you are feeling.

Good luck,
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1447542 tn?1318027081
While I personally have never had the sliding on ice feeling, I have experienced the buzzing you are talking about and it is hard to describe. Yet, I will try to explain what I have felt and maybe it is similar to what you are experiencing. My buzzing kind of makes it hard to relax because it is almost an itching sensation, but not quite. I tend to to rub my legs to try to soothe or maybe to just distract me from the feeling of wanting to crawl out of my skin.

I would suggest if it has been bothering you for awhile and not gotten any better to see if a neurologist can help. I know from my experience that usually they will give me a steroid drip to help the spinal cord inflammation. Your situation, though, may be different.
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I think it is from Neuropathy. It is when you are going from one type/floor to another. My doctor put me on lyrica and it is much better. If you watch the floor when you are walking it won’t be so bad. Look up Neuropathy and feeling of slipping on ice
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This response has a potential solution to this problem.

I exhibited all the same symptoms as described by many of the responses here. It started a week ago and I lost all confidence in my left foot - specially when transitioning from carpet to cement or wood. Or from dry cement to wet cement.  The sensation would occur multiple times a day.

I took Methyl B12 shot, and it completely alleviated the problem.  There are various places in major cities in the US where you can get a shot for $40 to $50. Taking the pills are not as effective as an injection. It appears there are also sites that provide you the information and Methyl B12 to give yourself the shot. You can also ask your doctor for a B12 shot.
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Is the methyl B12 still working? I am using weekly cyanocobalamine which isnt quite as good. It seems to be helping.
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I don't know what this is but when I am home I go barefoot because if I can feel the floor on my feet I am not afraid that I will fall. I wear "barefoot shoes" when I leave the house and it helps. Without these shoes, I can barely walk because I am so afraid.
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1442701 tn?1286383987
I also  have pain in my toes, feet & hands at times like someone is sticking me with needles! Sometimes I feel an electrical twinge of pain in my spine. That feels odd & have pain in my head like being shocked. Sometimes the pain in my head is sharp & sudden like jolts! I feel crazy trying to describe all that I am experiencing & depressed too!
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1442701 tn?1286383987
I have an appointment next Thursday. Thanks so much for your comments.
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Ask your doc for a neuro ,consult and follow tlhrough
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