1469703 tn?1372041476

Panic attack disorder xanax or klonopin?

I am a 27year old female. Single mother of 3. Started having panic attacks when I was 16, was able to go to talk therapy and treat that without any medication, thankfully! Lately, i've been going through alot, my fiancee(kids father) and I split up, he's not around now. So now im raising 3 children by myself. My anxiety is through the roof, I was recently diagnosed with Clinically Isolated Syndrome (maybe ms, maybe not)...but anyhoo ... I go to a group therapy program, and have been going since July.... I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, ptsd and panic attack disorder with agoraphobia. I have panic attacks just sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office or at the grocery store, or at a friends house, mall, etc. I was put on prozac and buspar. Well, that didnt do anything, and then there was a mixup(this place really ***** when it comes to organization, but because of my insurance theyre the only game in town). I went over 6 weeks without my meds. I Then saw a different Psych at the same group program who put me on 25mg of Zoloft and 1mg of xanax(as needed) up to 3 times a day. The Xanax worked WONDERS!!  I was actually able to start a normal routine, and I liked the Xanax because I only needed to take it when I felt an attack coming on i would breath deeply and before i'd know it, things would be OKAY! Well, i was made to go see the ORIGINAL psych and he took me OFF of Xanax ( said he hates this medication) and he put me on Klonopin(which ive been on before and had an issue with in the past, was taking the klonopin along with lexapro), it made me very ANGRY and impulsive and jumpy, etc. I told the psych this, and he said that it wasnt the klonopin that caused those side effects, it was the lexapro, but i was in my early 20's and lexapro isnt recommended for early adolescents. So, ive been back on the Klonopin now for about a week. and i HATE it! I am absolutely miserable when the medication wears off, I am very CROSS AND ANGRY and very SHORT TEMPERED, with myself, my children and others!!  I know that the benzo classes of drugs can often times cause this to happen (benzoid rage or whatever it is called), but the Xanax did not cause this reaction!!  And with the klonopin, it is so bad, that when it wears off I automatically need to take another pill to keel off the anger. I dont believe this is NOT how the medication is supposed to work. I dont know what to do, I know the psych will not prescribe the Xanax because he has already refused that, and the buspar doesnt work. and Im tired of my life being at a standstill, and Im tired of living within my apartment, my kids deserve to go to the park and to carnivals and chuck e cheese and all of that! im just wondering why the klonopins are driving me nuts!!!!
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First of all, the Klonopin should not be wearing off if taken properly.  That's why Doctors usually prefer it.  It takes away the highs and lows.  Once the Klonopin (if taken 2  to 3 times daily) reaches steady state there should be no crash.  Xanax, on the other hand, can drop you rather quickly. I had that problem with Ativan.  It helped quickly, as needed, but when it wore off I felt really down.  Kllonopin resolved these issues. SSRI's like lexapro do tend to cause those jittery or agitated side-effects when you are starting them.  Klonopin should not cause that.  Give it a chance.
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I had the same problem you did. My doctor would not put me on xanax. He said it was too addicting especially for women. so we compromised and he put me on lorazepam instead. The chemical makeup in both medications are very very similar. My life went back to normal and the lorazepam is the reason. The next time you see your doctor, bring up lorazepam and see what he says. At this point you have nothing to lose by asking. Goodluc!!
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xanax is a dangerous medication that akes you to hell and back and the withdrawls are shocking--K-pins are much better and so is valium but xanax was hell on earth for me,with such a short half-life all it does is get you hooked quicker and you end up needing to take more and if you mix it with alcohol then you're play russian roulette.
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I take xanax for panic attacks, only when needed. I find it very effective, and will often go long periods of time without taking it (of course this is probably because I limit my life to avoid the triggers). Either way, I much prefer it to the feeling of being on anti depressants, which I've tried many times.
I was prescribed Klonopin once and I tried it, had a crazy, overly emotional and uncharacteristic outburst. Really not normal. I assumed it was just the situation i was in, and not the meds, but I put it away and didn't touch if for like a year. Then I got it out, and decided I'd try it again to help with sleep and general anxiety. Took it as prescribed, and within 2 days I was having awful mood swings, depression, etc. It was so bad I couldn't continue. So you're not alone in that. It was always as the dose was running low- ie a few hours before the next dose was due. I wonder if there are certain people who metabolize it too quickly? It felt as if I was having a terrible withdrawal every time I took it.
And now, 2 years later, I'm contemplating trying it again because doctors in my state are very hesitant to prescribe xanax.. it's very sought after and there's a huge prescription addiction problem. So I'm basically told that I have to take anti-depressants with awful side effects, or not be medicated at all. I only go through probably 30 xanax pills a year, It's pretty clear I don't have a problem..
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Everyone reacts differently. Xanax made me irritable, angry and aggitated. Stopped it after two weeks. Only Klonopin and Valium work for me on their own. I can take Ativan with Klonopin but on Ativan alone I felt emotionally cut-off and just plain wierd. I now take a combination of Ativan and Klonopin at work for extreme noise sensitivity and it's actually making a dent, that with ADHD meds, on what use to be intolerable being around people and not able to block out external stimuli. Now I almost feel normal. Too bad it's taking three highly addictive meds to do it. Better than welfare or being homeless. That's life when you have mental problems.
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Jus wanted to tell u my theray on the whole xanax thing .....i take 50 mg of zoloft and 0.5 mg of xanax 3 times daily and have did this for 7 yrs and have NOT had to go up on the xanax. It works wonders like u said and i believe everyones body IS different,like u i cant take or tolerate klonipin and believe if xanax works y mess wit sumthin thats workin rite ???? Well thats wat my phyc has told me over n over so do wat is best for u !!!!! I hope ur dr understands cuz i know its awful to b on a med that makes u feel bad wen ur already dealing wit this anxiety especially since u know the xanax works. Alls i can tell u is put ur foot down and tell ur dr its ur body and u know wat is rite and wrong and the xanax makes u have a normal life that u deserve plus u need to b a mommmy to ur children. I wish u the best k : )
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I have social anxiety as well. Locked up in the house and my son suffers because of it :( I had the same issue but found out it wasn't Benzo at all. My psych started me on Lamictal to stabilize the rages. Give the Klonopin a chance. It does need to build up in your system for a therapeutic effect. Lamictal has been great so far. It has a very calming effect. Not a doped up, foggy head feeling that SSRI's usually cause. There are risks with Lamictal as there are with all pharmaceuticals. It's when the benefits outweighs the risks, it's worth it. Good luck.
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1469703 tn?1372041476
But I dont understand because I am NOT on lexapro. I am on zoloft and klonopin, I take klonopin 2x a day. One every 12 hours, and by the time Im ready to take my second dose im in HELL ON WHEELS ***** MODE!! But the xanax never caused that side effect. I know that Klonopin is supposed to be much better for long term, but my psych says klonopin isnt used for long term anxiety relief. Im just upset because im tired of sitting around the house, miserable and not being able to go anywhere or do anything, and then when i do..eventually Im cursing someone out or having some kind of incident somewhere. Could this be a benzoid rage issue???
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212161 tn?1599427282
the xanax is very bad , as time goes by your bodty gets used to it and wants more and more , it than causes many problems when you dont take it on time like breathing problems/anxiety i would stay away from it only if your having a really bad attack than take it. klonopin is a long term drug
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212161 tn?1599427282
Klonopin, is a great med you need to keep it in your system. thats how it works
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Omg I have the same thing you are not the only one ima a single dad of three two girls an a Boi an they help me so much my doc doesn't. Have a idea Wut it is either they say panic attacks super embarrassed when they turn on they make me feel like I can't breath heart racing faint light headed.  I feel like electric shocks are going through me scary I feel you gas you doc Sid anything
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Omg I have the same thing you are not the only one ima a single dad of three two girls an a Boi an they help me so much my doc doesn't. Have a idea Wut it is either they say panic attacks super embarrassed when they turn on they make me feel like I can't breath heart racing faint light headed.  I feel like electric shocks are going through me scary I feel you gas you doc Sid anything
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