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tired after eating

okay well every time i eat i always get really tired and end up sleeping afterwards. Even if i don't eat a whole lot i still end up getting tired and falling asleep about 5 minutes after i ate. I know for a fact that i don't have diabetes but it does run in my family along with high blood pressure and heart disease. But this has been happening recently at first i thought it was nothing but now this is happening every time i eat. i am only 105 pounds and 5 foot 2 inches so maybe it has something to do with my weight. i have no clue so if some one can help out with this that would be greatly appreciated.
8 Responses
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4851940 tn?1515694593
It had crossed my mind with looking it up, but I could not understand why anyone would just want to say "hello" in a post, so wondered if the letters stood for anything  (?)    :)
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144586 tn?1284666164
It means hello.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
What does "heklo" mean?
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144586 tn?1284666164
This sounds like an insulin utilization syndrome. In this case an HBA1C probably won't provide the answer, although it is a good idea to get one. You require an old-fashioned glucose test, or, alternatively  what is called the insulin-clamp procedure. High glucose levels after eating produce sleepiness.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
I would suggest that you make an appointment to see your doctor and ask if you can have a glucose intolerance test and do a HBA1C blood test.  a HBA1C blood test will show the average glucose levels in the blood stream over a period of approximately 3 months.

It may be that you have an insulin intolerance.  This means that your pancreas is producing insulin, but this is not being used adequately by your body.  

Tiredness after eating food can be due to your sugar levels getting too high and this will cause tiredness.  

You may be better eating small quantities more often rather than have a large meal all in one go.  

It is also a good idea to get checked out.
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You can have blood sugar reactions without being a diabetic.  Some people are more sensitive than others.  Not to say that's what it is for sure, but it still could be blood sugar.  Could also be poor nutrition -- we don't know what you're eating, how long between meals, etc.
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363281 tn?1714899967
Could be an allergy to what you are eating. You say you were tested for diabetes? Well, sometimes low blood sugar can cause the sleepiness after eating, have you had a glucose tolerance test performed?
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