649848 tn?1534633700

Sunday Weigh in May 12, 2024

Good morning everyone.  Happy Mother's Day!!  I hope you have  a wonderful day.  It's going to be quiet here; for the first time a quite a few years, I'm not cooking and husband is taking me out for lunch.  That will be a treat!!  

So how is everyone doing this morning?  I hope you're starting the day off great.  It looks to be a wonderful day here, even if it is somewhat early.  The sun is shining and I think we're headed to the upper 80's, maybe low 90's.  

It's been a pretty quiet week, yet somewhat hectic.  We're in the process of preparing for our end of season luncheon with the calligraphy guild.  We have a luncheon committee, but somehow the President decided that "she" needed to plan it all and she started to panic because the luncheon is next Monday (the 20th) and planning a luncheon is no snap task - that's why the luncheon committee has been at it for months!!   Anyway, in all fairness, this is the first year the President has been in office, but she's been a member of the guild since it's inception in 2016, and attends all the luncheons, Christmas Parties, etc, so I'm wondering how she could have missed that the luncheon committee handles all this.  Quite frankly, it's beginning to look like a couple of things might be at play here - one is that she's 82 yrs old and I'm wondering if a little "forgetfulness" is starting to take over and the other is the she seems to be something of a micro-manager.  Instead of giving people a job and letting them do it, she has to have her fingers in the pie, which often makes it takes bad for the people doing the work. Anyway, as the VP, she's been calling/e-mailing me in panic wanting to know about a variety of things and since the luncheon committee handles things, I can only tell her "the luncheon committee does that", then she gets frustrated and gets several other people involved (not the luncheon committee).  

I did agree to make some items for her to put into "goody bags" for officers and committee members and those are finished and only need to be wrapped.  I've also been working on a couple of projects for a Show & Tell for the luncheon.  I still have to make a pen that I promised to donate for a raffle.  

All that said, I guess you can tell I'm pretty much back to normal from my kidney stone ordeal.  I did pick up a yeast infection from being on 2 rounds of antibiotics, etc, but was able to get med at the pharmacy to deal with that.

So - my neighbor has been gone for a couple of weeks now, and I'm having a hard time getting motivated to get out and walk every day like I need to, which is making it hard to maintain the weight loss, let alone lose more!!  I'm also having something of a hard time curbing the appetite, so I'll have to work on both of those aspects.  I know they always say that diet contributes more to weight loss/gain than exercise, but I usually find the opposite.  If I exercise, I don't have to change my diet drastically and by the same token, changing my diet doesn't do a lot without exercising!!  I find that my legs get super weak if I don't exercise/walk, plus I do have that mild blockage in the arteries in my legs that I need to keep in mind - walking is the prescription!!

Anyway, my weight has been pretty steady all week, but last night I ate some salty chips and dip, so of course, I'm up by 2.4 lbs this morning.  I'm not believing that's fat since it came on overnight, so I'll  have to work on getting rid of it over the next couple of days!!  All roads lead to walking/exercise!!

So - that's my week, how was yours?  I hope you were able to reach your goal(s).

~~Wishing everyone a wonderful, successful week~~
1 Responses
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134578 tn?1716963197
Oops, I didn't write yesterday. My weight is the same this week as last, and considering that we went out for Mother's Day dinner last night, that's not bad. My daily tasks this week are also much the same, enlivened only by taking care of the neighbors' bottle-feeding kitten (that was found in the blackberry bushes) for a week while they go out of town. Kitten is getting bigger and more capable -- will chow down a whole bottle at a sitting now. lol They've named him Cosmo, pretty good considering they've never owned a pet. (We were secretly afraid they would go with "Fluffy" or "Mittens.")

I find that I've lately responded to the loss of a family member by obsessing on what to wear to the memorial service. Funeral/memorial service dress codes are not as obvious as they used to be, unless in a quite traditional church (or a movie. Every funeral scene on TV or in the movies has everybody wearing solid black, often with hats.) When my mother died, I settled for a grey sweater dress with very sheer black stockings and black shoes, but some of my sisters didn't even try to go with somber clothes. (When I told one sister I had been looking at black dresses, she reacted almost with derision -- "BLACK? I haven't gone to a funeral where people wore black in YEARS!") So I worked on it and wasted a lot of time looking at things, and came up with the grey.

Now that my stepfather has a memorial coming in August, I'm doing the same thing -- looking online and thinking about what's appropriate to wear. It will be hot weather, so no long-sleeved dark colors. But sundresses aren't appropriate either. Polka dots and florals are out, even if in navy & white or black & white. We're all going to be more or less on display in front of family and friends. (Luckily there is eBay; that's where I got the grey sweater dress last time.) Anyway, I think the frenetic looking at stuff is more about processing anxiousness from the loss, the stress of having taken care of our ailing parents, and realizing time is going by, than really about the actual garments. Wondering how I will look and if my relatives will think it appropriate, is probably standing in for wondering what the relatives think about how Mom and my stepdad were cared for in their last years. - Sigh. - At least on that count, we did do well for them, so I don't know why I'm still looking at so many clothes.

It's about a half hour to my Pilates class, and I don't want to delay this further, so I'll send. Will post back if my weight goes down any more by tomorrow morning. That Mother's Day dinner had to add something, right?

Have a great week!

Helpful - 0
For weighing after Mother's Day dinner, you did well...

Are you still "kitten sitting" with the baby found in the blackberry bushes?  I think Cosmo is a pretty good name for him.  It's great that he's doing so well, getting stronger and more able.  I'm sure everyone is feeling quite pleased that things have turned out so well.

I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time finding something to wear to your stepfather's memorial.  We all have different ways of getting through these things.  When my parents passed away the funerals were held within days of their passing, so there wasn't time to stress about what to wear.  When my mom died (1972), I'd not gone home planning for a funeral so I had just a few hours to run to the local JC Penney's and dress shops to find a suitable dress.   She'd been ill for a while and nobody questioned that my stepdad had taken the best care of her, so that wasn't a worry.  My stepdad was actually the man I considered "my dad", since he raised me.  Only one of us (a sister) lived close enough to be a care taker for him and our thinking was if we weren't there to help care for him, we had no say in his care and no right to criticize.   I did make that trip for a funeral.  I wore a black and white dress I had in my closet and because he loved to see me in red, I chose red accessories (earrings, necklace and belt).

I'm usually uncomfortable when I'm going to a funeral or memorial service - after all, I've lost someone I cared for, and since I've gained weight from 100 lbs to a lot more than that, I don't feel as good in my own skin as I used to.  Because of that, I try to wear what makes me feel best and most comfortable to deal with the situation.  There will always be people who criticize what I wear, but as long as I'm comfortable and feel good in what I'm wearing I'm not really concerned with what they think.  

That's just me - we all have deal with things our own way.  Funerals/memorial services don't demand all black anymore (hence my red accessories at my dad's funeral), but I'm sure you'll find something very appropriate, that's comfortable to wear and the relatives will end up being more than happy with the way y'all took care of your mom and stepfather.  After all, they weren't there doing the work.

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