
Colon Cancer Community

For about a week I have not being well , I have had stomach cramps, pains and nausea and then it progressed to full blown fevers, muscle ...
Son diagnosed 12/2018 with colorectal cancer. Tumor removed 9/2019 post chemo and radiation. Reconnect 11/2019 and two days later rushed ...
Hi Guys, I'm 44 male, I have blood in my stool from time to time, usually, after my poo has passed and I'm trying to get a bit more out t...
I just had a colonoscopy two days ago because of occasional rectal bleeding with bowel movement. To my surprise and apparently the doctor...
Worldwide studies of tens of thousands of people have demonstrated, as is true of me, that increased CEA can be associated with diabetes ...
I've had two colonscopies since age 50, my first colonoscopy found a pre-cancerous polyp (had a more dangerous figure, I was told) along ...
Popular Resources
Colon Cancer can affect anyone at any age. Ashley Havlena shares her story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Read on to find out how a fecal occult blood test saved Keith Friend’s life.
Colon cancer screening tests save lives. Learn how you can reduce your risk for colon cancer.
It’s a fact: You’re never too young for colon cancer. Learn more about the disease.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Amr Radwan shares his story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Angie shares her family's ongoing struggle with cancer.