
Colon Cancer Community

For the past week i've noticed that my stool has been changing in texture from day to day and that i've been having to push harder to get...
I wonder if someone could please offer some advice as I am becoming quite worried about his. I am a middle age mother of one and since...
Hello, I’ve been having daily rectal bleeding for 6 months now. I’ve been to the doctor and he told me i do not have hemorroids but I ...
After a bowel movement, I wipe several times because it takes awhile for the stains to stop, I'd see a spec of blood it's very tiny like ...
I'm and 18 year old female with a long history of cancer in my family. I have had constant diarrhoea for the past 5-6 months. I have also...
I recently had a (sigmoid) colectomy and was not given any restrictions on what food to eat. But last food I ate with boiled white rice w...
Popular Resources
Colon Cancer can affect anyone at any age. Ashley Havlena shares her story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Read on to find out how a fecal occult blood test saved Keith Friend’s life.
Colon cancer screening tests save lives. Learn how you can reduce your risk for colon cancer.
It’s a fact: You’re never too young for colon cancer. Learn more about the disease.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Amr Radwan shares his story.
You're never too young for colon cancer. Angie shares her family's ongoing struggle with cancer.