s Journals
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Digging deeper - getting closer to the problem?

Sep 16, 2009 - 0 comments

I just had to post this here so I have it to refer to. Prof Nicholson to Plateletgal from the Autoimmune Disease Forum:

"Anticardiolipin antibodies are found in most autoimmune disorders and especially in those that involve decreased mitochondrial function (essentially all fatiguing illnesses and many other chronic illnesses, such as neurodegenerative diseases, neurobehavioral diseases, among other diseases).  Cardiolipin is a specialized lipid that is mostly found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it is essential for oxidative phosphorylation or the production of high-energy molecules in the cell that are necessary for metabolism and cell function.  Reduction of the cardiolipin molecules results in leaky mitochondrial membranes, and these membranes must not be leaky or high-energy molecules can’t be produced, resulting in fatigue.  Infections damage cardiolipin and other membrane phospholipids by oxidation—the infections produce peroxides that oxidize the membrane lipids, and cardiolipin molecules are particularly sensitive.  Once damaged, they must be removed and antibodies can be made against them during this process.  These same oxidative events can damage the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, resulting in increased platelet aggregation and increased production of platelets to compensate for this."

I've had it

Sep 05, 2009 - 4 comments

Oh I just can't take it anymore. I made myself go to the pool yesterday afternoon when I was desperate to lie down.
It was great to see my friends and catch up, despite feeling tired and head-achey. But it made me realise just how much I'm missing out on because of this Condition. Whatever the hell it is.

I actually ended up unable to sleep last night. Wired but Tired. I felt weary, but happy this morning. Probably because Shim woke me up with tea and toast in bed. I tried to nap after because I was so tired, but it wouldn't happen. Damn. Now I've gone the other way!

I staggered out of bed and down to see the kids at 11. I lay on the couch until 3, then my headache and weariness in my body was so bad that I went to bed for 4 hours. Instead of going to the pool like I'd wanted to.

When will this boring, monotonous, achey exhaustion ever stop. What's going to help me? I'm looking down the Thyroid, CFS and Sleep Disorders routes. Which of them holds the key to my recovery?