Mysterious, Odd, Painful Bruising (Left Thigh) Albums
Not sure if you can see the tiny bruise on the left forearm ....
Not sure if you can see the tiny bruise on the left forearm ....
Inner Left Thigh (these bruises have been here a LONG time)
Inner Left Thigh (these bruises have been here a LONG time)
Do you see the tiny purple dots within the bruise?
Do you see the tiny purple dots within the bruise?
Same Bruise Outer Left Thigh
Same Bruise Outer Left Thigh
Can you see the tiny purple dots in the middle of the bruise?
Can you see the tiny purple dots in the middle of the bruise?
Another Image Trying to Show relative Size
Another Image Trying to Show relative Size
Another Pic of Largest Bruise Showing the Multiple Colors
Another Pic of Largest Bruise Showing the Multiple Colors