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1 week, on and off small stools vs okay stool. Small stools, 31 male, whats wrong?

Ribbon like stool
On and off ill have a good bowel movement
Been about a week
31 year old male
Do not exercise
Drinks water

2 Responses
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20894306 tn?1582104858
It could be due to irritable bowel syndrome. Fiber supplements along with probiotics, antispasmodics and antidepressants would provide relief.
If you're more worried about your situation then it is better to consult with the doctor.
Best of luck!
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Not enough history provided. This can be anything from idiopathic to low-fiber diet to anorectal stricture to irritable bowel syndrome; cannot exclude infection, inflammation, or cancer. If symptoms persist, see a gastroenterologist.
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