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Another Colonscopy? Colorectal cancer?

I had a colonscopy in January this year supposdly the Dr didnt find anything but fundic polyps in my upper GI (this was during an endoscopy) and in the colonscopy supposdly nothing but mild inflamation in end of my small intestine . 2 months ago I had very bad constipation (the kind that gets suck ...) after that a drop of blood on the tissue. Then I would have it on and off when I had constipation , fast forward to this week I get blood in the toilet bowl , doesnt look like there is any on the stool just around it. 2 days later blood again but seems less , then I sadly get my period so I cant tell anymore. BUT i went to the Dr and one doc told me they could see a tear or scratch near the anus (they did not put fingers inside just examined it out) the other told me i needed another colonscopy to rule out anything and the last doc told me it was a scratch and gave me some meds. Im travelling next week and just had an ectopic pregnancy i really dread going back to the hospital . My question is should I have another colonscopy? Could cancer have developed that fast???
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1806721 tn?1554333407
No, you need Rx to treat anal fissure
Helpful - 0
I love your relaxed responses truly.  They are a breath of fresh air.  I live with anxiety and when i read your responses they make me relax a little about things I fear.  Thank you for that!
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