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Any remedies out there for pelvic radiation damage and how long does it last?

Dx Colon Cancer met to peritoneum  4/17, ascendent colon removed and underwent Hipec surgery. Did 6 cycles of Folfox following surgery. NED for a year and few months after surgery. Recurrence summer 2018 in the pelvic area, tumor pressuring sigmoid colon and ureter. Started Folfiri 8/2018 to 8/2019. Stable for 111 months, Folfiri stopped worked during summer 2019. Surgeries in October to place a double J in ureter and stent in sigmoid colon, then did 5 radio therapies. Rx to start Folfox after radio. Done 1 cycle. The only heavy side effect was constipation. The issue is that as soon as i finished my last radio on 10/15 i started experiencing diarrheas , severe rectum irritation, mucus and tissue discharged, painful ruination, severe inflamation, sleepless nights.symptoms have changed including heavy pain in the bladder, small bowel area, which are sometimes diminish when i evacuate. The above falls short of all i’m experiencing , had to stopped working, lost additional 25 pounds after it all started. i’m deseperate and no one seems to provide a recommendation or a way to go or even best estimate as to whether this will ever end.
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