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I have a half brother that died from colon cancer.  My family has a history of polyps, thus I had my first colonoscopy at 37 (2 polyps) then at 46 (2 polyps)  All benign thankfully.  I've had complete annual physicals for the past 5 years and all good thankfully.  I am due for a colonoscopy and am stressing about more polyps.  Also have anxiety and that's flaring up because of the colonoscopy.  Should I be concerned?  Thank you!
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Because you are aware of developing polyps you can stay one step ahead of colon cancer with regular scopes.  Knowledge is power so instead of stressing over it be glad you have the knowledge to never develop colon cancer.  Some don't know until it's too late, but not you...you'll always be one step ahead!!!
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As your polyps have been benign previously, you can hope for the best. But a follow up in the form of colonoscopy and guided biopsy is necessary because of family history of cancer. Hence do not stress, just keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Take care and good luck.
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