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Hereditary Cancer?


Was wondering if any of you know about the genetics of the disease. I have a mom that was diagnosed at 53 and died at 58 of colon cancer. She did not get routine colonoscopies.

I just recently found out my Great Aunt and Great Uncle passed away from colon cancer. I'm still trying to confirm if they were sister and brother or from different sides of the family. Assuming they were sister and brother, but my grandparents did not get colon cancer and my mom did, does this make this definitely hereditary?

I would go get a gene blood test, but heard it's thousands of dollars.
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If your other was diagnosed at age 53, then you should begin having colonoscopy screening by age 43.  Be vigilant, early detection means a lot with colon cancer.

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1003051 tn?1260756114
I don't think it is hereditary because they got their colon cancer at the age wherein a person is at risk of colon cancer. If  you have this cases in your family, it is a nice move to have a test for colon cancer at your early age.  

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Colon cancer can be extremely hereditary! My mother-in-law has 4th stage colon cancer and it was recommended to my husband and his sister to have a colonoscopy at 40 years old. He did and they found 1 small (3mm) sized tumor that was found to be pre-cancerous.  His sister's result was clear. So, that's 50% chance right there. I agree with quinroxanne, be very vigilant! Good luck.
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I am well aware of the hereditary nature of colon cancer, I am the 4th generation in my family to be diagnosed with it.  My father, grandmother and great-grandfather all died from colon cancer.  I think you mixed us up, I said be vigilant and it was quinroxanne who said she did not think it was hereditary!

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