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Long Tender Lump Behind Anus

I wonder if someone could please offer some advice as I am becoming quite worried about his.

I am a middle age mother of one and since giving birth I have experienced moderate external hemorrhoids but they have caused me hardly any problems.

About 2 weeks ago, I noticed when sitting that the area behind my bottom felt like it was stinging slightly, I thought perhaps I had sat down on the toilet too quickly and perhaps had a little nick.  However, when this feeling continued, I checked to see if I could feel anything and there seems to be quite a long tender lump.  It starts about 2cm behind my anus, (not between the vagina and anus) and goes up towards where my coccyx is.  It seems about 3cm long and like a swollen muscle.  It is a little tender to touch.  After an awkward self-examination, it cannot be seen and is under the skin.  It feels long rather than round is not a hard lump but a fleshy lump.  Since noticing this, I have also experienced a slight feeling that I constantly need a bowel movement.  It is usually relieved when I have been but then comes back quite quickly.  Perhaps I am a little constipated after the Christmas diet!

Does this sound like internal hemorrhoids or something a little more sinister?  Any advice greatfully received.
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I hope you get this, I think you posted about 8yrs ago;  this is exactly what I have discovered just a couple days ago.
So please respond if you see this;  I hope you're ok
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