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PET scan result

Dr Nugent,
First of all, my question is about cancer not directly fall into the category of colon cancer. Unfortunately there is no other forum or community is more close to my question and I try to see if you have a few minutes to answer my question.

My Dad was diagnosed to have a prostate cancer (stage 2). He just got a  Perineal prostatectomy and recovery seems ok. Before he had the surgery, he had a PET scan. But the result looks a bit weird. The report indicates some low positive value at the neck and shoulder. He has another MRI but there is not indication of cancer spreading.
The readings of ACT Standard SUVmax are 1.9 and 2.4

He may go for a series of radiation therapy and visited 2 specialists.
One of the specialists are not sure why these 2 numbers though he think that it may be caused by the equipment being too sensitive. He required my father to go for another round of testing before he receive the radiation therapy

The other specialist thinks that this is impossible that the cancer spreaded to other area but there is no indication of cancer cell in the lower body. The specialist concluded that the value below 2 is very likely to be caused by the machine.

Can you explain what is that SUVmax ? What is a good golden benchmark for a positive indicator ?


3 Responses
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7791929 tn?1394769996
Hi Wilson.  I am not an expert in prostate cancer or PET scan imaging.  I can tell you that I have seen PET scans be too sensitive and over-read findings.  The fact that your father had an MRI scan of the areas that 'lit up' on PET scan makes me suspect that the findings on PET scan were artifactual.  I encourage you to discuss your concerns further with your father's doctors.  I hope this helps.

All the best,

Frank Farrell, MD
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Thanks for your info.
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7791929 tn?1394769996
You're very welcome Wilson.


Frank Farrell, MD
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