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Possible colon or bowel cancer?

Hi so I am a 22 year old male with no immediate family history of cancer, but on Monday I started having constipation issues, then that night I had some diarrhea and after that day till now I have been constipated. My usual habits are once maybe twice a day with healthy sized poops I guess you can say. But since Monday they have been smaller than usual and a little harder to go to the restroom. I don’t have any pain, when I am sitting down I kind of having a fullness feeling in my anal region but I don’t know if that’s from straining or anxiety flaring up. I also have noticed I have had more gas than usual, it doesn’t always smell but sometimes it does.  No blood in stool nor on toilet paper and it’s a light brown color. If anyone could respond to me with their experiance that would be great, thank you.
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It is unlikely that you have colon cancer given your age, but it is possible you have infectious and/or inflammatory bowel disease. If your symptoms persist, consider seeing a gastroenterologist for further workup and management.
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