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Post Colonoscopy concern

I received a routine colonoscopy three days ago because I turned 50 and my father was diagnosed with colon cancer when he was 52, so wanting to do the right thing for my health I had the colonoscopy. I have been feeling miserable ever since because I have not had a bowel movement. I asked my doctor about it and he said that it is normal and that I should "just wait."  This is an unacceptable answer, which I will discuss with him during my follow up next week. In the meantime, I am wanting to find out if not having a BM in three days is normal after a colonoscopy?  How long is normal? I am going to start drinking a laxative tea today, but would like a professional, intelligent answer to my question. I am concerned that something went wrong during the procedure that is causing this.
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Is there Another way to get a colonoscopy done without prep? I really can't go through it again even with possible cancer in my face ! I've been bloated put 40 lb. on in 4 mo. I'm constipated unless I take something & only go pinky finger width? Please is there a way to get colonoscopy without cleanse please reply?
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The bowel prep does require something of a restart. The colon has its own nervous system, so it will move in its own time. Try to eat normally, it may take something like 3 to 5 days before some sense of normal frequency would be experienced. IF there is pain, then you should consult your doctor to make sure there wasn’t any injury (though this is pretty rare). Stay positive.
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Remember that bowel prep you did the day before your procedure?  Well it cleaned you out pretty effectively.  I find that I don't have a bowel movement for a few days after a colonoscopy - and I've had many.  Not sure why this makes you miserable.  "Just wait" is excellent advice.
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