862235 tn?1336060295

What are the odds?

I recently completer a FOBT three part test and one of the tests came back positive for blood in the stool. I'm waiting patiently for them to schedule a colonoscopy. The wait is killing me. Are there other signs that I may be found to be one of the unlucky ones? I am 64 years old and have no family history that I am aware of. I'm of Germanic (Swiss) descent and have eaten a diet that would be typical in this part of the world, with smoked and cured meats and sauerkraut and red cabbage and that sort of stuff for most of my life. I'd been a smoker much of my life, recently switching to vaping. I used to drink quite a lot but haven't done a lot of drinking in the past 15 or so years.  I get diarrhea about 2 days every other week and I've always just attributed this to bad diet or food. On other days my B/Ms are really normal except I've found lately I don't go only one time per day like I used to. Any words of wisdom on this?
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