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What does T3N1M2 mean?

My friends' husband has been diagnosed with colon cancer.  They found a tumor that is very low in his colon.  They have removed the tumor but, have discovered that it has spread to his longs.  The are telling her that he has T3N1M2 and that it is a blood born cancer.  She asked that I try to look this up for her and (because I talk about this site all of the time) she asked that I ask you guys.  Any information would be beneficial.  She knows that it is pretty far into the cancer and she knows that it has progressed to quite a large degree but, the doctor's are talking to her as if she knows what all of this stuff means.  Please help me help her.  
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Thank you so much for your post.  It is very helpful.  We expected that the diagnosis was not good.  I wish I could help her through this time.  But, what can I do?  I found some other information on the internet that I gave to her but, I know it is very hard for her to read.  I hate being the one to give her this information.  But, she asked that I try to find out and I couldn't say no.  She is such a great friend and she is devastated.  If you have any advice on how to comfort her or any positive information that may help to ease the drama of all of this then please let me know.

Thanks to you and Maxado....
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I am so sorry to hear about your wife.  No words can comfort you in this particular situation however, I do realize it has been a couple of years.  Though time can heal, nothing can truely remove the pain that you feel when you loose someone you love.  I wish you all the best and I hope that you have begun to move on and can get throught this tough time. Again, I am very sorry.  Life just isn't fair sometimes.
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111889 tn?1240290262
Well I’m not a doctor but, I can tell you this much. I lost my wife in 2006 after 2 yr of chemo, so, when a person start vomiting and not holding nothing, that mean the colon start deteriorate not holding nothing on the stomago, getting weak every day and in less of 40 days died
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Hi, although I am not a Doctor (yet) I am studying for my PhD in Biochemistry. I believe you are reffering to the cancer staging TMN classification.

T- parameter is the extent (size) of the original tumor
N- is the lymph node involvement- 1 would indicate only local lymph node involvement
M- Is the level of Metastasis, (extent to which the cancer has spread beyond lymph nodes, eg organs)

So a T3N1M2- Would be a large neoplastic growth that in this case would have progressed into the muscularis propria (a lower region of gut tissue), with only local Lymph node involvement, but significant Metastasis (spread to other organs).

Usually the M parameter is either 0 or 1. As the patient has either Metastatic tumors, or not. There is really no "in between". However I have not seen the M parameter as 2.

Either way; Any cancer with a M value of anything other than 0 is classed as a stage IV.. I am sorry, the prognosis of S-IV is not good. My father refused treatment at this stage to preserve a quality of life, but the decision is up to the patient.

I hope this has been in some way helpful, watching a friend go through this must be awful, and I wish you the very best, there is always some hope. If the original growth has been removed, Radio and Chemo could have a dramatic impact.  
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