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What to eat and what to avoid?

I recently had a (sigmoid) colectomy and was not given any restrictions on what food to eat. But last food I ate with boiled white rice were: boiled chicken with papaya, non-spicy chicken curry with potato, chopped broccoli and potato omelette, stewed ground beef with carrots and potato seemed to have not sat well on my stomach. For 2 days now, I have diarrhea and stomach cramps that would last about 15seconds with pressure on my anus like I would defecate more but nothing comes out. My legs would feel numb, my shoulder tensed up and I would have goose bumps. After my tummy relaxes, it happens again after 30mins to an hour. Did any of the food I ate, 2 days prior, may have caused it or is this my stomach's natural reaction to food that could be high in fiber, oily or half cooked? Thank you for your time.
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