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Ascending colon pain?

I have been experiencing right-side pain radiating between my ribcage and hip, since February 2013. More recently I have had bouts of constipation (3-4 days) as well. I have had 1 x-ray, 2 ct's, 1 cystoscopy and an ultrasound.  The dr has ruled out stones, appendicitis, ovarian cyst and IC.  the pain is intermittent through out the day, every day but gets worse if I eat or drink ANYTHING.  I see the Dr. again next Friday but I'm wondering if I should suggest a colonoscopy.  I had one done 2 years ago before a hysterectomy and they found 2 benign polyps and removed them (at age 32).  I only just though of this yesterday.  My Dr. is ready to go forward with  surgery to remove my appendix (just in case) and take a look around while he is in there. Im not adverse to surgery but does anyone think I should investigate a possible colon issue first.  33 yr old female - although not physically active, I am not overweight either.
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I suggest trying a colonoscopy AND perhaps the HIDA scan before having a surgery as a precautionary measure that isn't even going to fix your problem, most likely.  I can't recall exactly what a HIDA scan is but  I'm very familiar with colonoscopies, having had one myself and I'm going for another very soon. (and my dad died of colon cancer)  

They aren't for just used as a diagnostic tool though.  Everyone over the age of 50 or 40 if there is a family history of colon cancer should have a scope done every couple of years.   I know you're only 33 but since you have symptoms associated with your bowels, it seems like a logical step to take.  It couldn't hurt anyway, just to take a look and rule out another thing and then your doctor can go ahead with the surgery.  

Just my two cents.  Best of luck to you and I really hope you're feeling better soon and get some answers.  
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1806721 tn?1554333407
HIDA scan? Surely colonoscopy is a less invasive way to investigate, but that's mostly for dx of IBD or colon cancer, which don't precisely match your sx.
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