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Colon Cancer prevention

I had a Colonoscopy done when I was 45 yrs old. The results were 5 tubulovillous Adenoma with no evidence of high grade Displasia. I also have 7 Thyroid Nodules scheduled for a biopsy soon. I am looking for recommendations and suggestions for Cancer prevention foods, supplements, herbs, teas, spices and antioxidants for the Colon, Thyroid shrinking Thyroid nodules of a plant based monthly or weekly meal plan for balanced recipes.
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15695260 tn?1549593113
Hello and welcome to MedHelp's forums.  We are glad you are posting this important question.  Here is an article that may provide some insight for you https://www.medicinenet.com/colon_cancer_prevention/article.htm.  Probably the biggest thing anyone can do to save themselves from colon cancer is screening.  continue to get those colonoscopies and the new method of cologuard is a wonderful advancement as a less invasive way of monitoring. Generally speaking, a healthy diet that includes lots of fruit and fiber is the way to go, maintain proper weight and do not smoke.  But read the article for more information.  We hope you stick around to share more with our members!
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