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colon cancer?

I am a 31 year old female, just had a colonoscopy done where the Dr. removed 5 polyps, one which was abnormally large. They were sent for bioyopsy. What kind of risk am I for colon cancer? I have severe constipation, bleeding rectally and in stools, bloating most of the time, extremely gasy, and suffer from acid reflux.
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Hello I have been having polyps removed since 44  I am now 48  they say there slow growing  but seem to be growing faster just had my #3 colonoscopy and they removed mulitply polyps started at 8mm and moving up to two 25 mm sesile polyps that spot was tattooed.. and a 15mm next to the  25 mm and that was two years after my last .. now I will be having colonoscopy every 6months to a year...I thought they where slow growing.mine are coming back with a vengence....
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Polyps unfortunately elevate the risk of GI cancer.  Not sure if these are cancerous or not; have to wait for the biopsy.

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