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large intestine polyp and histological examination

My uncle, 88 years old, has been diagnosed with a 5 cm long colon polyp. He has done a CT scan of the lungs, upper and lower abdomen, which showed some secondary formations in the liver. Histological examination of the polyp showed only inflammation and not malignant tumor . Because the doctors considered that the result of the histology was wrong, a second histological examination was performed. In the first histology 3 samples were taken and in the second 20. Something strange happened here. While he paid the second histological examination for 70 dollars and is waiting for the results, the doctor call him and told him that because, again, of the twenty samples he took, he still can not diagnose whether it is malignancy or not, he used a new method (immuno-histological) with which he was able to see if it is malignancy or not. But he didn't tell him the result. To tell him, he asks him another 200 dollars, because that's how this method costs 200+70=270 dollars.. What's going on here ?
Thanks for any help
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