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rectal/abdomonial pain/pressure

Hi, Please can you help!! im getting more and more confused and scared! Im a 33yr old woman (no children) otherwise fit and well. For 2 weeks i have been getting pain/pressure in my rectum and round my coccyx area, it is painful to sit. This follows 4 months of groin and abdomen pain (all left side) I have been seeing osteopath and physiothereapist as my GP thinks this could be due to my kyphoscoliosis.( but i am sure its to do withy my colon) The groin pain has now completely gone but now the rectal/coccyx area is playing up!! My physio and osteo have bandied about things like nerve attachments (sciatic) and piriformis and psoas and sacro iliac joint pain.. The pain in my rectal area is felt in my groin like they are pulling together no excersises help althoug sitting directly on my seat bones and forward helps a little. I have had alot of pain in the sacrum and  L4 (?) area but all im left with is the rectal abdominl pain. I have been constipated but no blood or mucus  (stools are hard but usually manage to go every 2/4 days. Could this really be musco-skeletal? I am more and more convinced this is something to do with my colon as the pain in my ab is over the sigmoid colon. Also i have had IBS for 10 years but always had diorrhea and very rarely constipation.For the past 4 months i have had difficulty passing a motion and gas has increased. I have a good diet and lots of excersise and drink tons of water. It doesnt hurt to defecete.#My GP gave me a rectal exam and said all fine and is not forthcoming when i say i think i should be referred to a colorectal department. Please help!! Any thoughts and advice wouyld be really appreciated. Thank you
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Please someone help..im going mad over this!
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Although you are young to have colorectal cancer, the change in bowel habits and pain sound ominous to me.  Have you had colonoscopy?  Better to rule it out by visualising your colon than to rely on a rectal exam only.  Ask for colonoscopy.  Best of luck.
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