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I have hsv 1 genital and i want to know more about it and how to eplain to a guy i like.

I have HSV 1 genital and I am having a hard time finding correct information about it. I want to educate a guy i like about it so he is not so scared off by me. He assumes the risk of getting it from me are high. What are the risks of me transmitting it to him via sex or receiving oral sex from him? Are the risks any less with Valtrex? How worried should he be to have a relationship with me?
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101028 tn?1419603004
He'll need to be tested to know what his own status is. Most folks who have hsv1, don't get obvious cold sores to know it. if he's hsv1+ already, it's of almost no risk to him at all. Even if he is hsv1 -, the risk of transmission is overall very low for him.  Also if he has hsv2, you'll want to know that so you can protect yourself from contracting hsv2 which most likely would result in more frequent recurrences for you.

we don't have exact stats for hsv1 genital transmission. It can happen but the risk of such is fairly low in general. it only sheds about a dozen days total out of the year, whether you have obvious recurrences or not. The odds of having sex on one of those days is pretty low.  

Unless you get obvious cold sores too, no easy way to know if you also contracted hsv1 orally around the same time you contracted it genitally. What few studies we do have on genital and oral hsv1 infections show that anywhere from 1/4 -2/3's of folks who contract hsv1 genitally, also contract it orally. It's worth while to discuss if you only want to engage in protected oral sex, at least initially, too. Statistically 1 out of every 2-3 people you both know has hsv1 orally. it's incredibly common.  He might think you are the first person he's been with who has had herpes but odds are that you aren't. You are just the first one to be aware that you are infected and have been open and honest with him about it.

keep asking questions you both have :)

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Hi, if you have HSV1 sheds less than HSV2 so he has less of a chance of contracting it from you than someone who has HSV2. Also, someone who has HSV1 will probably not have as many outbreaks as someone who has HSV2.
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1174003 tn?1308160819
You can read the free herpes handbook at www.westoverheights.com The data there is good along with some patient videos.

The risk is less with HSV-1 genital because it doesn't have the viral shedding rate that is seen with HSV-2 genital.  You are not a high risk  just avoid sexual encounters when anything genital is going on.  

Keep asking us questions.
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101028 tn?1419603004
has your guy been tested to know his own status?

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No he has not been tested, I know a lot of people have oral herpes and don't know it and I've suggested he get tested. I guess I just don't fully understand what it is exactly I have. Everything I have read is about HSV2 or Oral HSV and what i do find is conflicting. The guy has been researching it and everything he has came across scared him and he thinks the risk is to high to assume a relationship with me. that is why i am trying to find more about it so I can better educate myself and him. Thanks for any info and help its greatly appreciated :)
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So if he gets checked and is HSV 1 negative his odds of contracting it from me would still be very low? Are the odds even lower with anti- viral meds? I have read that there is fewer outbreaks and less shedding with genital HSV 1 and I have only had one outbreak and that was the initial OB. Can HSV 1 be passed from the genital to the oral? How much of a risk would it be for unprotected sex? Sorry for so many questions, I'm just trying to figure this all out its a learning process and I want to know as much as I can.

Thanks so much,hope you can continue educating me on this matter :)
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101028 tn?1419603004
we don't have info to know if daily suppressive therapy reduces transmission of hsv1 or not. we know it won't hurt but we don't know if it would really help either. Since hsv1 genitally doesn't shed hardly at all, not a lot of bang for your buck to take suppressive therapy.

Yes you can transmit hsv1 from the genitals to the oral area but the risk of such is very low. Hsv1 genitally doesn't shed very often so the odds of shedding the virus when a partner performs oral on you is low in general.

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Thank you for all the responses and help. If there is any other info that you have and feel could be helpful to me, please let me know.

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I am a little confused on how to spot a recurrence of GHSV-1. I am unable to decipher between whats normal and abnormal down there. I have been experiencing a lot of irritation in the vulva area like a burning kind of itchy feeling. It was a week before my period when it started and i  just been treated for a uti but now it burns my skin in the vulva when I urinate. Also after some self pleasurement I experienced hive like swelling in the same vulva area with intense itching,was almost like i was having an allergic reaction to my own secretions. I washed the area and applied A&D ointment but now I still have the slight itch and I am a little red and there is this one spot to the side of the area that feels like a a little fissure or something, its kind of tender but not really. I cant see it, only feels irritated and stuff. Otherwise it all seems fine down there just itchy . I'm not sure if what i am experiencing are signs pointing to an OB or that i have a yeast infection and am just irritated from that but i also don't have discharge or smell so I'm thrown off there. I do feel somewhat dry and don't know if that has anything to do with it either. Its just hard to rule out what is normal and what is not. Every itch every tingle every bump is a concern for me. I'm not sure what to look for or when to assume what indeed would be another OB after my initial.  Could you please give me some insight.

Thanks for your time.
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101028 tn?1419603004
hard to tell if this is a recurrence or not. it sounds like something else going on. have you been seen and had an exam and testing for yeast and bacterial infections vaginally?
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