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Dry Mouth!!!!!!

I'm a Ftm 32+ weeks and when I go to bed my nose becomes stuffed and my mouth becomes like the desert!! I keep water by my bed and drink probably 3 HUGE cups throughout the night... I wake up every hour with the worst dry mouth ever!!! I know I'm not dehydrated because I drink so so much... Anyone else experience this on a nighty basis. ?? I'm getting very little sleep due to hip pain .. being uncomfortable.. having to pee. and now this dry mouth crap ... its definitely the WORST ... wahhh
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Humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep will help take care of that. :)
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I'm 38 weeks now and what you described in your post was totally me a few ago. Here's what I did, I went out and got a humidifier and set it directly next to my bed. That help a lot with the dry mouth! Then I started oil pulling bc I looked up dry mouth and throat and some pretty weird things came up. Like sorts of gum disease. Oil pulling helps kill and pull all the toxins out of your mouth. I'm much better now. Still a little dry but I can sleep. Then about my hip (left side) I started stretching (the best I could lol) and made sure I had lots and lots of back,belly and leg support which really helped. I hope you feel better and Congratulations!!! :)
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I have been using a humidifier for weeks .. hasn't helped at all. . any other advice ladies!?
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I have a cold that is causing this for me, too. I feel your pain. Hopefully it doesn't continue the rest of the pregnancy for either of us.
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Hummm... well if the humidifier didn't help I would stich my toothpaste with one for dry mouth as well at my mouth wash. They have some for dry mouth. Also I read that cutting back on sugars latter in the day seems to help.
A article also talked about chewing sugar free gum before bed or a super free candy to stimulate saliva.
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Glucose test. Not to be a negative Nancy but that would be my worry.
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It's just because your nose is stuffed and you have to breathe through your mouth. The solution isn't going to be how to make your mouth less dry, but how to make your nose less stuffed. I'm not sure what is safe to do or take during pregnancy. Have you tried a neti pot? It's just running saline water through your nasal cavity.
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You could also try sleeping in a more upright position. This will help your nose as well.
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yeah the nose isn't always stuffed. so I know its not that.. now i have developed sores in the back of my throat =[ and it's all day dry mouth. I have  Dr app today. this **** has become painful (cause of the sores)
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Breath rite strips help alot! But i still have this exact problem even with humidifier and drinking water throughout the night but its slightly better
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