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Missed 2 periods but negative HTPs....pregnant????

Hello. I am so baffled over my situation and I am hoping someone will have some advice for me. I am 19 years old and have had my period for 9 years now and it has always been regular. I have never missed a period before. My LMP was about July 17th, 2007 and it is now September 23 and I have not had a period since. No light bleeding, no spotting, nothing at all. My boyfriend and I have unprotected sex (using withdrawl) and I am not on any form of birth control. I took an HPT a week after my first period was missed and it was NEG. I took another one about two days later, it was NEG. I took another one right around the time of my second missed period and it was still NEG. What is going on with me? I am not under any stress. Never had any "female" problems in the past. I thought for sure I was pregnant when I missed my period since I've never missed before. I am urinating more frequently. I am not one to ever get headaches but the past month I am getting headaches quite often. As far as nausea, I really haven't been nausiated recently, but on and off I was feeling sick to my stomach in the past month. I get tired easily. My breasts were really sore back when I was expecting my first missed period, for about a week or two, but they don't really feel sore now. They feel a little heavy but thats about it. I feel bloated all of the time with occasional pressure and/or slight cramping. I also notice my urine is cloudy most of the time if that means anything. (Not a UTI) Is it possible that I can still be pregnant after the 3 negative HPTs?? I have a doctors appt. Oct. 2 with my OB/GYN. Someone please help!! Thank you!!
85 Responses
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242596 tn?1192425949

When you see your physician they'll ask you about stressor, sx's of menopause and any history of irregular menses.  You will want to make sure they check your thyroid level (TSH) and a prolactin level.  They will also perform a pregnancy test at the office.  Further, a gyn exam should be performed to ensure normal anatomy.  After all that is completed, you should have some answers.  Remember sometimes this type of thing can happen with no clear cause.

Best regards,

Dr. Downing
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Definitely get a blood test done. I had 4 months worth of negative tests and finally got a positive blood test and got to listen to the baby's heartbeat the day I found out I was truly pregnant...at 16 weeks
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I am so glad to finally hear from someone who has actually had that happen to them! I have so many questions! Did your doctor say why this happens sometimes when HPTs just won't pick up a pregnancy?? Is it common!??
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They said that my hCG levels just didn't go up so it wouldn't register on the urine test but that blood tests could pick it up. They never did give me a definitive answer as to why. My only thought was my weight was so low when I got pregnant b/c I didn't even start showing until well into my 6th month.
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Did he say how common that is? Does it happen to more women then people realize??
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Hello ladies. I am in the same boat. I am 22 years old and my periods are normally regular, typically a 33 day cycle. My husband and I were pregnant earlier this year, but I miscarried 4 weeks later. Now, as I am writing, today is October 3rd, and my last period was on August 26th. That means I am 6 days late and on a 39 day cycle.
I have taken 3 HPTs and all came up negative. I have been very tired lately, dizzy, naseous (I can barely brush my teeth without gagging), I have lower back pains, my appetite is all screwy (I had saltine crackers and peanut butter for dinner the other night), my breasts are tender, I am VERY moody, my skin has broken out more than usual, and I feel as though I am on my period, but I am not bleeding.
I am started to get very confused as to why my period is SO late. I haven't changed my diet, my exercise, been on any medications, been sick...everything is the same as it has always been and I can't figure out why if I am so late, why the home tests say negative.
Any ideas? Any comments or advice are greatly appreciated!
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Hi ladies,

I need to start off by letting you know that when I was PG with my son I didn't get a positive home test until I was 8 1/2 weeks pg.

Now I am never late. The 1st day of my LMP was 8/8/07. I have taken multiple home test all NEG. I have taken two different types of blood tests both NEG. I have however on 9/25/07 had a vaginal ultrasound at which time I would have only been 4 weeks from conception and all they would have been able to see at that time is a sac filled with fluid if I was PG. Well that is what they saw. And that is when they did the second blood test that tells you your actual HCG levels. The next I got a call telling me that my HCG levels are 0. Wait another two weeks and if nothing happens follow up with your doctor. Well I made an appointment for 10/11/07 in the afternoon. Friday I will have missed my second period.

My breasts are sore and heavy. I have lost weight but my lower stomach has gotten slightly bigger. I do not turn away from foods that I used to like, but I really only want mexican food. I have off and on cramps but dull ones and not sure if I am really feeling sick or not. Didn't get morning sickness with my son.

Has anyone every heard of this before?
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I had my doctors appt. today. I got a PAP and she said everything looks normal. I had a urine pregnancy test done in the office and that was NEG. She said I could just be having irregular periods. I am a bit aggrivated. First of all I've never been irregular. Then she said she could give me a pill to induce my period  and then put me on birth control and I was pretty much like.. no, not until I get a blood pregnancy test showing me that I am definately not pregnant or until my period naturally comes. I am not taking the chance of starting birth control when I haven't even had a blood test to completely rule out pregnancy! So I am going tomorrow morning to get my prolactin and thyriod levels tested and to make sure I don't have polysystic ovary syndrome. She said if my next period is missed then we will do blood pregnancy test and after that is definately ruled out she will give me pill to induce period and start me on the pill. I just don't understand why a blood preg. test couldn't have just been done today.. Im sick of waiting to find out whats wrong with me
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Isn't weird that they can't give you an explanation as to why you haven't started your period, or why it's so late? I still haven't started and part of me knows that my period will come soon, but I have all of the classic signs of pregnancy but the HPTs keep coming up negative. I really want to be pregnant, but I don't want to get my hopes up about being pregnant, when I'm sure my body is just doing something funky. If aunt flo hasn't come by Monday, I'll go have a blood test done, but it's just so odd that I am so late!
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Hi I am 5 days over due for my AF and took a hpt which came back negative. I am having all/most symptoms of early pregnancy including headache, dizziness, constant nausea , and extreme fatigue. I am diagnosed with PCOS and have had one misscarriage and failed attemp to an IVF. I was wondering if I still can be preg with BFN or am mistaking PMS to be my preg symptoms?
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There's always that possibility of being pregnant, but getting a BFN. I've read about countless women who had lots of BFN HPT results, but went to the doc for a blood test and/or ultrasound and it turned out they were in fact pregnant.
I am now on day 7 of being over due for my AF. I am going to wait one more week, test again, and if still negative and no AF, I will go in for a blood test.
I say just wait it out for a bit, I know it's nerveracking and annoying, but sometimes that's what you gotta do.
Good luck!!
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Hello  everyone...I am 25 and I already have an 8 year old girl... I was on Depo Provera ever since I had my daughter..My husband and I decided to try for another baby and I got off Depo on September 2006.  Please have in mind that while I was on Depo I never got my period in 7 years.... NO PERIOD NO SPOTTING...

I got my period for the first time on December 2006 and ever since I have been regular... I get my period every month and last 4 days....We have been trying hard every month to get pregnant without any luck...I had my last period on September 1, 2007 and it's now October 4 and no period yet.... I spotted on and off for two days on September 12 & 13 which was my week of ovulation.. I got scared since that had never happened to me before....Now I feel very bloated, dizzy, tired and my breast are so soar that I can't sleep at night....

I took three pregnancy test and they have been negative.....I do not know what to think.... I feel pregnant, but am scared to find out am not...I will schedule an apoointment with my doctor next week to have a blood test done if by then I do not get my period.....Meanwhile am taking precautions in case that am pregnant.....

What do you think ?  Am scare that if am pregnant something could be wrong after I spotted those two days.... Well I'll let you guys know through out the week.....

Bye and Thanks
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I usually have very sore breast a week before my period is due.  I am suppose to start today but my chest has not hurt even a little this whole month.  I usually start first thing in the morning and I havent so far.  Has anyone ever had this happen and end up pregnant?
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It sounds like all of this is fairly common. From my own experience, I have to say that 1) most dr.'s are dumb 2)listen to your body. I honestly thought I was dying for 4 months b/c all of my tests came back negative. Right around the time I should have had my period, I spotted for about a day. Then nothing. I was sick, tired, everything hurt, I wasn't nauseous, just felt like my stomach was eating itself. I lost about 10lbs. And just felt like **** and all I wanted was mexican food and baked potatoes. The dr.s had me take about 6 urine tests in office and that was after I had already taken about 12 at home. The last test had a line so faint that the dr had me look at it to see if I saw it too! So we did a blood test the next day, my husband and I waited to get the results, and when the dr came in she goes "Well congrats you're pregnant! Would you like to hear your baby's heartbeat?" So yeah needless to say I was 16 weeks pregnant and still not showing when I finally got a positive. Nothing is impossible. I'd push for the blood test sooner though.
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I'm going in for a blood test tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. I have a history of miscarriage and decided that it's best not to mess around when my body is not right. Plus, I'm so tired of people around me saying that I'm fine, and that I'm making up all of my symptoms. A woman knows when her body is not right, and mine definitely isn't! But, I have to wait til Monday for the results :(
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I posted a few days ago about this same problem. I am now 14 days late (I was 11 days late when I originally posted). It's killing me not to test again after hearing all these stories. I'm not looking to be pregnant but at the same time I know I'll be disappointed by another negative test. I pee all the time, I get hungry when I normally wouldn't, I seem to pick up (and be disgusted by) smells easier, and I've had heartburn off and on going on 3 days now. I don't have any kind of insurance..is there some place you can get blood tests done for free? I've not experienced any of the normal signs that I'm about to start my period. You'd think that after all the thousands of years women have been giving birth..this kind of stuff would be more understood. Any advice? Should I go ahead and test again or wait? Please respond.
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Thanks for your encouraging reply. I am gonna wait fo another week before I get my blood drawn. I just hope that it will turn out the way I want  to :) Baby dust to us all!
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Do you have a Planned Parenthood where you live? I would also check into any community clinics that offer free or low cost services to folks without insurance. Now that it's been two weeks since you've missed your period, I would test again...but don't get discouraged if it is a BFN. If you do have a Planned Parenthood, I would call them explain what's going on and see if they can get you in for bloodwork. Good luck to you!
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Hi.  I am 26 and have been ttc for about 7 months now.  My period is just 2 days late, and my cycles range 31-33 days.  I have had the worst cramps for about 5 days and the day before my period was due I had slight pinkish discharge (for about 2-3 hours), I was sure my period has started but then the cramps stopped and it never came.  I tested on the day of the due period (I did not use morning urine but did use a sensitive test) and it was BFN.  My period has still not arrived.  I should also mention that my breast are huge (like a cup bigger than usual) and tender.  Also I have slight nausia (no vomiting) off and on.  Furthermore, I have started to get the worse mood swings (I cry then I laugh) and have also had the worse case of constipation and gas ever.  What should I do?  Any comments are welcome    
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That could have been implantation bleeding. When I was pregnant with my twins my test only had a faint line at 5 days late. I would wait a couple days and take another. You seem to be having many symptoms of early pregnancy, but I also know how easy it is to find them when you really want them ( because I am doing the same thing).
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293909 tn?1205446621
Hi everyone........
I just want to tell you all I have took 14 pregnancy test in the last two months. And they keep coming neg.
I weigh keeps going up and down. I normally weigh 98lbs. I don't usually have boobs, but my boobs are getting bigger and heavier, tender. I think the reason why my weigh keeps coming up and down is because I alway nausea. Sometime I get scared to eat. I still have gotten a period. I always tired, even when I first wake up. What wrong with me? Is this normal? Please help
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293909 tn?1205446621
Hi everyone........
I just want to tell you all I have took 14 pregnancy test in the last two months. And they keep coming neg.
I weigh keeps going up and down. I normally weigh 98lbs. I don't usually have boobs, but my boobs are getting bigger and heavier, tender. I think the reason why my weigh keeps coming up and down is because I alway nausea. Sometime I get scared to eat. I still have gotten a period. I always tired, even when I first wake up. What wrong with me? Is this normal? Please help
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When were you supposed to have your period?
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293909 tn?1205446621
last time i had it was aug 14, 2007
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