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Chronic rectal pain


My mother has been suffering from rectal pain for the past 6 years - this pain occurs from the moment she wakes up until she falls asleep (no pain experienced while she's asleep).

She did all types of medical tests throughout the past years but nothing substantial has been found.

She has hemorrhoids grade 2 but the doctors say they are OK.

I was wondering whether you've encountered a similar case with such symptoms and if it would be possible to get any guidance as to how this should be treated.

Thanks so much for your help as my mom is desperate having endured these continuous pain for the past 6 years.

Best Regards.
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Hi, its unlikely that hemorrhoids can cause this constant pain. It could be due to colitis or inflammatory bowel disorders. It could also be due to chronic infection like amoebiasis or rectal growths. If the stool culture showed a growth it is an infective pathology otherwise non infective pathologies like inflammatory bowel diseases or growths have to be considered. Discuss these options with your doctor when you happen to meet him next time. Regards.
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Has your mother been check for celiac disease it could be what's causing the problem cut out all gluten for a few days and see how she feels
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