
Emotionally Abusive Relationsh

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Emotionally Abusive Relationsh

My brother in law has been mentally and possibly physically abusing my neice and nephews an...
I love my boyfriend more than anything but we argue so much! Also everytime we argue he tr...
please see my original post on April 17th under the title of "new to all this and exhauste...
Should I feel guilty for not liking my father? He is so emotionally abusive that I can't s...
I've just recently realized with the help of a few friends that my mother has been emotiona...
I have always had difficulty with depression, on and off, but recently I was in a relations...
Are there support groups and shelters for emotional abuse from husband. I have NO ONE!! ...
Ive honestly had enough, our relationships runs around in circles, nice for a day or two th...
Is it wrong to not have the father of my child in the delivery room? Even tho he is emotion...
Since I can remember my parents have financially supported me, raised me with good morals, ...
Hi, I've read a lot of the blogs, but wanted to share my situation since I have seen only s...