Elopment Day 2012
Elopment Day 2012
Comments (4)
1936411 tn?1333831849
JaneK1975, Jun 04, 2012
This is all I have from the day we got married, ladies. DH's best friend - who was also our witness - took a bunch of photos but I don't have them yet. We're having a ceremony for family on July 21st. That's the day there will be pictures of, with a white dress and all. I'll be sure to upload some of those. Love you all.
1981227 tn?1336328438
bubbles_04, Jun 05, 2012
I love this pic!! such a cute pair you are :)
739070 tn?1338603402
rendean, Jun 06, 2012
Love the picture!!!  Who needs a white dress or tux. Now, the reception is another story....  :~)). Need pics of the cake, drunken relatives wearing lamp shades, etc.
1168718 tn?1464983535
candy158, Jun 19, 2012
love this, you look like you are beaming... !!  Congrats you guys !!!     This is the best time of your lives...