This is what alcohol and stupidity got my son.
This is what alcohol and stupidity got my son.
Comments (4)
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Apr 14, 2011
whoops how old is he , I bet he learned a hard lessen ...
787406 tn?1339203183
iris986, Apr 14, 2011
He is 26 years old. Spent 5 years in the Navy as a Yoeman, then came out and quit a 13 dollar an hour jo, then got fired from another 13 dollar an hour job just so he could draw off unemployment and party. It will be 2 to 3 months before they will even allow him to put his foot on the ground, in the meantime it is left up to us to support him financially because of what he did, his dad is so mad at him for getting drunk and jumping off a second story balcony just to get to the beer faster than his friends.
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Apr 15, 2011
hahaha and I thought they wre the legs of a teen ....ooohh his Dad better get tough on him ..especially as you guys are paying, maybe he has learnt his lessen.
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sweetpea03, Jun 09, 2011
Owie, looks like that one hurt. Hope he learned his lessen.