Meet Sally ... our 4yr old greyhound rescued today (17-02-2013)
Meet Sally ... our 4yr old greyhound rescued today (17-02-2013)
Comments (4)
612551 tn?1450022175
Jerry_NJ, Dec 12, 2014
I see at least 3 different dogs in you pic portcullis, are Sally and Giro the only dogs you now own?   A friend adopted a greyhound about two years ago, that was the first GH I came close too since the one we owned when I was about 13 years old, I had forgotten how "Sweet" thay can be  I see i t Sally's eyes (assume that is Giro's nose in the RH lower corner of the picture)  if I got the names backward, sure you are able to translate.

Merry Christmas.
1916673 tn?1420233270
tonyb286, Jun 12, 2015
For some reason I didn't get notification of your post to this pic, Jerry, so a year later ... here I am replying. Yes, there are 3 dogs - the fawn coloured greyhound in other pictures is Rippa, a friend's rescued greyhound that I look after from time to time, when they are on holiday usually. He's the sweetest most submissive dog, a bit frightened of everything (probably due to his dreadful background, being from a drug-gang house - he still has cigarette burns on his back) ... but so lovable and affectionate. He loves running on the beach with our two dogs.
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GreyGret15, Jul 16, 2015
Yes, yes ...the same look of Greta.
1916673 tn?1420233270
tonyb286, Jul 22, 2015
Sally has been with us over 2 years now - my how time flies. She has proved to be the sweetest of dogs. A typical greyhound, who loves to run on the beach, but then tires quickly and is happy to walk the rest of the way. She still has some "baggage", like all rescues. She loves to turn upside down when she nestles up to us for a tummy rub ... and then falls happily asleep in that same position. BUT, if she wakes suddenly, she can snarl and growl at the first thing she sees, so we tend not to stay too close to her when she's sleeping. We think this is a link to her puppy days, when she was probably kennelled along with multiple other racing dogs - and had to fight for her space to sleep, feed, etc. Within seconds, she realises where she is - a safe and loving place - and becomes our Sally again, calm and tranquil. She's a great dog and we love her to bits.