Sophie and Oscar my black and white babies
Sophie and Oscar my black and white babies
Comments (3)
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CheeserNurse, Apr 26, 2009
What adorable dogs you have!!
847433 tn?1243009652
missy142, Apr 26, 2009
omg adorable............
98474 tn?1240105274
flowerfloosey, Apr 26, 2009
They are actually cuter than these pics. The looks on their faces in this pic are kinda weird. They are parti mix(their color) cockapoos. I did tons of research on them before choosing a breeder. They came by airplane! Sophie is 7 (the biggest one) and the other is "Oscar" age 4 named for the fish Oscar in Shark tale which our son worked on as an animator.

These pups are amazing personality wise and let my grandchildren almost maul them and they just sit and let them. They are smart and loveable and loyal. They are my babies...can't you tell...thanks for you comments!