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Weight Tracker*
for giggles232000
Weight Tracker Stats
Start weight:
340.0 lb
Weight change:
Lost 50.6 lb
Current weight:
289.4 lb
Goal weight:
150.0 lb
% Goal Complete:
% Time Complete:
Goal tracking ended.
Days left:
Goal tracking ended.
*The information presented here should never be used to replace, augment, or change an existing treatment plan under the supervision of a medical professional.
Notes for this Tracker
Post It
Just a quick note to say hi!
Well done...keep up the good work!
Congratulations! Time for a celebration...
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Hey girl! I sent you a private message about FL4I and a link to my website I'm going to use to also track my weight loss journey on this thing.

I also gave you my email address, so you can email me anytime.

I've only been on this program for a short is day 6.  I'm no expert on it and am still learning about it, but losing 10.4 lbs in 5 days and eating 4 times a day seems too good to be real, but the program states that a person can lose 9 each 11 day cycle and then you get 3 "cheat days"!!!  Fruit day was the hardest on me, because I kept feeling hungry, but that forum I sent you a link to suggested tomato soup...since a tomato is considered a fruit, so that helped me.  The 4th of July is my "Vegie" day, and I'm not looking forward to it. I didn't get fat from eating em
1387195 tn?1320918454
See, just keep at it and it will drop in no time!!! you are doing so great!
1672070 tn?1303853571
wow, u r inspirational.
1452624 tn?1311815860
Yahoo!  Look at you go.  Just a little more until your goal!
Journals for this Tracker

Apr 26, 2013
its been 4 months today since I had my surgery, I am down 70lbs and very happy, I am so glad I did it, cant wait to hit goal, no clue when that will be as I am on a plate...

Feb 22, 2013
Dr says I am doing great, I am down 45 since post op and 43 since day of surgery, every thing is going great,. I am starting to slow down and they said that is to be expec...

Jan 24, 2013
Ok so today was my 4th week and I am down 29.7, I am sick right now so having a hard time keeping anything down, but I am still feeling good as far as the surgery startin...
Introduction to Trackers
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Tracker Toolbar
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The Timeline
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